Bjorn Yandel the Barbarian

Chapter 84

Episode 84 Sewerage (5)


As soon as the barbarian fell, scattering dust.

Amelia Lane Wales gritted her teeth and hunched her back.

‘Is it the cost of being careless?’

The ribs are out.

The skin covered in blood is more than stinging, it is bitter.

It seems that the organs are also damaged a lot.

‘I don’t know how long it’s been since this happened.’

Your body will recover on its own sooner or later.

But really, the pain I felt after a long time was so clear.

I prided myself on being used to the pain alone.


Unknowingly, I laughed out loud.

No matter how conceited the result is.

It was absurd to think that it was the 3-month-old barbarian who created this situation.

‘It’s a strange breed.’

It’s not just about the ability you have.

Momentary judgment and boldness and determination to put it into action.

Above all, the will to live.

Suddenly, I even think about it.

‘If we met again later… the result might have been different.’

Realistically, of course, that doesn’t make sense.

Because it was she who grew up hearing that she had the best talent and had been in and out of the labyrinth for 20 years.


‘It must be a problem starting from thinking that way. That’s because it means he grew up dangerous.’

The first meeting was only a month ago.

The time when I could only enter the labyrinth once more.

But how has this barbarian changed?

The barbarian who couldn’t even brush his collar made himself to this point.


A body that did not die even after its entire head was blown off and began to restore its flesh.

Amelia walked slowly towards it.


There are many abilities that have the effect of overcoming death like [The Source of Darkness].

But that doesn’t mean they’re invincible.

Just look at this barbarian.


The whole head was smashed and became completely defenseless.

What [Eternal] activates and recovers quickly?

It takes a lot of time to recover from an injury like this, and even that becomes impossible when the soul power runs out.

That’s what it means.

If you set your mind to killing, you can do it anytime.

But without hesitation, she inserted the dagger and took out the potion.

No matter what anyone says,

‘I’m sure they weren’t sent from the royal family, so there’s no need to kill them.’

she is not a killer


There was a hint.

Voices came from the front and back at the same time.

If I had been smarter and calmer, I might have noticed the variable [self-replicating].

If that was the case, Plan A and B would have been a little different.

‘Well, I guess the result would have been the same.’

I slowly opened my eyes, feeling a strange sensation as if my fragmented mind was being put together.

“It’s monstrous regenerative power.”

The first thing I saw was the psychopath year.

“It’s all better with a bottle of potion.”


He let out a cracking voice and raised his upper body.

It wasn’t until after that that I noticed that the hair part was very wet.

It doesn’t look like it’s all blood…

Could it be that this woman poured the potion on me?

“Why the hell—”

“Didn’t you kill him?”

I nodded.

Yes, I’m glad he’s still alive…but

honestly, I was sure he was dead the moment he lost consciousness.

The woman looked at me and gave me an annoyed look.

“You… you haven’t changed as of now.”


“Why do you rush at me when you see me like that?

Having said that, I have nothing to say.

It’s all because of my habit of always assuming the worst.

I answered in a calm voice.

“I thought that if you were going to kill me, that was the only way.”

when there are any gaps.

Before the paralysis poison spreads even a little further through the body.

I decided I had to see the match.

The woman only let out a short sigh.

“Why? I must have saved you last time and let you go?”

It’s still a blunt voice, but for some reason it feels a bit resentful.

But it was me who was really unhappy.

“You said that with your own mouth. I can’t let you go now that I know about this place.”

Even if he hadn’t said that, Plan C, begging for his life, would have remained Plan A.

Would I have wanted to fight a monster like this?

“I remember you saying you couldn’t just ‘just’ let it go.”

that or that.

For some reason, she had been showing an accepting attitude from before, so I asked more boldly.

“So what are you going to do with me now?”

“I have no intention of killing you. So, put your hands away.”

I quietly stopped moving my arm toward Mace.

and said bluntly.

“It’s a misunderstanding.”


“I didn’t mean to surprise you with this. I just—”

“I was just preparing for when I changed my mind?”

……Well, that’s it.

Because the best defense is offense.

When I neither affirm nor deny, the woman stares down at me.

A look as if there were all these crazy people.

“You really haven’t changed at all.”

Saying that, the woman spat on the floor.

For a moment, I wondered if he was the type of person who was grouchy, but when I looked closely, it was blood, not saliva.

It seems that my active defense before fainting was not without damage.

“…Did you not eat the potion?”

“Because it’s like that.”


A brief explanation is not enough, but I saved my words.

Among the essences, there are some that make you apply a penalty when you eat a potion.

Anyway, back to the main point.

“Eat this barbarian.”

A woman takes out something like a pill from her bosom.

It was dingy and looked like some kind of cat had vomited food.

“What is this……?”

“It’s a medicine made by an alchemist in Noark. If you take it, it erases your entire memory for an hour.”

“It erases your memory…? Then why didn’t you use it when we met in the Land of the Dead?”

“Because it’s not something that can be easily obtained. In the first place, I wouldn’t have had it if it wasn’t given to me to use in case I didn’t know.”

