
Chapter 856 Our Bubbly Little Spirit

"We're going to need a plan if we want to get back. Any ideas?" Manny asked as the group sat around the living room. The TV was quietly playing in the background as the group looked at each other. "We should split up and look for clues."

"Do you think the library would have anything we need?" Liz asked.

"Dunno, but we could try." Evan replied. 

"Some of us could go to the Guild and find some information there." Keng suggested.

"Liz, Evan, and I can go to the library to look up some information." Manny suggested. "There'll probably be computers there and we could look up information on the state of Capitol City. The city should be a buzzword, right?"

"Wouldn't that be risky? Wouldn't it be better to use the phones the Guild gave us?" Olivia waved her phone in the air. 

"The Guild could be tracking it." Ritsuka pointed out.

"It's not like people don't search up what's happening elsewhere. It wouldn't make us too suspicious." Liz threw her two cents in. The group sighed while Lee Seng scratched his head. Manny shifted forward and slowly scanned his friends.

"How 'bout this? We'll do it the way we originally said we would. Some of us will go to the library and you guys can go to the Guild if you'd like. I'm sure there are things we can figure out in our respective areas. We'll meet up back here for dinner, hm?" Manny suggested. 

Lee Seng sat in the lobby wearing his usual outfit. Pants, shirt and a jacket. He scrolled his phone while he waited for the taxi Ritsuka had called to come. Keng wandered around the lobby, casually making small talk with one of the workers who seemed very interested in him.

"Oh, yeah. I've heard about that." The male worker chuckled. "How do you know so much about the new phone that's supposed to come out? Insiders only know about that. Are you… an influencer?"

"Oh, no. I've read many articles about it because it keeps popping up on my phone." Keng answered. The male worker looked down and then looked up. Keng was looking directly at him which made the poor worker more nervous. 

"Our taxi's here." Ritsuka told his friends. Lee Seng and Olivia stood up in unison and headed for the door.

"Well, hope you have a good day, Dave. Hope we can talk about tech some more." Keng said his goodbyes and waved. He jogged after the others, leaving Dave in a state of 'hot and bothered.'

"He's good looking, too." Dave whispered. "A shame he's a low-grade adventurer… I would've done anything to get to know him better…" 

"What do you mean?" A woman asked, stepping out from the office. "Everyone who lives here is B-rank or higher and/or affiliated with an adventurer."

"W-what? H-he's at least B-rank?" Dave looked at the woman. She nodded as she stood off to the side, clacking away at the invisible keyboard. 

"I know you're new, Dave, but remember the information. Anyone who lives here is either a B-rank or higher adventurer or is affiliated with one."

The group piled into the car and made usual small talk. Keng, the bubbliest member out of the four of them, made small talk with the driver. Keng had a knack for getting to know people. It resulted in Lee Seng wondering if he would be exactly like Keng if things didn't go south.

"You okay?" Olivia asked Lee Seng. She had caught him in one of his 'moments.' Lee Seng shook it off, immediately, and nodded.

"I'm good. Just lost in thought." Lee Seng answered. Olivia pushed her lips into a gentle smile and nodded at him.

"They call it soccer here?" Keng asked. "Not football like the rest of the world does? Americans sure are weird."

"That is what I am saying, young one!" The thick accented European man responded. "They have American Football, which you use your hands for most of the time! They call our football, soccer! A horrible thing!"

The group arrived in front of the Guild and gave their thanks to their old driver. Keng waved goodbye with a big smile before closing the door and following after the others. 

"Aren't you friendly today." Lee Seng wrapped his arm around Keng.

"It's a nice day today. I have a feeling we're going to be lucky!" Keng smiled. Lee Seng ruffled Keng's hair and nodded. 

Ritsuka, Olivia, Lee Seng and Keng entered the cool Guild building. Their bracelets glowed, revealing to them extra areas they could go. There were quite a lot of people in the Guild today as they stopped and took it all in.

"Where do we go now?" Olivia asked.

"Let's ask front desk." Ritsuka suggested. The group wandered over to the front desk and waited for their turn behind a line of six other people. They got a couple of odd looks and whispers. Many people wondered who they were and wondered if they were newbies.

