Black Onyx - Forgotten Magic

Chapter 200: 200

Chapter 200: 200

Felt (cute) like writing, might delete later!

Wow, so it's been already 200 chapters to this story! How time flies, doesn't it?

Anyway, I wanted to thank everyone for supporting me all this time, be it comments, reviews, or power stones, I appreciate you all!

Now let me tell you something about myself: I am a young man in my twenties and this story started long ago, it's been maybe five or six years already.

Damn, I'm getting old.

At first, it was supposed to be a comic, but although I have tried drawing, it's was just not for me. And since I like to devour good novels, I thought, hey, this thing that is sitting around in my brain, taking up space, why don't I write it down?

And so I did Still can't quite believe how far it came. It was never really my plan, but hey

I have started working last year in the middle of the Corona outbreak. It's no big deal because I work in a hospital where it's safe :) We only have like 20-30 beds for Covid patients.

No, but seriously, it's not that bad, although I feel like my face is burning up when wearing the mask. That's the most annoying part of it all.

Where was I going with this?

Oh, yes! My writing slowed down partially because of my work, although I still have a few chapters in reserve, so it shouldn't affect the release. No worries!

I'm not a fast writer by any means and writing a story the way I do it is also probably not the most optimal.

As you might have noticed, at the end of the chapter I sometimes leave a random thought/fact/poem

And it is just that: A random thing that came to my mind at that moment.

It works similarly with the ideas for the story, a scene/event poops up in my brain and it then slowly ferments over the weeks, expanding and growing like a mycelium network.

Why I used mushrooms as an analogy just now? No clue, it was random.

Anyway, many of these solitary events get then fleshed out and reorganized into a coherent storyline and connected through the process I call Unicorn Ropes!

This expression was not random, though I came with it on the spot. And why Unicorn? Because it's freaking impossible to find, and making a rope out of its hair even more so.

It's fucking torture!

Writing the event itself is easy because I already have it in my head in its entirety, but connecting it all? Nope!

Did I forget to mention I have almost no written records of my story planning? Yup I only write down names of people and places because there is no way in hell I'm remembering all that!

Well, of course, I also record the current capabilities of the MC and all the magic spells that exist, but that's because it falls under the category of names. Other than that, I'm as blind as a deaf bat.

Sometimes it's difficult to find the energy or time to write. I get home from tiresome work, get a bite to eat, watch one or two Metube videos, and. WTF where did the day go? it's already time to go to sleep. Crazy world, I tell you...

I times like these, when I'm feeling down or having difficulty putting words to paper, or in this case, the screen, your support truly helps motivate me to continue writing, even if it is just a few people that enjoy my work.

For those that want to know, the name Black Onyx did come from the growing crystal on Gerald's chest, though it was never meant to be that way at first. It just somehow developed over time and somehow managed to fit inside my magic system.

The introduction of Souls and Demons also plays an important role, however, that is far into the future and probably far from any current plots from the novels I have read thus far.

The problem I have now is not a lack of ideas, but instead, I am having ideas for the far future, which is not helping when I'm struggling to write 500 words each day!

I was recently watching a video about the scale of things in the universe. They are absolutely massive! And guess what? An idea for an event/scene including open space/alien worlds came knocking on the door!

Woo-hoo! Fuck me, that's not what I needed at all!

Anyhow I'll introduce a few new characters, maybe that will take me somewhere, IDK!

Thanks again for all the support and you'll hear from me in another 200? 100? 300? Chapters.

I don't know, it's random.


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