Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 288: Understanding The System Behind The Mutant Organization...

Chapter 288: Understanding The System Behind The Mutant Organization...

Chapter 288: Understanding The System Behind The Mutant Organization…

— The Mutant Organization has its own heirachy of disciples. The common class, the elite class and the Superclass.

Those from the 300th ranking to the 21st Ranking are all common class and would enjoy very low attention of the organization compared to the Elite and the supernal.

The Elite class are for those from the 20th ranking to the 2nd ranking. They are the elites among the students, enjoying greater benefits than the Common class and lesser than the Supernal Class.

The Supernal Class is the ultimate class among the entire students. They are the future of the Mutant Organization and therefore enjoy the all out benefits of the Organization. Being a group of exceptional people, they are not to be revealed to the common students, and the only person among the Super class which was revealed is the current 1st on the rankings.

The benefits of the different rankings are listed below:

1.) The Common Class…

>> Access to lectures from the grade 100 to grade 80 Envoys in the various lessons of Mutations.

>>20 Death points to buy cultivation resource.

>>A Mana concentration dorm room of 30%.

2.) The Elite Class…

>>Access to lectures from the grade 79 to grade 20 Envoys in the various lessons of Mutations.

>>100 Death points to buy cultivation resource.

>>A Mana concentration dorm room of 50%.

>>One free Common grade Nuclear Absorption Manual, and one Rare Combat Technique.

3.) Supernal Class…

>>Access to lectures from the grade 19 to grade 4 Envoys in the various lessons of Mutations.

>>500 Death points to buy cultivation resource.

>>A Mana concentration dorm room of 100%.

>>One free Rare grade Nuclear Absorption Manual, and one Epic grade Combat Technique.”

“This truly screams of unfair, but it is understandable.” Zeras muttered out but continued reading.

|- Those above are the benefits of ranking higher on the rankings. With such benefits, then shouldn’t everyone be given a chance to rank up higher. Therefore, the ways of ranking higher have been set up.

For a commoner to rank up higher, then they would have to challenge those on the Elite Rankings. The challenge is open anywhere and any time.

But a single Elite student can only be challenged by a maximum of five people per day, and it must not be a gang up. Anyone who manages to defeat one of the Elite Ranking would be promoted to the Elite Ranking, and the Elite Ranker would be demoted to his opponent’s position. The fight would be naturally recorded by the card on elite ranker and once he suffers a defeat, which is in most case knocking unconscious, then the notification would be sent throughout all the students present.

To move from the Elite Ranking to the Super ranking, the only way is by defeating a Super ranker and the only super ranker currently known is none other the current number one on the ranking.

Defeating him would lead to gaining the position of ascending to the position of a Supernal and gaining the benefits, while the supernal will be demoted to his opponent’s ranking.

But to challenge a Supernal, one must possess a total of 50 points, which would be transferred into the Supernal’s account fees. This is due to not wasting the Supernal’s time with meaningless battles, as they would require time to focus on their cultivation.

That is the only way to rank up in the rankings.”

“Sounds just like the EIA’S except the EIA is more orderly and the challenge happens after a whole month instead of any time…” He muttered before heading towards the next page.

|The Mutant Organization Laws…|

Zeras slowly read all the laws pertaining to the organization, and he spent a good three hours fully comprehending the entire laws. Some weren’t that important and just common sense, while some were incredibly unbelievable. Noticeable among them was…

1.) All form of violence are allowed, so far, it doesn’t lead to destruction of the Organization’s property and doesn’t lead to the death of other students. Any type of violence otherwise is allowed.

“What type of stupid rule is this!!!?” Zeras wondered, clearly shocked speechless. All type of violence is allowed so far the Mutant Organization is not damaged. That means all types of bullying, fighting, and destruction are allowed by the Organization. While it said killing of other students isn’t allowed, there were many ways to make a person beg for death.

But the second rule following that alleviated that rule a little, and it was…

2.) Any type of infiltration into another student’s room is a taboo. It is not allowed to sneak in anyone’s privacy, and fighting a person who is inside or never left his or her balcony will lead to severe punishment from the Organization.

“At least one can be safe, so far, they don’t exit their houses…” Zeras muttered, but who wouldn’t want to go out and be stuck forever In their dorm room. That would birth the flame to grow stronger as with this type of rule set in place, then only a specific group of people would survive in this place and those are the absolute strong.

It was a brilliant move for the Mutant Organization as they knew well even a cornered prey would fight back.

But too much pressure and the students may break, that was why the third rule was created.

3.) The Second year and third year students are forbidden from harming the First years, and the Supernal are also forbidden from harming the common students. Any type of disobedience will lead to severe punishment.

“Fair…” The second years have spent an entire year in the academy and are no doubt stronger than the first year. If both were to fight, the the losers were pretty evident.

And the Supernal were also vastly stronger than the Common students. So it would be also unfair for both side to fight due to the uncrossable gap.

“So the Commoners are only worried about the Elites, while the Elites are only worried about the Supernals.

Really a smart move to promote intense competition.

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