"Hey, you." A tsundere-sounding woman spoke behind the group. The group turned and noticed a short-haired girl in a crop top, shorts and heels. She folded her arms around her breasts, making them look bigger. 

"Are you talking to us?" Olivia asked. The tsundere woman clicked her tongue and cocked her head to the side.

"Are you lost?" The huge man behind her giggled. He stood at least seven feet tall and was bald. He looked like a typical goon. 

"Do you need help finding jobs? It's over there." The tsundere woman pointed. 

"Nah, this is the help desk, right?" Olivia looked at Ritsuka and the others. The young men nodded. "I think we're in the right place. Thanks for trying to help though. We appreciate it~" She began to turn when blood lust alerted them. Olivia quickly turned to watch a sharp blade pointed at her eye. 

"I don't think you understand what I'm saying. Get out of our way, low-tier trash." The tsundere woman growled. 

"It's them." An adventurer whispered. "They should get out of the way if they know what's best for them."

"That's Yifa and Rock, the bandit duo. They're A-cusp rank each." Another adventurer whispered. 

'Oh, they think we're newbies.' Lee Seng telepathically told everyone. Olivia pushed the blade away, eyeing Yifa. 

"I mean, you could just guide us to where the Guild's information is and we'll get outta your hair." Olivia told Yifa. Yifa gritted her teeth, quickly raising the blade. 

"I thought I warned you of what would happen if you fought inside the Guild, again, you two." A dissatisfied voice sighed. The adventurers began to gasp.

"That's the S-rank! Travis Wolkwitz!" 

Travis Wolkwitz strolled over and folded his arms. He wasn't like Lee Seng had expected… well, in person. Nice short brunette hair, donned in business casual clothes with many random tech pieces he had created. Lee Seng could tell this was the Wolkwitz he had seen and heard much about. Travis had mechanical balls attached to his belt - his Jail Cells. Travis was known for his inventions and his crazy sky rocket to S-rank within Farago. He basically was a rich guy with connections and power.

Yifa and Rock immediately turned and pointed at Olivia and the crew. 

"They're the ones who started this. They cut in front of us!" Yifa lied. 

"We did no such thing!" Olivia shouted. "You threatened us. Assumed we were newbies and pulled your weapon out on me! You should be glad I didn't retaliate like I should've!" 

"You little—" Yifa growled as she turned.

"Enough." Travis spoke. He looked disappointed that drama was already happening so early in the morning. "Yifa, Rock what do you want now?"

"We're inquiring about our rank test." Rock answered. Travis nodded and looked over at Olivia.

"And what're you doing here, new A-rankers?" Travis asked.

"They're the new A-rankers?" An adventurer whispered. Yifa's face said it all. She was shocked to know these 'newbies' were A-rankers.

"We're looking for some information. Farago should have an access point to get that information, yes?" Ritsuka asked. Travis nodded and pointed up the stairs.

"It's on the fourth floor. Since you're A-rankers, you'll get the most out of the library. Help yourselves." Travis answered.

"Thank you, sir." Ritsuka nodded. Lee Seng and the others followed suit and stepped out of line. 

"Hold on a moment." Travis called out. The gang stopped and turned. Travis took a couple steps over to the group. "You must be the ones who brought Mr. Jaro's chest to me, correct?"

"Yeah." Lee Seng nodded. Travis smiled.

"Thank you for bringing it to me. Mr. Jaro likes to bring me unfinished inventions he's made. I'm surprised someone like you carried a chest like that all the way here."

"It's alright, Mr. Wolkwitz. We were headed this way anyway." Lee Seng smiled. 

"How 'bout I show you to our library?" Travis asked. 

"Oh, you don't have to, sir." Olivia shook her head. "We're just going to the library and then we'll be good."

"I was going that way anyways. Allow me to show you around a bit more." Travis smiled.

"Sure thing, sir." Keng piped in. He wandered over to the other side of Travis and gave off golden retriever energy. "Say, is it true you have a huge hammer?"

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