Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 245: The Higher ups Rewards

Chapter 245: The Higher ups Rewards

Chapter 245: The Higher ups Rewards

An hour later…

A figure suddenly appeared mid-air where Zeras just left, wearing a large purple robe that covered the entire figure, yet it was easily distinguishable that it was a female.

Her purple eyes could be seen flashing with purple light as she looked at the area where Zeras and the group of five battled.

Landing on the ground, her eyes flared with an intense purple as she stood still where she was, hundreds of fragmented images suddenly appearing in her eyes.

A few seconds later the purple hue in her eyes disappeared replaced by a faint smirk linen the corner of her lips.

“He has grown so strong quickly, how interesting as well as alarming…” With that, she slowly levitated off the ground, fading away into the air in the next split second.

— — —

“Tch, he failed once again…” The voice of the monstrosity boomed out loudly, the structure around him swaying left and right as if unable to contain the beastly pressure that radiated through the entire place.


A guttural growl reverberated through the dark place as the figure slammed his head backward on the throne in tiredness, the floor beneath the throne cracking up like glasses.

“With the lower destruction envoys dead. I’ll have no choice but to end this senselessness myself…” The voice boomed loudly throughout the room, white cracks appearing in the air due to the horrific reverberation as an incomparably devilish aura flared throughout the entire room.

— — —

Zeras arrived at the front of the door to his dorm room and entered the place before gently locking the door.

Done with that, his butt slammed on the sofa and a peaceful smile appeared on his face.

“Ahhh, finally…” Zeras muttered to himself as he looked at the ceiling. He had now gotten himself out of the unnecessary troubles. Apart from the so-called master that he met in Theora’s vision. Then he had no reason to meet with the shadow walkers again.

Looking at the back of his palm, Zeras noticed the tattoo had almost faded away only remaining a small outline.

He didn’t know what it meant but he could take it as a good thing.




His watch made loud ringing sound as Zeras turned to look at his watch with a bored expression on his face but he immediately jumped up from his sofa as he quickly sat upright seeing the title of the notification.

|Mission Rewards Report|

“Finally,” Zeras muttered. It had been four days since and he had been on edge checking his notification box now and then expecting the report to have been entered.

He was even starting to think the EIA higher-ups had decided to renege on the deal but guess he was just overthinking it.

And with a loud thumping in his chest, he began reading.

|Mission Rewards Report|

<Zeras Celestria. You have done an almost incomparable thing for the EIA, obtaining a total of 8 legendary treasures 12 other Mythic Level treasures, and 8 Rare grade treasures. Ever since the beginning of the organization, none has ever offered such to the EIA making you the very first. You’re right one of the most exceptional cadets the EIA gas ever recruited. You should be very proud!>

“Well, at least they have a sweet tongue…” Zeras said to himself, a small chuckle escaping his lips.

<You will be rewarded greatly for this act in the ways listed above>

<Also, the horned alien race that you have brought has been properly questioned and we have learned of news never before heard. A News that is enough to turn the entire world upside down if heard! It has to be noted that it was only due to you bringing the Zugrof that has led to such a development. The news will still be kept secret from you too, due to being top grade secret. This act of loyalty for the human race will be greatly rewarded by the EIA>

<Another important thing to note is your courageous act as narrated by the Nine family geniuses. Due to your help, the fragile bond between the EIA and the Nine families has been slowly hardening.>

“Oh? That’s great then…”

<With that said there’s also another thing of utmost importance that must be reported. The Celestria Family has been asking a lot about you and demanding you are related to their missing heirs who didn’t arrive back from the expedition. But we have been informed that you don’t have anything to do with their disappearance and are even unfairly taken advantage of by them. Therefore you can rest assured of the EIA’s protection.

We can at least guarantee you this: so far you don’t live at the EIA base, so you can rest assured of your safety.>

|Below are your rewards:

1.) You have been promoted from the Specialist Rank to the Rising Star rank!

“WHAT!!!?” A shrill scream rang out in the room, as Zeras jumped up in shock, his head slamming on the ceiling as his neck hung in it.

“Well, this just got a little weird…” Zeras said as he removed his head from the ceiling landing unceremoniously on the ground.

Of course, he was well aware of the requirements to move from the specialist rank to the Rising Star rank which was to perform a meritable deed for the EIA. It’s just he never at all expected that.

<As you may know, the Rising Star rank is an elite that is appointed special missions by the EIA itself. And the EIA has got just the perfect mission for you. It will be sent to you in less than a week from now. You can always choose to accept or reject>

“Oh, another mission?” Zeras said a smile appearing on his face.

|2.) Your Authority Level has been improved to level 4! You can now access the fourth area of all floors in the EIA.

|3.) You have been given clearance to take a total of five artifacts that you will from the EIA’s Hall of Artifacts!

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