
Chapter 839 New Names, New Sights

"Jeffrey Zhang." Lee Seng sighed. He smacked the ID against his hand a couple of times before putting it into his wallet. He threw his old ID into the Void Storage and stood outside in the rain while his friends put their new IDs into their proper places. "Such a bland name."

"Better than Tommy Rogers." Ritsuka rolled his eyes. "Do I look like a white boy named Tommy Rogers?"

"You do now, Tommy." Evan grinned.

"Shut up, Nicholas Smut." Ritsuka reached for Evan, who quickly jumped out of the way.

"What did you do to deserve that…?" Liz whispered.

"Alright, enough of that! Let's figure out where that place is. We converted all our creds into bills and coins, so we should skedaddle before that old man comes for our necks." Manny clapped his hands.

"Roger, Yusuf." Liz smiled. Manny rolled his eyes and started to walk in the direction they came.

"The other way, Yusuf." Lee Seng pointed. Manny spun around and groaned.


The bell rang as the door opened, A blonde woman looked up from her book, watching Manny and the others step inside. The green eyed woman closed her book and stood up.

"Welcome, welcome." The blonde woman greeted the travelers. She counted the travelers while Lee Seng stepped past the others and over to the woman.

"Hi, do you have any rooms available?" Lee Seng asked.

"I got a couple." The woman nodded. "Are you guys okay with squishin' together? Small place." She smiled.

"It's fine. We've made due with the worst." Lee Seng replied.

"Alright, it's gonna be 12,000 creds for the six of you with two rooms."

Lee Seng reached for his wallet, pulling out bills and handing it to the woman. She looked at it in surprise, before taking it. She counted the bills and filed them away. The woman turned and grabbed the last two keys.

"Alright, the rooms are on the keys. If you need me, I'll be here."

"Thanks." Lee Seng smiled, taking the keys. He handed a key to Olivia and mouthed, "Let's go."

The Next Day…

Lee Seng and the group exited their rooms, closing the door behind them. Lee Seng collected the keys and walked to the front where the smells of coffee and toast grew strong. An older man was sitting at the front desk, reading the holographic screen as the group filled the room.

"Mornin'." Lee Seng smiled.

"Good mornin'. Want some breakfast before you go?" The old man asked. Lee Seng set the keys onto the counter and looked at the others. Some of them were already moving over to the sitting area where a few other guests were indulging themselves in coffee and toast.

"I guess we will. Thank you." Lee Seng nodded. Lee Seng started to turn when the old man spoke, again.

"Say, son… I don't mean to pry, but what's a big group like yours doin' all the way out here? Are you headed to New Angeles?" The old man asked. Lee Seng turned back and nodded.

"Heard there's work there. We've lived enough traveling to New Angeles, so we thought maybe we could get paid for that sorta work." Lee Seng answered. The old man nodded and looked around before standing and leaning over the counter. He motioned Lee Seng to come closer. Lee Seng hesitantly leaned forward and turned his head to listen.

"I got something I need to get into New Angeles. I was wondering if you could deliver it for me. I would have someone go for me, but nobody wants to take the job." The old man whispered. Lee Seng pulled away and thought for a while.

"What is it?"

The old man pulled away and shuffled into the back room for a minute before coming back out with a small chest. The old man set it on the counter with a noticeable thud. He wiped his hands on his pants while the dust tickled Lee Seng's nose.

"Can you deliver this for me? I'll give you the fee costs for bringing it into the city. You'll be paid after it's delivered." The old man asked.

"I don't have a usable cred card, right now." Lee Seng replied. "How will you know I did the request, anyways?"

"You need to deliver this to a friend of mine. He works with one of the biggest guilds in New Angeles. He'll know what it is and do accordingly. He owes me a lifetime." The old man chuckled.

"Do you know which guild it is?" Lee Seng asked.

"Mmm, it's been years, but I read it all the time on the halo… Let's see…" The old man pulled the holographic screen up and scrolled for a while. "It's the Farago Guild. Ask for my friend, Travis Wolkwitz. He's one of the executives there. He'll know what to do with it."

"Alright. I think I can do that for you." Lee Seng nodded. "Just in case, what's your name, sir? They'll probably be hesitant to let someone like me anywhere near a man of high importance such as him."

