Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 266: Channeling The Anger To Brutality 5

Chapter 266: Channeling The Anger To Brutality 5

Chapter 266: Channeling The Anger To Brutality 5

Channeling The Anger Into Brutality…

“I truly am a fool…” Zeras laughed mockingly. Head been given such a basically supreme ability and with such an easily by passable condition, and even given the solution.

And what had he been doing?

Simply running around like a fool. He had truly grown arrogant and in turn stupid!

The devilish being was able to destroy me and suck all my energy dry before I could even begin using my abilities. Perhaps, If I had immediately used my Hollow Domain to try to injure him even at the cost of my last energy and then use the ancient god finger of my Slumbering Titan gene instead of Morphing into my Astral Titan form, then I wouldn’t have been defeated so pathetically.

But seeing him, even though I knew he was truly stronger than I am, I still didn’t go all out at the first second, I wanted to compete with him in brute strength. How foolish!” Zeras muttered with a mocking smile.

He still had an ability he hadn’t even tested since all this while, and that was the Ancient God Finger skill. The third skill he obtained from his Slumbering Titan gene. The devilish being was the perfect test subject against the ability, yet Zeras didn’t use it, instead shifting to his Astral Titan form.

By the time he could even consider using it, he has been drained completely of energy!

There was no doubt his defeat was also partly due to him.

But the devilish being was truly strong, at least stronger than his current level. With the system scan, Zeras was able to pick up on his cultivation, and it said it was the Late Cosmic rank stage. It was a level of power he couldn’t dream of matching while only being at the Middle Meteor Rank Stage.

But the real shocking thing was Instructor Moneca who severed the devil in two halves and almost killed him with a single slash.

Of course, he knew all the EIA instructors were supposed to be strong, but never would he have thought Instructor Moneca was so strong.

He had once seen her sever a Middle Meteor Rank beast into two and thought her limit shouldn’t be too far from that. But he truly was stupid!

A vein popped on his head as he smashed his hand on the holographic panel.

“You have chosen to fight an Early Cosmic rank stage robot.” The AI voice rang out as the ground ten meters before him slowly opened up and from within a robot emerged, entirely different from the first.

For one, its entire body was a strange, completely dark metal that naturally radiated a dark light. Instead of only its chest brightening up, there was also an energy core on its forehead and another one in the place just below its navel area.

It has a total of three energy cores, and its mere presence made Zera’s hair stood on end…

“So this is what a true Cosmic Rank Stage looks like…” Zeras mused, his heart unable to stop quaking within him.

— — —

“So weak hearted!”

— — —

The whisper of the devilish being echoed into his ears as Zeras clenched his teeth tightly.

Immediately, his muscles wriggled around his body like snakes as Zeras got into an airtight stance, red veins appearing in his right eyes and a black dot appearing in his left eye.

“Fight begins in 3…2..1. GO!”

“Bring It on…”


The ground beneath the robot sank in for a meter as Zeras watched it moved towards him with horrifying speed even though his Eyes of Chaos.


The leg smashed forward with a beastly aura, and he immediately jumped upwards trying to dodge when…


A figure blasted through the air with speed, smashing a one-meter dent into the wall.


Blood splashed out of Zera’s mouth as his eyes widened to saucers.

‘It’s too fast… So fast, even though I sensed its attack, I’m still too slow to react.’

“Activate Dash!”



A punch slammed on the place where Zera’s head was, but it suddenly disappeared into particles as the robot turned its head to the side, where a crouched figure could be seen.

Air puffed out of his nose and mouth as Zeras rested his hands on his laps.

He was already exhausted! The previous injuries were not completely healed yet, and he had been fighting for hours now without resting.

He felt like dropping on the ground and taken a nap. Even if had to pay 100 years of life in exchange for that. That was just how exhausted he was.

But the same couldn’t be said for the robot, who left a gigantic hole where it formerly was and appeared instantly in front of Zeras.


A hand slashed down diagonally over Zera’s head, whose eyes widened as he suddenly jerked his head back at the last second.


A straight line appeared on the wall behind him as Zera’s eyes widened in shock.

“I…I dodged it?”


Another punch slammed towards his head as he took a small step backwards, and managed to dodge it again by an inch.

Yet, blood drained down his eyebrow, a result of the sharp wind that comes with every of the attack.


The robot suddenly revolved with speed and kicked at Zeras chest.


It was the sound of metal clashing against metal.

And immediately Zeras was sent skidding backward for twenty meters…

Digging his leg hard into the ground, he finally stopped himself as the Astral Sword shone with a cold light as smoke puffed out of his mouth.

“I’ll defeat you…Even If I have to die, I’ll defeat you!” Zeras said and he faded away from the place where he stood.





Hundreds of moves were exchangef as Zeras went all out his hand becoming a blur due to the speed at which he was moving.

He had been drained completely of energy, his body was screaming out to him in pain as his wounds tore open once again, but everything had changed to Zeras.

He was no longer fighting a robot, he was fighting with the devil that stepped on his head a day ago.

And he will either kill it or die trying!

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