Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 285: Intense Face-off Between The Envoys And Zeras...

Chapter 285: Intense Face-off Between The Envoys And Zeras...

Chapter 285: Intense Face-off Between The Envoys And Zeras…

Intense face off between the Envoys and Zeras…

The silence and pressure in the room was mind chilling and spine breaking as Zeras slowly turned back to look at the Envoys who were also scrutinizing looking at him from up to down.

“I have a few questions for you. You might lie, and you might say the truth, It’s completely up to you…” The man said as Zeras raised an eyebrow at him.

“And what is that?”

“Are you the one that killed Dracula?” The man asked, his voice as clear as day, as Zeras looked away from him and stared at the robed man standing beside him.

“You can sense Rohan’s lie-detecting waves, How interesting…” The man said as Zeras slowly directed his attention back to him.

From the robed figure, he suddenly felt as it some kind of hands were lurking around his body, their hands on his chest and pulses.

It would have been impossible for an ordinary Meteor Rank Stage expert to sense, but not Zeras. And he also knew if he lied, it would be immediately sensed by those hands.

But Zeras himself wasn’t planning on lying in the first place.

“Dracula, do you mean the red-haired guy?” Zeras asked as the man nodded, watching how Zeras evil smirk widened to his ears as he replied in a cocky voice.

“Yes, I killed him…”


The uncontrollable gasp could be heard from the Envoys as they all directed their attention towards the robed figure, who turned to them before giving them a firm nod.

“You truly killed, Dracula? But that is impossible, Dracula was at the Middle Meteor Rank Stage just like you and even already fused with a basic gene unlike you. And you defeat him? That’s impossible…” The female Envoy said, looking at Zeras in disbelief.

“That was precisely what he said when I defeated him…” Zeras said out loud as their brows furrowed together, and the silence enveloped the room for minutes straight.

“You have answered my question. I’m not concerned with how you managed to kill him since you’ll be dying soon yourself as the Ruhr family will be coming for your head. You can go…”

They were expecting to see the look of despair on the young man’s face, but it was just blank, and he simply walked back, disappearing into the door which also faded away after his disappearance.

“Who would have thought the 7th genius of the Ruhr would die to a Non-Mutant…” The man said as he chuckled to himself, a dark light flashing in his eyes.

“It seems the dark family are only getting more and more arrogant and not stronger. The outsiders are now rivaling the Dark families in strength …” The robed figure voiced out, his voice, as if multitudes of people were speaking at the same time.

“Dracula must have underestimated him…” The female Envoy said.

“Or we might all be underestimating the kid…” The man who seemed to be their leader said out loud looking at the place where Zeras disappeared as another door materialized behind him, and he entered into it, leaving the remaining four envoys in the hall.

“It seems the Mutant Organization would be riled up once again and there would be a little fun…” An Envoy said as the four dark doors materialized behind them, and they all entered into it, quickly disappearing.

— — —

Zeras felt an intense shoving as he entered into the door…

A split second later…

And he opened his eyes only to be welcomed by another large white hall filled to the brim with the students and another group of Envoys.

He could see a long line and watched as the people were given some sort of backpack before they’re led away.

He was the last in the line, so he had to wait a long while before he would move to the counter but Zeras heart almost couldn’t stop pounding as the memories of the event that just happened flashed in his head.

He knew he was just one tiny step away from screwing the mission and dying. That question the man asked looked like a simple question, and he even said he can choose to truthfully answer it or lie, but Zeras was a hundred percent sure if he had lied then he would have been killed immediately.

And if had shown a slight nervousness when he was asked and didn’t reply with confidence, it wasn’t sure he would also be making it out alive.

Judging by the Mutant’s Organization way of handling things, he could tell they don’t value the life of its participants at all. They wouldn’t have thought about it twice before they killed him and even if he managed to escape, he was sure the mission was a massive failure.

Thankfully, he had decided to tell them the truth and that wasn’t even due to the question. It was because he had made up his mind that this time, unlike the EIA. He would be going absolutely all out and would hide nothing about his strength.

Because he could tell there were some among the Participants who had almost the same potential and strength like him, especially the four devilish children.

And there was even more who might just have enough potentially as him and he was just standing right in front of him, his back to him as the smoke of his cigarette entered into his nostril.

“Asmodeus, the one with a devil living inside of him…” The young man was handed his backpack as he also moved outside the place, not at all bothering to turn to look behind him at the so-called second to him.

While it might be easily misunderstood as pride, Zeras knew it wasn’t, and it was just how he was, uncaring.

“Your ID Card please…” The man at the desk asked as Zeras passed to him his ID card.

Zeras watched as he fiddled with it continuously, a red energy appearing on his arm which coated the card before passing it back to him.

“Huh?” Zeras looked at the card, but it couldn’t be called that as he let go off it, but it actually came back into his hands. And when he looked at it scrutinizing, he was shocked to discover it was now a technological device. Looking like a smartphone, except as flat as a card.

“It will guide you around the place and everything you also need to learn about the organization. Here’s your uniform…” The man said, passing the backpack to him as Zeras walked away after giving a nod.

Immediately he opened the gate white and a new view welcomed his gaze.

“So this is the Mutation Organization Base…”

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