Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 149 EIA Abnormalities Rankings

Chapter 149  EIA Abnormalities Rankings

"Hmmm, so this is where you were hiding..." Zeras muttered. The page regarding the place was placed so far away and hidden around the end of the book. If one was not particularly searching for that topic. Then no doubt they'll completely miss it.

The EIA Abnormalities Rankings

- This is a ranking for extremely prodigious among the normal EIA Rankings. It has been taken note of that some people among the EIA are simply incomparable to others in the same rank and keeping them held within will only slow down their rank.

Therefore, to avoid this issue, the EIA has created a New type of Rankings for these prodigies which could better be defined as abnormalies.

This ranking includes...

1.) Specialist Rank.

This is a Rank only bestowed to those among the first three rankings, which includes the New Cadets, the Private Second Class, and the Private Second Class.

With this ranking, one would be able to sign up for missions under corporals or those Higher on the abnormalities ranking and given all the benefits of the three aforementioned ranks.

Note, that these rankings can only be given based on a cadet's performance that has greatly benefited the EIA.

Therefore, promotion to the next abnormality ranking will also depend on the same factor, that is one would have to once again perform a feat that greatly benefits the EIA before they decide to promote..."

Zera's eyes narrowed looking at the information. It was true that it was his act of saving the princess that made the higher-ups decide to promote him.

But it seems he still had to perform another extraordinary feat for him to gain promotion. His last feat almost ensured his death, performing Another one even greater than that and he might really find himself on the road to reincarnation.

"Tch, it's cheating. Those at other ranks only needed to fill up some damn bar to get promoted but we have to almost get killed trying to impress the EIA before we get promoted..." Zeras fumbled dissatisfied, but he still read on nonetheless.

2. Rising Star Ranking...

This is the next rank after the specialist rank and it combines the benefits of those at the Corporal and Sergeant rankings.

Those in this rankings do not go on normal EIA missions but undergo extremely secretive missions for the EIA which will in turn lead to benefits and rewards far beyond the reach of those at the Sergeant rankings.

A Mission bar is present on this ranking and once filled will, lead to the promotion to the next ranking.

Death rates in these missions are incredibly high, but their rewards are even greater. So only the bravest of Rising Stars would dare undergo the missions.

Also Rising Star rank can contract up to five other specialist ranks to go on a mission, which will in turn lead to great benefits for the specialist and also ease the burden of the one in this Ranking-

"Going on mission? Cool. At least this one has a bar to fill up. But they can also contract specialists. If so..." Zera's eyebrows furrowed on hearing that last information.

Those at the Rising Star rank can contract those at the Specialist ranking to go on missions together. If so, then he might be able to go on missions and earn some benefits from himself.

"Tch, with my already busy next 45 days being occupied and the Cultivation Ruins immediately opening after that. It would be a long time before I'm able to do that..." Zeras muttered heading to the next page.

3. Elite Monster Rankings.

This is an Abnormalities Ranking that rival those of Major Ranking. They are nicknamed, guard dogs of the EIA, easily completing 8-star missions solo.

They are only deployed by the EIA on very rare occasions where earlier deployed forces failed a mission. And this group, no matter how hard, never fails their mission.

Hence, their name, elite Monsters. Any information about them is very secretive, known only among the higher-ups, while their number in the entire EIA can be counted on one hand.

All In all, they are monsters who have trodden a path of a thousand corpses, both friends and foes to get where they were, and what they want in this world but don't have can be counted on one hand.

4.) Death Commander.

A ranking comparable to that of the commander, they are the higher-ups of the Abnormalities Rankings, rarely deployed, and mainly supervising those at the Abnormalities Rankings.

5. Hollow Commander.

A rank comparable to the peak of all higher-ups in the EIA, rivaling the rank of Grand Commanders. This rank can immediately deploy all forces of the EIA to go to war with a wave of their hand and cause the destruction or birth of the entire world with a decision.

Since the beginning of the EIA, only a single person has been noted to reach this ranking, and what's noteworthy is that she's a female..."

Zeras almost coughed up blood on hearing that as he couldn't believe such an Abnormality could even exist and a female too.

Just the number of souls in her hands completely defied his imagination.

Important Note: Inability to reach the next Abnormalities in the three years would normally lead to being removed from the rankings and placed back on the normal Rankings.

So the abnormalies ranking is a ticking time bomb where time off means demotion. For some, it would be a blessing but for others, it's a stain forever etched in their memories.

Also important to note is that unlike those in the Normal EIA rankings who can retire at any time from the EIA.

Those in the Abnormalities Rankings can't retire unless they agree to have all their memories of the EIA completely erased and all their movements watched from theron.

Therefore, retirement is next to impossible as this group is believed by the EIA higher-ups to have the potential to bring the entire EIA to its knees.

"WHAT!!!" Zeras screamed out jumping in shock from his seat when suddenly the memory of him being in the library hit him.

Thankfully the barrier around his seat blocked any sounds from going in or out of the place or he would have definitely been kicked out.

The information was just so shocking, that Zeras couldn't believe it. Retiring would mean having your memories of the EIA, which would in any case be a memory from when they were at most 18, completely wiped out and their movement will even be under scrutiny.

Just how harsh is the EIA for enacting such a rule but Zera's eyebrows furrowed together as something clicked in his head.

Judging by the EIA, they would only enact such a rule if they had once been a scene that greatly harmed its operation in the past.

This greatly piqued Zera's curiosity, just what was the incident that made the EIA greatly fear the potential of those on the Abnormalities Rankings that they would choose to wipe out the memories of any other person and keep tight security around them even after their memories have been erased.

Just what could such an incident be?

"Well, I've learned two things. One is that I'm now screwed with the EIA for life and secondly the rankings in the EIA." Nôv(el)B\\jnn

They were other information in the book, but Zeras wasn't interested and shut it close before picking up the second book.

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