Bjorn Yandel the Barbarian

Chapter 24

Episode 24 Looter (1)

A 9th grade magic stone is a stone bread.

In other words, each one is worth about 20 stones.

Then, how about the 8th grade manastone?

Unfortunately, the value of one Deathfind was equal to only five goblins.

“What? You mean only one hundred stones?!”

“…If you include the ones dropped by the summoned ghouls, that’s 300 stones.”

Of course, even taking that into account, there is no denying that it is a low amount.

Because we just had to risk our lives.

“Bjorn… how much was the bread you ate at the inn?”

“…I remember it was about 300 stones.”

“So… but that means you can taste the sweetness of every deathfind you catch!”

Apparently, the cream pie I ate earlier has established itself as a new unit for Einar.

Of course, if you divide it in the ratio of 8:2, it will be 0.2 times sweeter per chicken, but…

it’s better not to say this.

“Bjorn! It’s not the time to be like this. Hunting! Let’s hunt!”

For a while, I was disappointed with the amount less than I expected.

I smiled as I saw Einar showing his enthusiasm again.

In this respect, going with a barbarian wasn’t bad either.

Erwen, who was my former colleague, was all good, but he had the downside of being passive in everything.

Motivation is much easier.

“Okay let’s go!”

After that, we continued to hunt Desfind around the area.

If hunting took more than 20 minutes at a time, even earning 300 stones could have been considered a loss, but…

Originally, the first try should be an exception.



Jokjok meeting Despind, we rushed together, calling out to our ancestors.

They grabbed each other by the legs, lifted them up, and threw them to the floor.

Named Double Barbarian Tackle.


The fallen Deathfind was an easy prey.

If you were pounding rice cakes amicably at the bedside, out of reach of your arms, he would quickly become a light and disappear.

It takes about 3 minutes to get there.

The moment he fell to the floor, he felt a sense of crisis and summoned a ghoul, so it was difficult to shorten it further.


As the hunt continued, the speed at which the manastone pouches filled also increased, but we were not satisfied and spurred on even more.

This is because hunting in Deathfind becomes impossible after the 3rd day.

If I hadn’t used the bug to reach the second floor faster than anyone else, I wouldn’t have dared to fight him.

First of all, these guys aren’t alone.

Even if it is possible to have two, it is difficult with just the two of us if there are three or four of them.


Checking the time, I took a short break.

There is a saying to row when the water comes in, but accidents always happen when you are impatient.

“Bjorn is thirsty.”

“Drink sparingly. The corpse flower will only bloom tomorrow.”

“A corpse flower?”

It is the only way to replenish moisture in the land of the dead. When the time is right, flowers bloom on the vines that cling to the rubble of the stone building, which, when opened, contain water.

When I told him about this, Ainar became serious.

“Bjorn, isn’t that a bit unhygienic?”

Certainly it is.

I’ve heard that you can drink it, but I’m embarrassed too.

However, this is not something that 10 people in a five-person room would sleep without washing.

“Then is there any other way?”

“No! I’ll drink!”

After resting for about 20 minutes to replenish our stamina, we continued hunting again.

And until he was about to collapse from exhaustion, he hunted a total of 70 Despinds.

This means that he made more than 20,000 stone in one day.

‘Is this better than catching only level 9 monsters?’

However, the integer I was hoping for did not come out.


The drop rate of essence is not enough to say that it is atrocious.

Therefore, in the beginning, it is not only the basics of this game to create training methods according to the drops of essence, but also

the player’s skill depends on how well they do it.

In that sense, I was looking forward to it.

The Essence of Deathfind is ranked among the highest among the things that can be obtained in the early stages.

‘The problem is that there is no sign of it coming out.’

The active skill ‘call of the dead’ to summon a ghoul is honestly ambiguous, but the passive ‘body preservation’ is good enough to make up for it.

Of course, eating essence doesn’t mean that you can regenerate as ridiculously as he did……. It

has good synergy with me, whose regeneration coefficient has gone up due to the Immortal imprint.


Listening to Einar snoring, I checked the time.

A day passed before I knew it, and the car for the second day began.

From now on, you will have to fight two Despinds at once, but there are parts that put your mind at ease.

At least it won’t look strange when you run into other explorers.

Again, I’m afraid of explorers the most.

“Ainar, wake up.”

“…I didn’t eat!”

“It’s shift time.”

3 hours per person.

After resting for a total of six hours, we hunted Desfind without fail on the second day.


as many as two.

There were only 20 ghouls summoned with active skills, but it was worth trying anyway.

It was thanks to the fact that I learned the tricks by dealing with countless people on the first day.


After opening his eyes and running at once as if he were cutting his nose, he smashed one of them to the floor first.

The other one is also knocked down together.

If you stumble even once in this process, it can be quite embarrassing, but…….

In that case, you run away without looking back.

“Let’s jump Einar!”


Deathfind has a slow movement speed and even a habit of not following you if you move away from the area, so there has been no danger yet.


Each battle takes about 10 minutes.

Even though the try failed 3 times out of 10, the profit was similar to the 1st day as I caught 2 of them.

It took quite a while to find the crowd on the first day.

However, as the afternoon passed, groups of three occasionally appeared, and as time passed, the frequency of encounters increased.

“I’ll have to leave here soon.”

“A wise warrior should know when to take it off.”

When the 2nd day car comes to an end.

I left the realm of Deathfind with regret behind me. Then they returned to the muddy mud to find a suitable campsite.

