Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch

Chapter 530: 510: Come and Kowtow to Apologize!

Chapter 530: Chapter 510: Come and Kowtow to Apologize!

This timing to release the video is definitely not Super Tomato’s intention.

He had finished the final edit of the video before lunch, and then uploaded it, but rarely-he got stuck in review.

It’s also unclear whether the content of the [Villager Breeding Machine] was a bit sensitive or not. Until he boarded the airship, the video couldn’t pass the review.

As a result, the release was delayed until now, almost coinciding with the “Battlefield” trailer, greatly reducing the attention of passersby.

If it was a video released by a small uploader, it might have been buried.

But Super Tomato’s 10 million fans base is there, so it won’t be that unlucky.

At most, some fans won’t click on the video for the first time, they will stay and discuss the “Battlefield” promotion before they come to watch this video.

Fortunately, the number of fans addicted to “My World” is quite a lot, and they are looking forward to this video very much!

Since the total number of Cloud Dream users exceeded 100 million, it has become increasingly difficult for 80-90% of players to do one thing at the same time-the diversion of players is inevitable.

Just like a while ago, when “Hunter: Call of the Wilderness” was just released, there were nearly 10 million players who still calmly played the “Light Encounter” new season [Sky Island Season]. , completely indifferent to the release of “Hunter”.

Their loyalty to the game is amazingly high.

The number of people participating in this grand [Sky Player Gathering] is just over 20 million.

Though it might seem exaggerated, in comparison to Cloud Dream’s total user base, it’s actually not that many, and it doesn’t even reach 10%.

The current number of online players in “My World” is lower than this, but it also maintains millions of players. With Super Tomato’s fame and reputation, when players from [World No.6] open the video, the screen is already full of comments.

At the beginning of the video, Super Tomato stood in “My World,” curiously looking at the surrounding environment, and then knocked on the wood and dug the mines by himself.

But when the voice sounded, it wasn’t Super Tomato on the screen talking, but his own voiceover.

“Hello everyone, I’m Super Tomato!”

“I’ve been holding onto this video for a long time. I wanted to show it to you last week.”

“But Cloud Dream didn’t allow it! I think it’s unfair. I’m good friends with your boss; can’t you just do me a favor?”

“So I privately chatted with Lincoln, and then got this reply-”

On the screen, Super Tomato posted a screenshot of his private chat with Lincoln.

Lincoln’s reply was simple and rough-


“Alright, I’ll bear with it,” Super Tomato decisively gave up, “and then waited until now. But it’s still not too late.”

“Let’s stop with the nonsense and get to the point!”

“The potential of ‘My World’ is truly beyond ordinary people’s imagination, at least beyond mine.”

“I have a lot of evidence to prove this conclusion: the game’s mechanics, special blocks, and combinations of mechanics and blocks have endless possibilities.”

“I don’t want to spoil too much, and I hope that everyone can explore it slowly and find the fun in it. But in order to prove my conclusion, and to give everyone some inspiration by taking [Water] and some special structures as examples, I decided to show some interesting things.”

“Everyone must have come across the water in the game world, but they may be bound by the experiences in reality and fail to discover its additional use, such as-”

In the screen, Super Tomato jumped from the high ground and splashed a bucket of water onto the ground before landing. Then he landed steadily without any injury.

“[Landing Water], a simple and effective anti-fall skill.”


Super Tomato stood beneath a cliff and poured water into the position four tiles above his head.

The water naturally flowed down along the edge of the rocks, and Super Tomato swam up the cliff against the vertically flowing water.

He then continued to repeat this operation, swimming all the way from the bottom of the cliff to the top.

“[Water Elevator], a simple and handy mountain climbing technique.”

At this point, the audience’s comments, full of “???”, were almost covering the entire screen.

But Super Tomato didn’t stop at all.

“For example-”

On the screen, Super Tomato dug a water channel that is two tiles wide on the ground, then poured two buckets of water in the edge boxes.

After that, the place became a water source, and water flowed out continuously along the channel.

“[Making Water Source], very useful for both getting water and transporting items.”


He cleared a 9×9 area of land and dug a hole in the center, pouring in a block of water.

Then the whole piece of land turned into farmland.

“[Creating Farmland].”

“By the way, this method is simple, but as long as the water channel technique mentioned earlier is used, larger farmland can be created.”

As he said that, the Super Tomato on the screen demonstrated it to the audience.

“Taking the water source as the center, make a horizontal water channel 15 tiles wide (including the water source). According to each 9×9 calculation, the water extending to both sides can irrigate 192 blocks of farmland.”

“And the [Cross Irrigation Method], which can irrigate up to 304 squares at the same time!”

“As well as the not-so-convenient-for-farming but mathematically feasible [348 Squares Perfect Irrigation Method]!”

“Of course, I originally calculated this method on paper. But after trying it myself, I found that it is completely feasible! This fully demonstrates that the game’s mechanics are actually very comprehensive; it’s just that we need to dig into its potential ourselves!”

With the increasingly outrageous farmlands appearing in the video, the audience’s comments are getting more and more agitated:


“Is that even possible?!”