It’s a valuable thing.

But here’s another question.

I wouldn’t say anything about my situation right now…

“It would be easier to kill me, so why use such a troublesome method?”

There is a saying that there is nothing more precious than human life.

It’s a word that only works in the world I used to live in.

This is a world where there are countless things more valuable than human life.

For example, many people still die on earth for not paying taxes.

In the midst of that…

‘They’re sending us alive even while using precious consumables…’

I said confidently.

“There must be a reason for that.”

“…Why did you think that?”

“If you kill five of us, the equipment alone will be worth tens of millions of stones.”

At my sharp point, the woman was silent for a while.

I thought it was because I was stabbed in the middle.

However, the words that came after the silence were unexpected.

“What do you think of me?”


I was thinking about whether I could be honest, but the woman cut me off.

“You don’t have to tell me. Because I think you know.”

It looks like he’s getting stabbed too.

But wouldn’t I have to make an excuse?

“It’s okay, think whatever you want. Nothing will change anyway.”

The woman bends down and forcefully opens my mouth, then pushes the pill into my throat.

The fantasy that I vomited up later and melted away without having to do anything.


It feels like something is burning in my head.

A completely different kind of sensation than pain.

“…Hey, you’re really just losing your memories, right?”

“If not, do you have any other options?”

Uh, I don’t really have anything to say if you say that, but…

The woman smiled at me as I was at a loss for words.

“I haven’t heard of any side effects. So, sleep in peace, Barbarian.”

well if so

To be honest, I wasn’t relieved at all, but I closed my eyes.

But at that time, the woman opened her mouth as if she remembered now.

“Oh so what was the other one?”

huh? another one?

“Two ways to make people angry.”

Oh that.

“That’s right…”

I lost my mind just like that.


「Lethe’s blessing permeates the character’s soul.」

「It is a soul that cannot be blessed. The blessing that permeates the soul is removed.”


When I opened my eyes, I was in the sewer.

The stripped equipment was scattered around randomly, and this was the same for my colleagues


Using her hands as support, she slowly raised her filth-covered body. And as I was wearing the juseom juseom equipment, my colleagues came to their senses one by one.

Everyone’s eyes were confused.

“Uh, is this the sewer…?”

“What the heck is this? We must have been chasing that wicked villainess…”

“Video record! Check the video record… damn it’s broken!”

Colleagues who don’t remember anything about what the psychopath bitch said was true.

Listening to the story, it seems that going to the hideout with Hans E is the last memory…

‘…why am I fine?’

Even when I slowly recollect my memories, I can clearly recall what happened before I lost consciousness.


The moment I thought about the reason.

‘Wait, then what happened to that bitch?’

Lately, I remembered the year Elisa and came to my senses.

‘……Could that bitch save her and take her?’

For once, it is invisible to the surroundings.

Damn, if you knew this was going to happen, a bounty or something and then killing it—

“Everybody look over there!!”

“Huh? Isn’t that the woman?”


I immediately turn my head and see a woman lying on the ground a short distance away.

Blond hair covered in filth.

A dainty back of the head that makes you want to break it.

It must be the year of Elisha.

“The Lord is dead!”

The dwarf, who ran away in a hurry and felt his pulse, pronounces the death sentence.

This added to the confusion. “It’s like an ear ghost wailing.

Why the hell do

we have no memory and why is this woman dead…”

All sorts of speculations flying around with perplexing voices.

At least Rottmiller, who had maintained his composure, came up with a plausible hypothesis.

“…I think it was all the fault of this woman.”

“what? What did she do?”

“Perhaps we found her after a chase. And he probably won.”

Rotmiller presented Elisa’s limbs as a basis for his argument. Is it that it would be difficult to crush her completely like that without my mace

? ”

Soon afterward, Dwalki found traces of the [paralysis poison] in the corpse and hardened his feelings.

Then, one question remained for them.

“Then, why don’t you remember anything?”

Why did you lose your memory

? If our predictions were correct, we would have tried to keep her alive and take her to the city. But… I wonder if this woman came to her senses at that time and did something trick-or-treating.”

It was a plausible story.

Even if I had lost my memory, I’d have analyzed the situation that way.

“Certainly… the power of a little-known evil spirit . I think this could be possible.”

“Hahaha! Still, looking at them dead, it seems like we managed to solve it well!” ”

…What do you think, Bjorn?”

“Well…” I

thought about it for a while before replying.

The convincing conclusion is quite far from the truth I remember, but… I

don’t think I need to say

“Rottmiller seems right.”

If it’s known that he hasn’t lost his memory, that psychopath bitch will come again sometime soon. “Let ‘s

go out and visit the temple first. It’s not just that you lost your memory, you might have something wrong with your body.” At Rottmiller’s worrying words,

everyone prepared to leave in a hurry.

I finished my thoughts. ‘It

‘s something hidden under the sewer…’

A secret that exists in this world that I don’t know


I shouldn’t.’

Isn’t life more important than curiosity?

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