Blessed by Night

Chapter 132 Why Did We Pick This One?!

Chapter 132  Why Did We Pick This One?!

*Inhales* "... LET'S FUCKING GOOOO!!!!"

The highers looking at the newest mortal to be blessed weren't really sure what to think. This one clearly had a few screws loose, and that was really saying something when it came from those among them who were dubbed as mad themselves. " She's ... interesting."

"She's a little touched." "Bless her heart." "Hey! I can hear you!" Serana yelled. Honestly, how could these people bring her here and still proceed to be so rude?

They were treating her like she was slow! Was it wrong of her to be excited that she was about to receive super powers??

When she showed up here a few seconds ago, she couldn't help but be so overjoyed that she yelled from the depths of her lungs. Could anyone blame her?

"Apologies, daughter of man. Your personality is simply... rather surprising." Serana made eye contact with an old man with two crows sitting on his shoulders and one missing eye. She wasn't certain about who exactly this guy was, but he looked important so she decided to accept his apology and just keep it moving. "Tell us then, child. What is the limit of your ambition?"

Serana really only needed a moment to think about an answer, as she had been dreaming about this day for as long as she could imagine. She took a deep breath, before declaring her ambition from the very top of her lungs. "I want to be the strongest and most beautiful blessed woman on the face of the earth! I want to be so hot that guys cream their jeans just from looking at me, and I want to be rich as fuck too! Oh, and if it's not too much to ask for, then I also want an ass that wiggles like my momma's!"

In all of the time that the higher had been blessing mortals, they had never heard anything like this before. Her reasons were so ridiculously mortal that it was laughable. And against Serana's expectations, the bulk of them did. "Hahahaha!!"

"She's a funny one indeed!"

"Hey, tell us your ambition again!"

"I haven't had a laugh like this in centuries!"

Serana started to pout as nearly every higher within this place laughed so hard that they fell out of their seats. "The hell's so funny? I don't think I made any kind of jo-" "The hell she says!!" An unfairly handsome man who many of the higher would recognize as Lucifer, was laughing at the young girl harder than anyone else. "Damn it, WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY AMBITION!?" She finally yelled. Her unexpected outburst caused the laughter of the gods to die down a bit, and they were all giving her a look of true pity. "Child, that is not ambition." Hera said. "Your desires are superficial at best, the things you want will have no longterm meaning in the-"

"Who the fuck are you to tell me that my dreams have no meaning? You don't know the first thing about me if you think that my desires are just the superficial wishes of a dumb girl!"

The colosseum became filled with a dumb silence. Not a single person to ever be brought here had spoken to a higher like this, least of all the queen of an entire pantheon. Although, Zeus still seemed to find this scene rather funny, and did not utter a peep in Hera's defense. His wife was frozen in utter shock.

Had anyone ever dared to talk to her like this? If they had, she certainly couldn't recall it. She most definitely could not let this disrespect go unpunished. Serana's mother tried her best to give her the best life even if her father wasn't around, but she still struggled quite a bit. "Girl... you dare to-"

"Can it, blondie! I bet it must feel real good to sit up here in the heavens and have everyone kiss your ass all the time, but I never got anything like that! Don't try to tell me the things I want are stupid unless you wanna be mortal for a day!"

Serana's mother tried her best to give her the best life even if her father wasn't around, but she still struggled quite a bit. For one, she was a second generation immigrant in America with a mother who was still learning to adapt to new customs. In elementary school, she was picked on for bringing 'weird' lunches to school and for accidentally speaking Japanese instead of English in her classroom.

When she got older and went to middle school, the bullying over food finally stopped but was replaced with another issue. Money. Sei was a single mother, trying to keep an entire restaurant afloat with close to no help. Even though she wanted to, she just wasn't able to buy her daughter the cool and trendy clothes that all the other kids her age were wearing. n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

