Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 282: Vast Differences In Rankings...

Chapter 282: Vast Differences In Rankings...

Chapter 282: Vast Differences In Rankings…

The Rankings…

After the confusion, comes the jubilation as Zeras watched the people break down on their knees and almost cried their eyes out. It was tears of joy.

They were all young people who have not yet witnessed much in life. But the events of the past three days were like a mythic nightmare.

Almost a thousand young people like them died, and some were just violently blown to bits behind them. The arrogance In their heads and hearts had been wiped clean, and they were shown the brutal reality of life in the Mutant Organization, where their life weighs less than the dust in the air.

And Zeras directed his attention to the five envoys of the Mutant Organization who all sat on those high chairs, disdainful smirks on their lips as they looked down on them.

“Tch, fucking amateurs…” One of the envoys at the side said as chuckles escaped their lips.

“The Organization is ten times more brutal than this. Out of the 300 of them, I greatly doubt if 100 of them will remain alive a year from now…” A female Envoy dressed scantily said, a devilish smirk lined her lips.

‘The envoys don’t care at all…’ Zeras thought to himself looking at the Envoys who had not an ounce of pity on their face.

‘And there are some very dangerous participants too…’ Zeras analyzed with furrowed eyebrows as he looked at some participants.

They were some who had completely emotionless looks and just stared blankly into space. It was like they couldn’t understand what was happening and simply looked on coldly at those who were crying their eyes out.

Those types of people to him are extremely dangerous people. As he knew well, when they are so uncaring even without power and the countless death that his happened mean nothing much to them, what would happen if they were given power? What type of devil would they become?

“With that said and done. I know the majority of you are incredibly excited right now, but let me tell you this as an act of mercy that you will never be given in the organization.

Your journey through hell just started. That said, let us talk about the rankings. Your rankings in the Mutant Organization will be dependent on the total number of Golden Tickets you possess.

So please come one by one and bring out your golden Tickets, then you’ll be allotted your position on the rankings.” The man declared, and another envoy walked out, a gorgeous lady with long purple hair.

Suddenly, she spread her hands forth and a large holographic table appeared midair, labelled from number 300 to number one.

Done with that, a booklet appeared in her hands and she began calling out names.

“Alvianor Murray…” She called out as the dark haired young man walked forward.

“Please bring out all the Golden Tickets on you…” The lady said as the boy brought out his golden Tickets which floated up to the woman whose eyes flashed with an intense purple and a name immediately appear on the holographic board.

“Name: Adrian Bulber]

[Number of Golden Tickets: 200]

[Status, Non-mutant.]

[Ranking Position: 300]

“Please bring out your identification card…” She ordered as the young man brought out his card, which floated up to the lady who collected it and closed her eyes. A second later, she opened them and pass it back to him.


Immediately another person walked out, a girl, and she went through the same process.


And slowly they all moved out one by one as they got scanned by the lady, and moved backwards, their names appearing on the holographic.

Surprisingly, she was able to call them out based on the number of Golden Tickets present in their hands, slowly increasing over time as names kept appearing.

50 minutes later…


A young man moved out, red-haired and burly with an icy pair of eyes…”

With one look, Zeras could tell he was already at the Middle Meteor Rank Stage, which was actually a very high ranking in such a place.

[Name: Turic Mumra]

[Number of Golden Tickets: 481]

[Status, Non-mutant.]

[Ranking Position: 10]

Yes. He was the number ten on the rankings and quite the cocky guy, as he took back his ID card from the lady before walking back, his left hand never for once, leaving his pocket.


Coming out was actually a blue-skinned girl with long dark-blue hair. He was exactly human if not for the strange blue on her body showing her status as an alien.

‘So the Mutant Organization doesn’t just recruit only humans, even aliens are allowed in?’ Zeras thought to himself as he looked at the table where the identity of the alien appeared.

Name: Aloma Cariona]

[Number of Golden Tickets: 581]

[Status: Non-mutant.]

[Ranking Position: 9]


A young man exited and to Zera’s shock, he was actually a diamond race expert!

[Name: Bean Luam]

[Number of Golden Tickets: 601]

[Status: Non-mutant.]

[Ranking Position: 8]


Another female, this one a human.

[Name: Zura Hilfiger]

[Number of Golden Tickets: 705]

[Status: Non-mutant.]

[Ranking Position: 7]


‘Hmm, every ranking surpass the former by a full hundred. That means even though its just one ranking, there’s a vey great difference between them….” Zeras muttered beneath his breath.

Of course, he was well aware of how difficult It was to obtain Golden Tickets, you had to steal or search for it. To steal, you have to be strong, and to search for it you must have good eyes.

To see how those In the higher rankings were able to have a high number of them was a clear sign of their exceptional abilities.

But he had a feeling all might change once they embraced the Mutant Path. It was a feeling at the back of his head.

The name was called, and soon it was the time to call the name of the top five.

“Next…” The lady called out and this time, everyone’s attention were piqued as a person exited drawing an eyebrow raise from everyone in the place…


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