
Chapter 832 Barracks Trip: The Void Monster II

The tendrils swiped horizontally, slamming into the golden shield. The first shook as trees fell around them. The group went sailing into the air while the golden orb shield continuously got whacked.

"Shield of Faith!" Keng shouted. A silver energy flew outwards, enhancing the orb as they sailed through the air. The group tousled around as Lee Seng tried to get a hold of them. He pushed gravity outwards, suspending the space inside the orb.

"What do we do now?" Lily asked. "None of the magical attacks I used worked against that thing!"

"Theory 1: Overload it!" Keng shouted.

"What? We're going to expend a lot of energy just to see if we can fill potentially void energy?"

"There's no other way, right?" Keng responded. The group threw magical attacks at the large void monster. They watched as their magical attacks continued to do nothing.

"I don't think it's working!" Lily shouted. "there must be a way to negate it!"

"Identify Creature!" Lee Semg shouted.

[Scanning creature…]

The void creature shuddered before pulling its tendrils back. The tendrils grew sharp, energy outwards.

"What the hell is that?" Keng shouted. He threw his arms up and formed a multi-barrier orb. The four Saviors watched as the black energy rained down on them. The shields cracked, quickly, exploding into nothing as Keng gritted his teeth.

Lily lifted her hand out at Keng and pushed her energy into him. The sound of singing gree around them as Lily watched more shields form.

"Argh, I can't hold it much longer…!" Keng strained.

Identification complete!

Name: Cage Crawler

Rank: Unknown

Magical Attributes: Void

Skills: Nature Body, Flesh Body, Consume

Weaknesses: Unknown

"Shit." Lee Seng cursed as the second to last shield exploded. Lee Seng threw his hands up and pushed his energy outwards. "This thing is dangerous!"

'Keng! Lee! Zixin's here! Evan, Ritsuka get away from that thing! It's an Unranked monster!' Olivia shouted.

"We're not gonna hold much longer!" Keng shouted. Lee Sengs heart jumped out of his chest as he pushed more energy outwards. Gold, silver and pink energy mixed together as they shattered against the void energy raining down on them. Rushed steps quickly came as the sound of a weapon was drawn.

"Sunset Cleansing." Ena swiped the sword horizontally, slashing at the black energy. The flames erupted from his sword, pushing outwards, devouring the energy in an instant.

"Ah!" River screamed, clutching his arms against his head.

"River!" Lily pulled away from helping and grabbed River who screamed in fear.

"Keng!" Lee Seng shouted. Keng turned and jumped into Lee Seng's body, who then turned and wrapped a hug around the other two. The orb shield shattered as the three disappeared.

Yellow, red, purple, pink, and orange flames devoured the entire forest as Rudy let out a breath.

Zixin, Rudy, Nixie and Fen rushed past Ena. The ground shook as flesh and wood exploded out of it, swinging at the soldiers. Nixie jumped backwards, glowing in bright blue as she threw her hands forward. Ice spewed out of her hands, freezing the tendrils in place while the others rushed forward.

"Where's the Saviors?" Zixin asked. Fen glanced around, noticing a faint energy blip from their last identified place.

"They disappeared." Fen answered. She turned her head and noticed a large portal open up behind Ena. "They're with Ena!"

"Ahh?" River screamed.

"Hey, it's okay, River! The flames aren't going to hurt you!" Lily comforted him. Lee Seng pulled away and turned to look at Zixin's group. Ena turned and looked at the Savior twins.

"You can leave it to us! We've been trying to hunt these things since they appeared!" Ena told them. "Rudy's the only one who can deal with it."

"How?" Lee Seng's distorted voice asked. "It has no weaknesses from what I gathered."

"It does have a weakness." Ena smiled. He looked at the kid who cowered from Ena's flame blade. Ena sheathed the sword and looked over at his teammates. "Just watch."

Tendrils and showering void spikes flew down at Zixin's group. Rudy slammed his fists together, producing magical gloves. A brown energy flew outwards, negating the energy in an instant.

"Negation." Lee Seng spoke. "That's what you just did, right?"

"Mmmhm." Ena nodded. "although I'm not as great at it as Rudy is. Rudy has a strange affinity for it."

"Negation magic? My dad said that ancient magic was lost due to time. How could someone wield it?" Lily asked.

