Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 269: A Mission Where His Death is Insignificant

Chapter 269: A Mission Where His Death is Insignificant

Chapter 269: A Mission Where His Death is Insignificant

Mission Issuance…

The Mutant Organization.

An organization that Zeras would never forget. They hold the record of his most painful pain he had ever experienced.

Chaining him onto an experimentation bed while also injecting a serum in him that broke apart every inch of his cells, slowly destroying it until his entire genome almost collapsed. It was an experience he would never forget.

“Rising Star Zeras, what can you say about The Mutant Organization. What is your experience on them…” She interrogated as Zeras replied without wasting an extra second.

“They’re goal achievers, just like any other organization in the world…”

“Hmmm, so you’re saying there are the same to the organizations, the EIA too?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes ma’am. But they are also different from it in one thing.”

“And what is that?”

“Their ways of reaching their goals. They’re unlike any organization willing to do anything to achieve their goals. ANYTHING. Trickery, pain, betrayal, promise. They’re willing to do anything for the purpose of achieving their goals. Unlike the EIA that places the safety of the citizens first, the Mutant Organization places the goal first.” Zeras explained lengthily, drawing a satisfied smile on Commander Leviron’s face as she gave the woman a glance of ‘I told you…’.

“So they should be taken down, right?” She asked.

“Yes Commander. Against an organization that cares of nothing but its goals. There’s absolutely no need to hold back at all…”

“Good. Your replies are satisfying, and I have agreed for you to be joining this elite mission.” The woman said as she declined back on her seat, Commander Leviron seating up after that.

“There’s currently an ongoing experimentation that the Mutant Organization are performing.

The EIA has gained knowledge of such an experimentation, and it has been decided if it were to be successful, then not just earth, buy the entire world might fall into an apocalyptical crise. Therefore, we have decided that we couldn’t make since the beginning of this organization.

We have decided to wipe out their main headquarters and you, Rising Star Zeras, are one of the people to embark on this elite grade mission.

‘What! They want to wipe out The Mutant Organization?’ The bell rang wildly in Zera’s head, yet his outer personage was completely emotionless.

“It is my pleasure to be able to join one a mission that would save the entire world, Commanders…”

“Good. The Mutant Organization can be said to be the number darkest force. Just like the EIA is to earth, The Mutant Organization is the number one on the leaderboard.”

‘Would be disappointing if they weren’t’

“Therefore, it has caused the EIA a total of 15 years trying to track down its main headquarters, but it was all in failure. But if there’s one thing, every organization, powerful or not, require people who will be nurtured to grow the organization.

The Mutant Organization has its school, just like the EIA training base. Though we have not been able to track down the location of the headquarters, we have picked up on two important information.”

“The first is that the Mutant Organization headquarters us directly placed beside the Mutant Organization Training base for its future successors! And also we have gained access to the area where the next entrance test, similar to the one you did in the EIA, will take place…”

‘Hmmm,’ From what the lady said, Zeras could already begin picking up on the hints and clues of what this mission entailed.

“Therefore, here’s your mission. You will partake in the competition just like one signing up to join in the Mutant Organization. Then you’ll pass the test and then be transported to the headquarters.

Your EIA watch is a natural tracker, using your watch we would be able to learn of the Mutant Organization headquarters location! Do you understand now!

“Yes Commander. In short, I’m to act like a spy while disguising as a person signing up for the Mutant Organization…”

“Yes. I hope you’re well aware of the risks that come with this mission. A single misstep and not only will you be made an example off and killed in the most ruthless way you can ever imagine, the EIA might just forever lose its chance to find the Mutant Organization base, as they’ll definitely grow cautious or simply shut themselves away from the entire world before coming back with a loud Bang, that would lead to a very apocalyptic destruction on the entire galaxy.

Zeras expression of seriousness and focus had since changed as it became narrowed. With his increased intelligence, his brain was further more able to process the Information and just like the woman said. There was no way he would be escaping that scenario alive. Actually, his death would be the most insignificant thing that would happen in the grand scheme of the event. The mission was just too risky!

“So make your choice, Rising Star Zeras. We have asked a total of 17 Rising Star Rank experts just like you, and all of them refused. So rest assured, this decision will not affect your position In the EIA at all. The choice is up to you…”

The silence in the hall was deafening as Zera’s brain walked at full speed.


The Mission was just too risky. It was like asking for him to infiltrate the EIA, it was almost am impossible endeavour due to the horrifying power the EIA posses.

And he was sure the Mutant Organisation was almost comparable to the EIAz except even more darker and more cruel than they are. One mistake and he wouldn’t even understand how he died.

But not only that, his good name will be forever soiled after failing the mission. He would be the one that caused the destruction of the galaxy due to his incompetence.

It was a name just too big to take on his head.

“HUUUUUU…” Zeras breathed out loudly as he steeled his heart and made his decision.

“It is my pleasure to be able to join one a mission that would save the entire world, Commanders!”

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