“Other’s World!”

But even so, Super Tomato still hasn’t had enough fun with the topic of “water” —

“Next, we have a well-known mechanic: when underwater, there’s a breath meter, and if you exceed the time, you’ll suffocate to death.

So, how do you get oxygen?

A simple method is to use an empty bucket to scoop the water in front of you, creating an air pocket, which instantly replenishes your oxygen. As long as you keep scooping and pouring water, you can have endless oxygen!

Taking advantage of this mechanic, there are actually many ways to breathe underwater, but I won’t go into detail here.”

“Look, just talking about the possibilities of [water] alone, within a week, there are so many things to explore. You can imagine there are countless combinations of the other items and game mechanics that need to be discovered and researched.

However, this requires time and a collective effort from everyone; one or two people are definitely not enough!

Just saying this may not give you a strong feeling, but that’s okay; next, I will build some special ‘machines’ to let you feel the boundless potential of these special mechanics!”

“First up — [Iron Farming Machine]!

By utilizing the mechanic where villagers will summon Iron Golems to protect them when threatened by monsters, combined with water flow and lava damage, you can continuously kill the spawned Iron Golems and collect iron blocks into a chest.

Although the villagers may suffer a bit, this is a perpetual motion machine!”

“What if we run out of villagers?”

“Simple! [Villager Breeding Machine] —

The breeding mechanism for villagers is actually not complicated; as long as the number of [beds] nearby is more than the number of [villagers], and the [villagers] are well-fed, the breeding condition is met.

The next step is easy: build a three-layer cross-shaped glass structure, then place slabs, half-bricks, beds, trapdoors, and carpets on the glass roof.

Finally, in the hollow square area, place a fence for the villagers to stand on, and the [Villager Breeding Machine] is complete!

In the middle of four beds, two adult villagers are pressed together in a single block, constantly breeding.

Once a baby villager is born, because they’re smaller, they’ll fall through the gaps between the slabs and theblocks, getting trapped in the glass column below.

Of course, we must consider the mechanic that the number of villagers must be less than the number of beds, so we need to make some adjustments to the bottom, such as using flowing water to wash the baby villagers out and collect them in a device far away from the breeding machine.

It’s not difficult, right?”

“As a result, mister villager and missus villager can endlessly produce offspring in their open-air home, 24 hours a day. What a fortunate life!”

“Of course, this requires manual feeding, which is not very intelligent, so we can continue to upgrade it, like this —”

In the video, Super Tomato begins to demonstrate how to upgrade the [Villager Breeding Machine], how to use it more efficiently, and even how to incorporate the grown-up baby villagers into the breeding machine’s cycle for replacement…

Amid countless “mind-blown,” “awesome,” “torture,” and “scary” comments, Super Tomato gradually upgrades the [Villager Breeding Machine] to an absurd level.

Later, to make better use of the bred villagers, he demonstrates a [Villager Discount Machine], where villagers are repeatedly bitten by zombies and saved, then bitten again and saved again to obtain high-value merchandise discounts.

Compared to these inhumane “machines,” the [Infinite Lava] made with stalactites and the [Flower Brushing Machine] made with pistons are far more harmonious.

The [Infinite Lava] device continues to explore the possibilities of the “flowing” mechanic with water.

As for the [Flower Brushing Machine], it’s used to bring out the [Redstone] equipment.

Using pistons, redstone, levers, repeaters, bone meal, dispensers, and other devices, the [Flower Brushing Machine] clearly confuses many viewers.

In contrast to the previous machines, which have simple and clear principles that are easy to understand, this device is much more complicated.

Super Tomato anticipated this, which is why he placed this device at the end of the video —

“Regarding [Redstone], the game system’s introduction is very simple, but I have no doubt that its potential is the greatest among all the items in ‘My World’!”

“Just imagine, being able to build circuits and transmit signals in a game world; what can’t we achieve?”

“However, it’s a pity that I’m not from an engineering background, and my understanding of circuits is very shallow. Researching redstone circuits feels quite exhausting, and it’s difficult to find a way.”

“Therefore, I’m really looking forward to having some circuit masters come and develop this gameplay, opening new horizons for everyone!”

“Lastly, a teaser for the next video: [Recreating the Heaven Hall in the virtual world!]”

“Stay tuned!”

“And that’s it for this video, thank you all for watching!”


Super Tomato’s video, even with his efforts to keep it short, has a length of 23 minutes.

But the content is rich and interesting enough that viewers not only feel it’s not too long, but they also feel it isn’t enough.

At the end of the video, the comments are almost uniformly “not enough!”, “more!”, and “it’s too short!”

Some ‘My World’ players, after watching the video, immediately rewind the progress bar to rewatch the special devices shown earlier, intending to make one themselves when they go back.

At the same time, the comment section heats up quickly.

The comments from players can be divided into three categories:

“Super Tomato is awesome!”

“Little tricks not shown in the video!”

And —

“Where are those media outlets that criticized the game? Aren’t you going to come apologize?!”

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