
Chapter 842 Farago Guild

New Angeles bustled with people. Tall buildings climbed to the sky while motorized vehicles moved through the streets. Sidewalks were filled with people moving to and fro their destinations.

Lee Seng and the group stood in front of the holographic map board. There were a few spots that had red or yellow areas.

"Whoa, they have real time traffic reports on this thing, too?" Ritsuka asked. He pointed at the areas while Lee Seng scanned for the guild.

"Six blocks or so from this main road…" Lee Seng whispered. He traced his finger down the main path until he saw it. "Here."

"Can we stop for food first?" Evan asked, stomach grumbling. "I'm starving."

"We have rations." Manny reminded him.

"Yeah, we do but we're in the city. I could go for something delicious." Evan complained.

"After we visit the Guild." Lee Seng told them. "The petrified Cerberus should run for something, right? Plus, I'll get paid for running this chest to that S-ranker. We can eat something good." Evan groaned and nodded.

"Fine." Evan begrudgingly responded.

The group followed the main road down to Farago Guild. New Angeles was filled with different types of people. The cool weather set Team Zephyr apart from everyone. Everyone in the streets bundled up a bit while Lee Seng and the others sore lighter layers. The road eventually turned into a huge roundabout with Farago Guild standing smack in the middle of everything.

"Whoa…" Liz gasped.

"It's humongous." Olivia commented. The walk lights flicked to green and the crowd began to move. The group made their way over to the inner circle, where many people seemed to be going.

The group entered the automatic doors, noticing how spacious Farago was. Lee Seng had read and heard all about Farago. It was the biggest guild in the world. Most guilds that tried to set up in New Angeles fell through because they couldn't compete with the services and manpower Farago had.

The inside of Farago was sleek and modern. Team Zephyr made their way to the front desk, where no one was really interacting. A security guard looked up and greeted the group.

"Hello, what can I do for you today?" The security guard asked. Lee Seng pulled the floating chest and set it down on the counter. He pulled the note and handed it over to the security guard.

"I got a delivery for Mr. Wolkwitz. It's from a gentleman who runs an inn on the outskirts of New Angeles." Lee Seng explained. The security guard gave Lee Seng a strange look before taking the paper. He opened it and read it, looking up at Lee Seng and the others before returning to look at the note again. The security guard did this a couple of times, unsure of what he was exactly getting into.

"Mr. Timothy Jaro wants me to give this to Mr. Wolkwitz?" The guard asked, folding the note back up. "Do you know what's inside?"

"Nope." Lee Seng shook his head. "I was just told Mr. Jaro was old friends with Mr. Wolkwitz. He would know what to do with it."

"I've never heard of such a person. I don't think I can bring this up to him. This could very well be a terrorist act upon Mr. Wolkwitz. I think I'll need all of you to leave." The guard motioned.

"It's… nothing like that." Lee Seng tried to explain. "The old man told me—"

"I don't care what the old man told you. It's dangerous enough that you want this to be brought to Mr. Wolkwitz when we don't know what's inside. I've never heard of Mr. Jaro and you probably stole this from someone. Take it and leave before I get people to escort you out." Lee Seng groaned as he turned around.

'What do we do now?' Keng asked telepathically.

'I dunno.' Lee Seng answered.

'Let's just try to see what the Cerberus could go for.' Olivia reminded them. Lee Seng turned back and grabbed the chest with ease. He looked at the paper and watched it fly up into the sky and slip back into his pocket.

"I heard from the soldiers out front I can get some creds for slaying monsters. Where's that?" Lee Seng asked. The guard raised his eyebrows and sighed.

"Are you trying to pull something on me? You think I was—"

"We killed a Cerberus and want creds for it." Keng piped up. "Nothing more, sir."

"I don't like the way you're talking to me. I'm going to have to ask you to leave." The security guard motioned. Guards surrounded the group.

"We didn't do anything wrong! We're just trying to inquire about your services. If I can't get this to Mr. Wolkwitz, it's fine! Let us, at least, get our creds for the monsters we killed on the way here!" Lee Seng spoke in frustration.

"Out!" The security guard shouted.

"What's with all the racket?" A male voice asked. Heels clicked to a stop and both groups turned to look at a dark skinned man and a pale woman came to a stop. They were dressed in formal wear like they had just come from a party.

