
Chapter 837 The Way To New Angeles

Lee Seng and the others stood outside with backpacks on them. Lee seng and Keng needed to look like they were travelers when they got to Earth, so they stuffed some clothes, food and bottles of water into their bags to look the part.

"You guys are really leaving?" Lily asked. Fae and River stood side by side with Lily, saddened that Lee Seng and Keng were leaving. "Do you really need to do this?" She looked to Lee Seng, who nodded.

"I need answers." Lee Seng replied. "Once I get my answers, we'll see what happens after that. Maybe I can just leave Earth all together and be an actual Savior after this…" Manny and Olivia looked at Lee Seng when he mentioned this. They were the most concerned about what came after Lee Seng got his answers, while the rest hid it better. Lee Seng pulled on his backpack straps and gave a half-smile. "Don't worry about us for the time being. I'm not going on a suicide mission. We all agreed we would do this, so I can't have my friends dying for me. They all want to see people they know, too."

"Alright… What about these two? Am I going to have to prepare their journeys for them, too?"

"We asked Rudy what the process was like." Keng stepped over and handed a paper to Lily. "Everything you need to know is here. Don't worry about Lady Vix'I and the Merfolk problem. She told us it's going to take a lot longer to figure out. We told her and Elder Jyu'so we're going off Realm for a while and might not be reachable. Fae and River, you guys need to prepare yourselves for the journey to the In-between Realm. This'll test you. Come back with a bead and train hard with Lily, alright?"

"Alright, Leader." Fae and River nodded.

"Oh! Also, keep an eye on Gio for me." Lee Seng added. "Maybe he'll figure out what he wants to do and maybe it'll align with the Saviors." Lily, Fae and River nodded. "Keep an eye out for any potential members and we'll see you after all of this is over."

The group said their goodbyes and portaled into Revit for information. Lee Seng and the group asked around about Portals that would take them to the West Coast of America. Everyone they came across shook their heads and told them 'don't know.'

"No one knows what to do. What should we do then?" Ritsuka asked.

"We can't portal there because it might just take us elsewhere…" Keng sighed. "We'll need to keep asking around."

"For an information hub such as this, you'd think one of these people would know." Manny added.

"Yo!" Lee Seng shouted at the group. The three boys turned to see Olivia, Lee Seng, Liz and Evan jogging over to them. "Good news! Olivia found someone who knows where New Angeles is!"

"Really?" Manny asked.

"Yeah. They're waiting for us at the travel center." Olivia replied. "They said they'd show us which portal for a fee."

"How much is it?" Ritsuka asked, joining the group with Keng.

"We have enough for it." Evan replied.

"C'mon, we don't want to keep them waiting." Lee Seng motioned.

The travel center was the main reason Revit grew so large. It was the hub for traveling to and from places. The place was always bustling. Travelers of all backgrounds constantly used Revit's travel center to get to other huge cities and/or Realm Gate points.

A Fox spirit in a white button up and black slacks and leather shoes was standing in front of the travel center as Lee Seng and the group walked up. The Fox Spirit noticed them and hurriedly came over to Olivia.

"Ah, there you are, Miss Olivia." The Fox Spirit greeted her. "Is this everyone? Do you have the coin on hand?"

"Yes, Mr. Tila." Olivia responded. She looked over to Keng who pulled out a large sack of coins.

"How much?" Keng asked Mr. Tila.

"4500 coins." Mr. Tila replied. Without a thought, Keng handed the whole bag over and pulled out two more bags of coins and piled it on.

"Do you want to count it?" Keng asked.

"I'll bring it inside first. If it's the right amount, I'll find you again." Mr. Tila replied, hastily.

"We'll come with you." Olivia told him. Mr. Tila nodded and rushed into the travel center. The large wooden beams supported the multi-floor building. Mr. Tila lined up and slowly moved up the chain until he was at the front. The group stood off to the side, away from traffic as they watched Mr. Tila.

