Burglar System: Stealing Ancient Dragon God Bloodline from the Very Start

Chapter 27: The Ambusher, the Monster that Broke into the Fortress

Chapter 27: The Ambusher, the Monster that Broke into the Fortress

Vilya had planned to beg the parents that adopted her after she returned home. She wanted to obtain some resources for William to increase his Bloodline Endowed Supernatural Ability no matter what to make up the disadvantages of the low-level Endowed Supernatural Ability.

However, William told her that he had awakened the King's Blood.

What was the King's Blood?

It was a cheat-like existence. Its power far surpassed all kinds of top-tier resources, and it was enough to raise the level of Endowed Supernatural Ability by several levels.

Even the lowest F-Class Endowed Supernatural Ability would have an unpredictable future. Otherwise, why would the Human Alliance care so much about the King's Blood? One would immediately be exempted from the advanced examination and listed the list of the focused training targets if they were found possessing the King's Blood.

The appearance of the King's Blood had never disappointed anyone. His future would soar.

"That's great!"

Vilya's eyes were smiling too. She was genuinely happy for William.

"You don't have to go to the first wall area then. You can continue with the advanced examination!"

William nodded. "That's true. Moreover, I want to participate in the advanced examination and enter the top ten and receive the highest-level training."

Vilya smiled and said, "We can improve together again then."

William was stunned, and then he smiled helplessly.

"How could I forget? You lucky girl. It seems that you have already skipped the advanced examination and entered the list of focused training targets, right?"

Vilya was secretly happy for herself, and she was extremely happy for William too.

"Oh right," she thought of something and said, "Did you encounter anything during your trip to the wilderness this time? Recently, the wilderness has not been peaceful. First, there was the phantom of a giant dragon, and then there was the beast tide caused by the phantom in the fortress."

William was silent for a moment, and he could not help but recall the commotion created when he had just stolen the Ancient Dragon God Bloodline. He did not expect that there would still be people who remembered it after so long. It seemed that the commotion was not small, and even the fortress was alarmed.

In fact, he did not know that not only had the fortress been alarmed, and even Earl Vienna had almost attacked.

However, William was still vigilant, and he asked in return, "Did anyone in the fortress research what caused the phantom of the dragon to appear?"

He did not ask about the monster tide because he was more concerned about his secret being discovered.

Vilya shook his head and said, "Many people said that some treasure was born and went out of the fortress. However, it did not take long for the monster tide to appear, and they came back. So now, no one figured out what caused the phantom of the dragon."

William heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, no one noticed anything.

Then, there was nothing to worry about.

"Why don't you go to the room and sleep for a while?" William pointed to the room. He wanted to know if she would still have that nightmare after he stole the curse from Vilya.

Vilya shook his head and said, "No, I have to go back. I still have something to do tomorrow."

She waved at the [ Devil's Eye of Hell] after saying that. The eyes that were emitting a dark red light and a strange aura floated behind her.

It followed Vilya like a guardian.

"Okay." William did not insist. He did not forget to remind Vilya after sending her to the door, "You must sleep when you get back."

He was afraid that Vilya would not dare to fall asleep and stayed up for another night.

Vilya nodded and opened the door with the dark circles on her eyes.


The moment the door opened, a foul smell dashed in. Following that, Vilya felt a wave of heat. She was shocked and turned her head to look outside the door. A ghastly and terrifying face appeared in front of her.



Vilya had just cried out when the terrifying face was about to bite towards her neck.

The moment of the crisis caused Vilya to lose her ability to react. She hugged her head and screamed.

William suddenly swung his fist and punched at the door at the critical moment. The huge force sent the door flying. It hit the body of the terrifying face and sent it flying.

William pulled Vilya behind him and comforted her in a low voice, "It's okay, I'm here."

Vilya's scream slowly stopped, but the sound from outside the room came in. The screams of men and women, with the screams of something that wasn't human, but looked like a human, formed a dance song playing outside his house.

William could not hide his shock. Although he did not go out to see it, he could tell from the sound that there were more than one of the monsters that had attacked Vilya just now.

He looked at the monster that was crushed down under the door. It had a human face and was wearing normal clothes. However, it did not have any hair or eyebrows. Its skin was pale as if it had been soaked in water for a long time before it was taken out.

There were still traces of blood on his fingers and the corner of his mouth. Then he thought about how it had wanted to bite Vilya's neck just now. Could these monsters be cannibals?



Suddenly, a series of cries, accompanied by the sound of glass breaking, came from the bedroom.

William raised his eyebrows and dragged the frightened Vilya out of the room.

Four to five monsters ran out of the bedroom just as they rushed out of the room.

"What are these things!"

Vilya turned around to look and was so scared that she screamed.

William did not know what kind of monster it was. It did not look like a monster. They were humanoid monsters but were extremely rare. How could there be so many of them? Moreover, they looked so weak that they could only deal with some ordinary people.

Could it be zombies?

The thought flashed through William's mind. He felt that it was more and more possible. However, he had been in that world for so long and had never heard of such a virus that could turn one into zombies.

Why would it suddenly appear in the fortress?

Could it be a plot of some monster lord?

That was not right. Would the monsters even use such a method if they were so intelligent?

William could not find an answer now, so he could only pull Vilya and run far away.

However, he saw that all the houses in the area had their doors open when he looked up, and the people had already run out. Many monsters were chasing after the people unscrupulously, directly pouncing on them and eating them.

The people who had been bitten to death were all lying on the ground. William even saw the neighbor's child, the little boy who would often stand guard on William's way home, waiting for him and asking him if he had become stronger today.

At that moment, the little boy was lying on the ground. His eyes were wide open, and blood kept flowing out of his neck.

William clenched his teeth. The veins on his forehead were throbbing.

He stopped running, and he looked around. There were at least a hundred of these monsters, and they were all hairless.

"We can't leave! If we leave, what will happen to these people!" William explained to Vilya behind him. Then, he began to mobilize his spiritual energy, and his fists were tightly clenched. William was burning with anger, looking at the few monsters that were chasing them out from the house, and he swung his fists.

Bang! Bang!

The two monsters fell backward. They were directly sent flying back into the house by William.

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