That was when


First encounter with a group of other explorers.

Made up of three humans, they were roaming in the dark, relying on a single torch like us, but…

We could only identify each other after approaching 10m.

“What are you looking at? If you have nothing to do, go away.”

“Excuse me.”

As Einar spoke coldly, the crowd passed us first and disappeared into the darkness again.

It was a little strange.

trudge trudge.

It was only twenty paces away, and I could still hear their footsteps faintly.

However, the light of the torch they were holding is already invisible.

They said that most of the floors in the labyrinth have the property of consuming light, so that’s what they meant.

It seemed that the brightness of a torch would be invisible to the naked eye even from a distance of 10m… I

was thinking about this phenomenon for a long time.

“Bjorn must move.”

Einar opened his mouth in a stubborn voice.

“They know where we are. It’s comfortable with the walls, but it’s probably safer to find a new campsite.”

Certainly it is.

I tried to do that too.

Just can’t adapt.

It’s like how he growled at the other explorers and told them to get out of the way as soon as he saw them…….

His character suddenly changed.

“I can’t trust Bjorn humans.”

“…To agree.”

Now Bonnie had one more thing in common besides being a barbarian.

It is none other than human distrust.

Looks like something happened to him when he first entered.

I’ll have to ask later

“Then let’s move.”

Soon after, we packed up again and moved.

However, it was difficult to find a well-located campground as before. Should I just compromise with a wall to block my back?

That was when I was thinking about it.

“Turn it off…”

A moan came from not too far ahead.

“Keuheuk! Heuuueup!”

It’s not Banshee’s.

First of all, it’s not even a woman’s voice…

“…Wait a minute!”

speaks clearly


Damn it.

Just sit anywhere and sleep.


Silence arrives at the end of the interrupted scream.

Ainar whispered.

“I didn’t get hit by a monster.”

I know because I have ears too.

Because there won’t be many cases where people will beg for their lives from monsters.

The situation is clear. man killed man

Shiva, what kind of crap is this?

I’m not some kind of little detective.

Not wanting to get involved, I grabbed Einar’s wrist and slowly stepped back.

But did you sense something?

“Who’s there?”

A cold, subdued voice was heard.

It’s rough, but it’s a woman’s thing.

We held our breath and didn’t move, no matter who said first.

But at that moment.

Pew woo woo woo! Puffup!

Something like a flare flared up into the sky and softly illuminated a radius of about 50m.

Thanks to that, I was also able to face the eyes of the owner of the voice.

The distance was less than 15m.

…If Erwen had been there, I would have been able to notice her presence from far away and avoid it.

“Hmm, are you a beginner?”

An unidentified woman looked at us and made a brief decision.

It was a regular match.

A dagger that drips blood.

Four scattered corpses.

“…a looter.”

the woman asked calmly.

“Is this your first time seeing it?”

“It’s ambiguous.”

It’s the first time I’ve seen a professional-looking pup like you.


Since she had witnessed a murder scene, she must have been embarrassed, but the expression of the woman who nodded meaningfully was very calm.

Somehow I thought I knew why.



Those who specialize in hunting the same explorers, not monsters, are called that.

They generate high income by rooting explorer’s equipment, not magic stones.

Of course, if you get caught, the moment you return to the city, you will be sentenced to death


It was in self-defense, but just like I killed six explorers and was never investigated.

There is no way to know what happened in the labyrinth from the outside.

Unless someone else informs.

“…You didn’t wear a mask.”

That’s the craziest thing about the current situation.

This psychopath bitch was showing off her face while doing predatory things.

A little over 170 tall, with a lean physique.

Red hair that goes down to the shoulder and the tattoo under the eye that has been cut in half to the back of the right ear.

At this level, it is not difficult to estimate a specific person.

If it was modern times, it would have been possible to grab the evidence from the other side, but…

This place where I am is a world where magic exists.

There is definitely a way to determine truth from lies without physical evidence.

“…was it a colleague?”


The woman looked at the corpse and shrugged.

“Perhaps this side thought so

. ”

Even though I dare to ask questions that are expected to be answered, I quickly organized the information that I could check with my eyes.

A total of four bodies.

You can tell that he is an explorer active on at least the 5th floor or higher by the level of equipment he wears or the fact that he has a wizard.

Also, the three corpses had no trauma.

However, judging from the fact that all of them left traces of blood and gastric juices on their mouths…

‘Did you poison them? Didn’t the last man you dealt with yourself held out for a little bit because he was resistant?’

I hope this guess is correct.

If you’re a skilled player who can kill four middle-aged explorers alone without a single wound, the situation will be even more bleak.

less so less so

Soon after, the woman squatted down and skilfully removed the corpses’ equipment.

And put them in the bag one by one.

Magic tools or bulky items fit in without difficulty.

Fear came before envy.

Just having something like that made me feel the gap between him and us.


A woman called us.

I didn’t answer.

Einar asked me quietly.

“Are you going to fight?”

He’s great too.

If it had been Erwen, he would have been scared a long time ago.

Is it a warrior’s pride to start thinking about fighting no matter how big the gap is?

I answered briefly.

“I’m thinking about it.”

To be honest, I want to avoid the option of fighting.

The difference is obvious just by looking at the equipment.

However, if you are a person with as much skill as your equipment, well… Even considering the 2:1 situation, our odds will be much lower.


As if the duration had run out, the lights in the sky went off and darkness came again.

I immediately made a decision.

“Run. Full speed.”

Pride does not save lives.

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