"Sir!" The security guard behind the desk straightened himself up. His tone had immediately switched in an instant. Lee Seng immediately knew this would get rough. He pushed himself out from the guards and his friends and stepped out into view full view of the man and woman.

The dark skinned man reminded Lee Seng of Victor. Green eyes, black hair, suit and tie. The pale woman beside him was wearing a dress that seemed to match the theme of the mans. She had short blonde hair and was wearing some expensive jewelry. The two strangers took in Lee Seng and then looked at the group within the security guard circle.

"Ah, Mr. Anderson and Ms. Olliander!" The security guard rushed from behind the counter and over to the group. "I was just trying to get them to leave. They want to speak with Mr. Wolkwitz about some terrorist box." The man and woman looked over at Lee Seng, noticing the chest in his hands.

"Terrorist box? It looks like an old chest." Ms. Olliander commented. She stepped forward, walking with purpose as she came straight up to Lee Seng and looked him in the eye. "Tell me, is this true? Is that a terrorist box?" A strange energy washed over Lee Seng.

'A charm effect?' Lee Seng wondered.

[Charm has been blocked.]

Lee Seng pulled backwards. 'This woman's dangerous.' This reaction only intrigued Ms. Olliander. He knew exactly what had happened and she knew that for a fact.

"Why did you try to charm me?" Lee Seng asked. Mr. Anderson grew serious. He slowly reached for something on his backside.

"H-hey! Don't do anything too rash!" Manny shouted trying to get out. "Le—"

"Brother!" Keng shouted. "J! We can just go elsewhere for the Cerberus! Screw Mr. Jaro's request."

"Mr. Jaro?" Mr. Anderson looked over to the group. The guards were trying to hold the group back. "Let them go. I want to know how they know the old man."

"B-but, sir—"

"Let 'em go." Mr. Anderson ordered. The security guards pulled away, letting the group breathe. Ms. Olliander continued to stare at Lee Seng as he tried to expel the anxiety-ridden threat in his body. "Angie, you're scaring the young man. He knows what you did, so you need to—"

"I know, John. I know." Angie returned to John's side, never letting go of her stare.

"Explain to me what Mr. Jaro had you do." John Anderson asked the group. Keng and Manny looked at Lee Seng, who cleared his throat and shook off the strange feeling. The threatening feeling of charm faded and Lee Seng felt like he could finally breathe.

"He wanted me to give this to Mr. Wolkwitz." Lee Seng lifted the chest. "Said Mr. Wolkwitz would understand what to do with it. We'd get paid for delivering it." Mr. Anderson stepped forward and motioned for the chest. "It's heavy."

Mr. Anderson took the chest, grunting a bit before holding it on his own.

"Mr. Jaro sent a lot this time…" Mr. Anderson whispered. He twisted the ring on his finger and the chest disappeared. Mr. Anderson let out a sigh of relief and then nodded at Lee Seng. "Once Mr. Wolkwitz gets this, I'll have someone pay you for your services." The security guard looked appalled that Mr. Anderson had just accepted it without hesitation. "Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"I think we should just take the Cerberus elsewhere, Jeff." Manny spoke up.

"Cerberus?" Ms. Olliander raised an eyebrow. "You killed an Cerberus?"

"Wouldn't want to work with a guild who tried to kick us out." Manny commented. "Let's go." Manny, Liz, and Evan started towards the door while the rest lingered.

"You killed a Cerberus?" John Anderson asked Lee Seng.

"Mmm, more or less. We wanted to see how much we could get for an A-rank monster, but since your security guards were so… nice, I think we'll have to look elsewhere." Lee Seng waved goodbye before following. The rest of the group followed behind Lee Seng as they slowly made their way to the door. John Anderson turned with Ms. Olliander and cleared his throat.

"If you killed an A-rank Cerberus, your team must be good. Jeff was it? I do apologize for how the staff at Farago treated you guys. I would like to mend this by allowing you to give your Cerberus to us for a premium." John offered. The group stopped and Manny held a small smile.

'Bingo.' Manny telepathically thought. They all turned and Lee Seng looked at the others for a bit.

"Should we? I heard Farago was the best, but the people… Man, they're a bit rough to deal with." Lee Seng commented. "Should we see how much they would offer to some 'terrorists?'" John Anderson and Ms. Olliander looked at each other before quietly nodding.

"Why don't we talk somewhere more… private, Mister…" John lingered at the end as Lee Seng turned.

"Zhang. Jeffrey Zhang." Lee Seng smiled.

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