"He looks sketchy." Manny commented. "Like he's gonna take all our money."

"Dude said he needed the money for something. He claimed to know how to get to New Angeles." Olivia told them. Mr. Tila bowed to the front desk and took the card from the worker before stepping out of line and looking for the group. Olivia and Lee Seng lifted their hands up into the air, waving to him. Mr. Tila spotted them and hurried over.

"Alright, you'll use the travel center to be transported to the nearest portal on Daros. I assume you're well aware of the Realm Gates?" Mr. Tila asked.

"Yeah." Lee Seng nodded.

"Good. The portal is a bit aways from New Angeles, but it's the nearest one. That should suffice?"

"How far?" Manny asked.

"I would say a couple days' journey by foot when you arrive on Earth." Mr. Tila replied.

"That's the closest one?" Lee Seng asked. "That's… further than I thought it'd be."

"Yes. New Angeles was plucked from the brink of destruction. They settled in an area where energy didn't collect easily thus the journey."

"Have you gone into New Angeles before?" Ritsuka asked. "I hear getting into there is tough without identification."

"Yes. I assume you already knew that, but if you need to forge IDs, there's a place a half day's journey from the portal. " Mr. Tila raised his hand and a rune appeared. He looked to Lee Seng and pushed the rune onto him. "This should be accurate. My wife and I just came from New Angeles not too long ago, so please use my knowledge."

"Thanks." Lee Seng took the rune. Mr. Tila glanced behind him and then to the group.

"I'm sorry, but let's head up. My wife will be wondering where I am if I don't show up soon." Mr. Tila motioned. The group followed Mr. Tila. They climbed up to the fifth floor and Mr. Tila walked into the 'Desert' room. He turned and waited for each person to file in before he continued.

"This will take you to where you need to go. Go into the sandstone cavern and follow the path to the portal. There should be guards stationed all over the place so you can't get lost. Any questions?" Mr. Tila asked.

Lee Seng crushed the information and allowed the information to flood his head. Mr. Tila looked at him nervously and when Lee Seng gave a thumbs up, the others looked to Mr. Tila.

"Alright. I'll let the gatekeeper know to teleport you." Mr. Tila bowed and headed out of the room.

"He was sketchy." Manny commented. "Dude looked like he did something illegal and we just might've helped him."

"What did the rune give?" Keng elbowed Lee Seng.

"Everything he said was true from what the rune gave me. We'll have to see when we get there… If the information rune was right, I should have all of the information on the map." Lee Seng answered.

"Alright, ready to go?" The Gatekeeper asked. The group nodded and the Gatekeeper bowed. "Thank you for using our travel center. Please standby and try not to move so much. Have a good day." The door closed and then the Gate Keeper's eyes lit up. They mumbled something and pushed outwards. Lee Seng and the group lit up, disappearing from Revit and appearing in sand.

The group gathered their bearings while Lee Seng pulled the map up. A marker appeared as the mapped filled in. They were in the Juri Desert now.

"C'mon, let's go." Lee Seng motioned. Lee Seng led the way, following the hard path as he occasionally checked his map. The path eventually rose up onto a hill revealing the large sandstone cavern. Magical lamp posts and soldiers stood at attention. Few travelers came through this area.

The group made their way into the cavern, gathering looks as Manny and Liz wiped their sweat. The cool cavern greeted them, giving them rest from the blazing Suns. The path curved downwards, energy buzzing around them. Lee Seng and Keng listened as a loud noise came from in front of them. The familiar portal stood at the ready with a couple travelers standing in line. A guard noticed them and jogged over to them.

"Are you traveling to Earth?" The guard asked.

"To New Angeles." Lee Seng nodded.

"Alright. There's an influx of people today. We aren't sure why the portal isn't allowing anyone through right now. If you're thirsty or need a breather, there's a sitting area off to the side. We'll call you as soon as the portal works." The guard informed them.

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