"Ah, true." The old man nodded. He grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled something on it and then handed it over to Lee Seng. "A personal note with the chest. My name's on there. Thank you for doing this for me."

"Sure." Lee Seng nodded.

"I won't bother you anymore. Have some breakfast before you go." The old man motioned. Lee Seng nodded and stuffed the note into his pocket and looked at the chest. "Come grab it after you're done. It's quite dirty."

Team Zephyr was enjoying the simple toast and butter with coffees when Lee Seng finally made his way over and grabbed some toast, smothered it in butter and took a large bite out of it. He grabbed an apple and stuffed it in his sweatpants and plucked a water bottle. Lee Seng quickly made work of his small breakfast while the rest of his team chugged their coffees and set the coffee cups into the sink.

"Woo, I'm ready to go!" Evan said, loudly. He buzzed with energy, colorful electricity cracking off of him.

"Dude, you're buzzing literally." Ritsuka grabbed Evan. Evan looked down and wiped it away. "You gotta stop drinking coffee. You're too buzzy." Ritsuka patted Evan again, pushing him to the door. Lee Seng moved to grab the chest, pulling it up with ease.

"That chest ain't heavy?" The old man asked. Lee Seng shook his head.

"No, it feels light." Lee Seng replied.

"Light?" The old man raised an eyebrow. "How wonderful it is to be young… Ah, I miss those days. Be careful on your way to New Angeles, young man. There's been an influx of high ranking monsters appearing. The guilds have been on their toes as of late with high ranking monsters. Hope you all get there safely."

"Don't worry, sir." Ritsuka grinned, putting a hand on Lee Seng's shoulder. "We've fought worse things." Lee Seng and the others nodded. Liz opened the door, listening to the ding of the bell as a gentle breeze pushed past Liz and the others.

"I'll make sure this gets to Mr. Wolkwitz! Thank you for a place to sleep." Lee Seng bowed.

"Ah! I almost forgot! The fee!" The old man stood up and moved around the counter to the boys. He pulled a card out and handed it to Ritsuka. "That's for the fee. The guard will know what to do with it. Thank you for your help, again."

"No problem, sir." Lee Seng smiled.

"Come on by, again, if you're ever this way." The old man waved. Lee Seng turned with Rtisuka and followed everyone outside. Ritsuka shut the door behind them and jogged over to Lee Seng.

"What's that?" Ritsuka asked.

"The old man wants me to deliver this. Keep the card on hand. We'll need it to get this thing inside." Lee Seng lifted the chest.

"How heavy is that thing?"

"It doesn't feel heavy."

"Can I hold it?"

Lee Seng handed the chest over and watched Ritsuka immediately almost drop it. He strained himself for a second before Lee Seng made it light.

"Oh my god that's heavy!" Ritsuka groaned. Lee Seng plucked the chest out of Ritsuka's hands and let it float next to him. "God, what does that old man have in there? Gold?"

"Don't be curious." Lee Seng shook his head.

"Hurry up!" Manny shouted at Lee Seng and Ritsuka. "You're the only one who knows where we're going!"

"We're coming!" Lee Seng shouted. Ritsuka and Lee Seng jogged to catch up. Lee Seng pulled his map up with a click of his necklace and twisted it. The jewel glimmered before a pop-up message appeared.

Information has been successfully sent to Team Zephyr.

"There. You should all know how to get there now." Lee Seng told them.

"You should've done this yesterday." Manny complained.

"What can I say? I like to lead." Lee Seng smiled, hitting Manny in the shoulder.

"Lord, it's going to take forever to get there." Keng sighed. "It's three days' journey by foot."

"Would it be weird if we flew there?" Lee Seng asked. "It would shave off time and I can get this chest to the person it needs to get to, too."

"Why do you have that?" Manny asked, taking a peek at it.

"The old man and I were talking and he asked if we were goin' that way, so I said yeah. I just gotta give it to some Travis Wolkwitz."

"Travis Wolkwitz?" Evan whipped his head around.


"The Travis Wolkwitz? The S-rank Sniper?!? That Travis Wolkwitz?"

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