"Ena! Stop talking and help!" Nixie shouted. Ena lifted his fiery speed and rested it on his shoulder. He smiled and looked at River.

"I'll tell you after this matter is dealt with." Ena told them. He began to turn when he looked behind his shoulder at River. "No flame will ever hurt you, kid. My fire only punishes those who are evil."

Ena rushed off, joining the fight. Lee Seng put up a shield and watched from the side lines as Zixin and his men worked. Zixin blitzed fire at the creature, watching it absorb it. Fen shot the monster from afar while pinpointing the tendrils for the group to deal with.

"Another air attack!" Fen shouted.

"Roger, Roger!" Ena shouted. He pointed his sword up into the sky and let the sunset flames take him over. The flames erupted out of his blade, filling the entire sky with colors of the sunset.

"Go!" Zixin shouted. Rudy pushed past, rushing forward as he collected energy. Rudy let out a sharp breath, almost coming off as a hiss as he swung his fist straight at the Cage Crawler. The Crawler didn't even try to dodge it. The fist exploded with the void energy, hitting it directly in the body. The Crawler let out a shriek. Black bullets rained down onto the group, erupting the field in smoke.

"No!" Lily began to rush past Lee Seng, who grabbed her.

"It's not over yet." Lee Seng and Keng both said in unison. "Just wait." Lily watched in fear as the shrieking noises died down. River slowly turned to watch the smoky field. He straightened himself and reeled himself back together.

"Ignition Blast!" Zixin shouted. A blast of fire exploded outwards in all directions, pushing the clouds of smoke away. The flames flew upwards into the sky, swirling around each other into a large serpent creature. The creature roared as it flew straight for the Crawler. The Crawler leapt in the air as the fiery serpent redirected itself straight for it.

"Binding shot!" Fen released the arrows watching it sail straight into the void creature. The arrow exploded in vines and large roots. The fiery dragon entered the Crawler's body, pushing itself continuously through while Rudy and Ena rushed forward.

Nixie sped her teammates up with ice, pushing and guiding them straight to the monster. Momentum continued to build, pushing Ena and Rudy faster as the Crawler released its last ditch effort. Tendrils erupted from the Crawler's stomach, flying straight for everyone.

"Shit." Zixin clicked his tongue. He pushed himself forward, disappearing and reappearing in front of Rudy and Ena. "Burning bones." Flames expelled out of his sword, eating everything in front of him. The tendrils burned from the pure heat of the sword, turning to nothing.

Nixie waved her hands in front of her, splitting Ena and Rudy as a cold breeze pushed itself into Zixin. Zixin's body smoked as snowflakes gathered around him.

"Crap, from the sides!" Fen shouted.

'I'm not going to be able to react in time!' Nixie and Fen thought.

"Gravitum: Cosmic Portal." Lee Seng's distorted voice spoke. In an instant, Lee Seng and Lily were coming out of the portal.

"Crescendo!" Lily threw her arms outwards. Music swelled into the air, crashing like water waves. The musical notes slammed against the tendrils, holding it in place.

'She's only fifteen and she's capable of this?' Zixin thought. 'The SAviors definitely found  capable people.'

"Ah, don't leave me outta this!" River shouted, rushing through the portal.

"Hey, River! Don't go off on your own!" Keng shouted as Lee Seng turned and watched River rush past them.

'River's energy is swelling.' Lee Seng thought. 'Is he going to push through right now?' River's body swarmed with silver energy. A large sword flew out of his body. River grabbed it and took on the armor similar to leather armor. The Saviors' symbol burned brightly on River's shoulder as he pushed through. The sword swelled with so much power, the others couldn't believe what they were witnessing.

"Ah!" River slashed horizontally, a silver light exploding out of him. Everything in front of River ceased to exist. The tendrils dissipated as well as the life in front of him.

"River!" Fae's voice shouted.

"What is she doing here?!?" Lee Seng asked, loudly. Fae jumped through the portal with Evan and Ritsuka behind her.

"Hey! They said for us to stay away!" Ritsuka shouted, missing Fae by a hair. Fae rushed past Lee Seng towards River.

'Her energy is swelling too.' Lee Seng thought.

'Don't tell me…' Keng's thought interjected with Lee Seng's.

"They're going to push past their limits right now!" Lee Seng and Keng spoke in unison.

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