Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 210: Showing Them Hell

Chapter 210: Showing Them Hell

Chapter 210: Showing Them Hell

He was confused…

He didn’t understand. One of them was the timeline. The war between Humanity and the Cydorfs happened around 100 years ago. But how come he’s only 17, a hundred years later? It was like time was slowed down on him or there was. It was confusing.

Secondly, if he was given to one of the Celestria Family, the man called Jason Celestria who Zeras had an inkling would most likely be the current patriarch of the Celestri Family, then how come he grew up in the orphanage home? It can’t be said Jason threw him out for awakening his strange hair color gene as he hadn’t even awakened any gene until he was thirteen and he could remember growing up in the orphanage since he was ten!

So just what happened. There’s a major piece of the puzzle that is missing.

Besides, he could guess the entity that gave him to Jason was like a clan member of his true family. If he was already so strong, why did he give him out to be raised?

Besides, there was the mention of a lower universe. Could it be there was an upper universe and could that actually be where his true clan was?

Suddenly he remembered the golden necklace that was said to be a map back home. But he didn’t even have the memory of such a necklace growing up at all. It was most likely kept by Jason himself. Now the future successor of the Celestria family is trying to kill him.

Zeras thought they were at first after his head due to the bounty but now the truth seems more complicated.

Still, one thing was sure. The Celestria family betrayed the deal! And now He Will Show Them Hell…

Immediately, Zeras wiped the blood off his face as he stood up and raised his head.

In front of him, was still the endless bridge but with his eyes of chaos activated, he could finally see the end and it was a ginormous dark-colored gate.

Immediately he slowly walked forward, hands clenched tightly to a fist with veins wriggling in his arms. Unknown to him, his left eye which was formerly a dark hole began revolving like a vortex as cracks slowly spread out from it covering the left side of his face.

Arriving before the large ten-meter door brimming with an ancient aura as if having existed since the dawn of time, Zeras raised his right hand before punching outwards.


Shockwave rippled outwards from the point of collision as Zeras took a step backward, looking at the door.

It was extremely silent at first but soon.




Cracks rang throughout the entire door from the point that Zeras punched spreading over to the edges before


A devastating shockwave rippled throughout the entire space as the gate exploded into nothing sending out reverberation hundreds of miles away walking out of the gate was Zeras, though none would be able to recognize him in this state, due to not only his devilish appearance but also due to his aura.

Immediately Zeras walked into the place, a figure was suddenly sent smashing towards him, as he rolled to his feet hacking up blood before fainting immediately.

Looking at who it was, it was none other than Andrea, the underworld family genius.

Yet even though this was the perfect time to finish past job, Zera’s eyes narrowed coldly as he looked at the direction where he was sent flying from.

Two groups were gathered, one which was the nine families geniuses who had a serious expressions and also horror on their faces as they all looked in front of them where another group of people could be seen.

People who didn’t come with them to the Ruins. Aliens!

And one of them slowly put down his raised hands which was what sent Audrey flying before a cocky voice rang out.

“Submit or Die!!!?”


Zeras turned to look at them with a raised eyebrow.

They were just like humans in all aspects, the shortest was around 1.8 meters while the tallest was around 2 meters tall, a head or two taller than he was.

They were ten in number, four females and 6 males. But what distinguished them from humans was the single horn on their forehead, each one of them possessing different colors while the one which was at two meters tall and standing at the front of the group had a golden-colored horn shining brighter than the rest of the group.

His arrival didn’t even cause a single ripple as both groups stared at each other with a murderous expression on the Human’s faces and an expression of disdain on the alien races, who looked at them as if they were some dogs.

But he paid it no mind as he looked around at the nine family geniuses, his eyes zeroing in on his targets and then he moved.

The air seemed to rustle beside Mason and Theo, and immediately a figure appeared like a mirage in front of them.


Horrifying lightning seemed to have streaked from above like the anger of gods themselves landing on both brothers and covering them tightly, yet a hand covered in strange blue scales tore through the lightning as it grabbed hold of both their necks before raising them.

The lightning increased to a deafening amount as Mason and Theo clenched their teeth tightly in embarrassment and anger which soon turned to pure shock as they realized an unbelievable truth.

They both couldn’t budge.

“Go To Hell, idiot!!!” Mason roared out loudly as a powerful shower of lightning suddenly exploded on Zera’s face Mason felt the hold on his neck lighten for a single second and he used to slip away yet before he could take in a deep breath, a punch slammed on his ribs, the sickening sound of bones being crushed ringing in his ears before the punch could land and when it does.


A devastating shockwave rippled throughout the entire way causing a tempest of storm that blew chaotically around the place as a figure blasted backward like a kite without strings, slamming one a mountain in the distance as he was lodged into it before the mountain itself collapsed on him, his fate unknown.

“I have some questions for you before I send you on your way…” Zeras said turning to look at Theo who had a horrific expression on his face as he looked at Zeras whose face was covered in strange scars…

Yet before Zeras could open his mouth, a hand held his shoulder, slowly squeezing tightly.

“Are you deaf or blind, low life…” It was one of the alien figures, a male with a red-colored horn!

Slowly Zeras turned his neck backwards, staring at him in the eye before his lips moved…


“I said…SCRAM!!!”



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