Serana wore clothes from payless and thrift stores, and her bullies never let her forget it for a single second. In high school, no one cared about her clothes anymore. Specifically because someone was always trying to take them off. At that age, the minds of young men are focused on only one thing; girls. Some wanted to date, but most wanted to sleep around and be top dog among their friends. And Serana was a fourteen year old girl coming into the ninth grade, who was poor with low self esteem and no friends. In other words, she was an easy kill. She would never forget the first time she got asked out on a date by an older guy, and was so excited that she couldn't even sleep the night before. She tried to wear her best clothes and even snuck a bit of her mom's makeup, before she ran out of her house to meet him for their 'date'. At first, things were great. He gave her a bunch of surface level compliments that she had never received before, and she listened as he talked about how 'exotic' she was. She thought that she was going to have the best night of her life, when her date suddenly pulled into the back of a fast food parking lot, and asked her if she was ready to get into the backseat. That was the day she learned another painful lesson. She wasn't pretty, only average. She wasn't the kind of person guys wanted to do nice things for and marry, she was just the kind of girl who was expected to give it up because she wasn't used to attention. Of course, Serana didn't go through with it that night and demanded to be taken home, but that didn't matter. The guy she went out with had already told everyone they'd done the deed by the time she went back to school on Monday. In the blink of an eye she had this terrible reputation that she hadn't done anything to deserve. She had all of the attention she could have ever dreamed of, but none of it was good. Serana didn't want to be rich, beautiful, and powerful to appease some inner vain pursuit. She wanted those things because she had been without them for so very long, and she wanted the respect and admiration that came with them. So what if it was a terribly mortal wish?

So what if there was a possibility that none of those things would matter in 10 years?

She wouldn't allow anyone to tell her that her desire to heal the parts of her that had been broken was a waste of her time. Even if it was a so called goddess from above. "Well, I don't know about you guys but I surely do find this one amusing!" Serana watched as the handsome man from before leapt down from the crowd. He wore an entirely black suit, and had neatly cut blonde hair paired with red eyes. Even though Serana didn't have the foggiest inclination of who this guy was, she could see the way that he commanded the respect of nearly everyone in the room. Even Hera, who looked like she was going to fry her a moment ago, had paused as she silently ground her teeth in anger. "Now kid... I must admit that I have taken quite a liking to you. You may be a girl but you seem to have quite the pair."

The man stuck out his hand, and finally introduced himself properly. "Lucifer. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

Immediately, Serana's eyes went wide and she started to back away. Lucifer had already blessed a man on earth, who was a former member of ragnarok. Aside from the recently revealed Arias, he is one of the world's most dangerous criminals, and currently sits on the lowest level of Tartarus. "Oh? This wasn't really the reaction I was expecting from someone as bold as you. Who would've though that a girl with courage to curse at a goddess was so afraid of the devil?"

"E-Everyone!" Serana said shakily. "Oh right, I guess I do have a rather poor reputation."

"Get away from her, Lucifer." An archangel in white robes with a face eerily similar to the deciever's spoke to him rather coldly. "You have already gifted a mortal with the allotted amount of your power. You have no more left to bless this girl."

"Does that mean that I cannot say hello? She's just such a fun character that I couldn't help but be intrigued."

"Be intrigued from your seat like the rest of us."

"Mind your business."

"Oh, hello! Are you going to bless me?" Lucifer and Michael stopped arguing long enough to find Serana engaging in conversation with a pretty woman. She had beautiful and fair skin, with long auburn hair and dark black eyes. The two brothers could not help but look at the greek goddess of the night once again, as yet another one of her children had appeared during the night. "Indeed I am, if you find me worthy of it. " The goddess said. "What's your name?"

"I am Apate. The goddess of deceit."

Serana's eyes went wide and she let out a low, impressed whistle. "Pretty edgy."

Apate wasn't really sure if she should take that as a compliment or not, but she continued on with her conversation nonetheless. "Hey, wait." Lucifer began. "I, Apate, goddess of deceit wish to bestow my blessing onto you, Serana Aihara. Will you accept?"

Lucifer: "I said wai-"

"Sure thing! I can't wait to be able to kick Mal's ass the next time he calls me a stiff booty bit- Ow!"

It took a moment, but Serana soon felt a strange invading force entering her mind. No one told her about the annoying headache that came from being blessed, or else she probably would have had more reservations about agreeing so easily. But a few moments later, the feeling passed and she started to feel better than ever. "This is... great!" "W-Wha?"

Before Apate knew what was happening, Serana flung herself at the goddess and hugged her tightly. "Thank you, Apate! I promise I won't let you down, and I'm also gonna go home and study up on all of your legends so that I'll know who you are!"

For the first time in a long time, the goddess felt compelled to hit a mortal. But for some reason, she had to admit that the girl in front of her was... oddly likable. She was almost glad that her mother had asked her to do this. After Serana disappeared, Michael and Lucifer both stared hard at Nyx. The goddess naturally felt their gazes, but she felt no real need to explain her motives. After all, everything that she did was for her beloved son and his loved ones.


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