Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 248: A Power Beyond Comprehension

Chapter 248: A Power Beyond Comprehension

Chapter 248: A Power Beyond Comprehension

“Chaos. It brings nothing but pain and suffering…” Zeras said out loud, the exact reason due to the Chaos happening around him and he easily placed together the dots.

Immediately he said those words, it was like the entire world around him was seemingly made of glass as everything shattered into pieces, and right in front of him was the same Chaos Moon.

Looking behind him, Zeras saw he had reached around half the total distance.

And without saying a word he kept running forward, and running and running. And the Chaos moon was getting closer than ever when again the entire world disappeared and he found himself in another place.

— — —

Burning smoke rising into the air…

The smell of war and battle…

The smell of absolute massacre…

A river of blood covered the ground, and within lay the bodies of different people floating atop the river.

It was not only high, reaching Zeras up to his waist, but it was also incredibly thick, making him wonder just how many lives were killed to form such.

Slowly he began moving forward through this river, moving forward, the river of blood only submerged him more making him move to the right and it slowly reduced.

And immediately Zeras continued, the river of blood reaching his waist then his knees and later they reached his ankles before only reaching his knees.

And finally, he stepped foot on the burning ground.

It was like he was walking on a volcano as Zeras looked around the place, where smoke and burnt bodies formed a small mountain.

“Activate Eyes Of Chaos,”

The entire world immediately changed becoming hundreds of times clearer and five Kilometers in front of him were reduced to to just five meters

And there, exactly five meters from him, Zeras saw a figure. A figure different from the others he had seen the entire time due to the simple fact that he was alive.

And immediately, he shot forward toward the person, stopping when he arrived just ten meters away from him.

His back was to Zeras, and he was truly a giant reaching up to a height of 2.5 meters.

Beside him, were two gigantic axes of 2 meters in height which seemed to be able to cleave apart an entire mountain.

Around him l, the air burned and quivered as if his body was a flame that set the entire world on fire.

With a small sniff, Zeras could sense the horrifying amount of killing intent the man harbored. A killing intent so massive and can only be the one who almost slaughtered an entire world.

He was sure the person who formed the massive river of blood and the burnt shore was this man!


What entered into his ears was the sound of sobbing.

His hands were on his face as tears streamed down like a waterfall…

“I’ve done it, mama. I’ve killed them all. The weight of so many lives is drowning me, now what should I do…”

The sound of the man’s sobbing grew louder as Zeras stood quietly behind him, but soon his head jerked upwards as he felt a presence that made his heart almost stop beating!


An inhumane growl escaped the mouth of the man, who took up his axe as he stood upwards, eyes flashing red as he looked up where five golden lights were slowly brightening up.

The golden light was incredibly piercing to the eye as five figures materialized mid-air, their forms indistinguishable due to the golden light around them but what was exceedingly clear was that they were holding hands.

The man immediately got into a battle stance as even though the golden aura was incredibly piercing to behold, he stood his ground unflinchingly as he stared at the group above him with murderous eyes.

And slowly, an ear-defeaning voice of five people talking at the same time rang out:

“You have slaughtered all lives on this world and now it brims with an aura of death and destruction. This menace will now end and this world and all its offspring have been doomed to complete eradication…” It was a bold declaration to Zeras who couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows yet furrowed his eyes in the next second before soon falling on his knees.

Immediately the five figures finished their words, they all immediately raised their hands upwards and a gigantic runic gate appeared mid-air.

“Justice Sun, Descend onto the cursed world and purify its malevolent existence..”

And immediately they said that the golden runic gate opened up, and emerging from it was a gigantic flaming ball that covered Zera’s entire view and Perhaps all the view of the entire world he was in.

It was like slamming a football on a tennis ball.

The sun that was released was the football and the tennis was the world he was standing on!

And immediately it slowly fell downwards…

“This…This is impossible. This power can’t exist…” Zeras mumbled disoriented as his mind tethered on the verge of breaking down.


The man immediately roared like a wide beast as his leg smashed into the ground, an abyss appearing below his feet before he jumped upwards, tearing through the air as he rapidly closed in on the golden sun.

Before the sun, he couldn’t even be called an ant and before he could even reach half the distance, he was reduced to ashes and his axes were reduced to molten iron that also turned to ashes.

And immediately the gigantic sun slammed head-on against the world.


A devastating explosion formed when the golden Sun collided head on with the world.

Zeras finally understood what the true meaning of absolute destruction was as he watched wide-eyed, the horrifying ripple that spread through the entire world, crumbling every pieces of the world and simply evaporating it into nothing.

Strangely, the sun never harmed him at all, as if he didn’t even exist making him watch wide eyed as the entire world was crumbled into pieces and its remnant sucked into the large golden sun which soon returned back to the runic gate…

And he was left standing in the void of space.

An Entire World Has Been Destroyed Completely With Not A Single Remnant!

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