
Chapter 818 Wrapping Up Requests

"Sir, I think you should come to the East gate." A guard spoke behind the door. There was a moment of silence before a shuffle came to the door and unlocked it. A half-asleep Zixin opened the door in sleep wear. The guard saluted while Zixin rubbed his eyes and yawned.

"What's wrong?" Zixin asked. The red Fox Spirit with eight tails stepped out of the room and closed the door behind him. The guard motioned and led Zixin towards the East gate.

"I've been told twin Fox Spirits are here." The guard answered. "One of them was calling you brother. The other one began to walk off but came back because the other was causing a ruckus."

"Did they say their names?" Zixin looked at the guard.

"Lee Seng and Keng, I believe?" The guard answered a bit unsure. Zixin stopped and smiled. "Sir?" The guard stopped and looked at him.

"Alright. I'll handle it. Go back to your post." Zixin patted the guard and turned, disappearing.

The guards all stood at the front, watching the twins. Lee Seng's hand was on Keng's head and they were both bowing before the guards.

"Sorry for his behavior." Lee Seng apologized. Keng began to straighten himself out, but Lee Seng pushed him back into place. Lee Seng straightened himself out and looked at Keng. "He's a handful."

"I'm a handful?" Keng snorted. He swatted Lee Seng's hand away and straightened himself out. "Youngblood's gotta be ready for any situation."

"They're poor saps who got the night shift." Lee Seng motioned. "Let's try not to make their jobs harder than it is."

"Sir!" A guard shouted. Everyone began to split in half as an eight tailed Fox Spirit made his way over. They all saluted and Lee Seng watched Keng's eyes light up.

"Barrack Captain Zixin!" The guards shouted in unison.

'He looks taller.' Lee Seng observed. Zixin was always a bit taller than them, but he seemed like he was much taller. Eight tails billowed behind the casual wear Captain came to a stop. He was barefoot, wore loose pants and a white loose v-neck shirt.

"Zixin!" Keng beamed excitedly. "You came!" Keng ran into Zixin and hugged him. It was one of the few times Lee Seng actually got to see Keng act like a child.

"Hey, Keng. It's been awhile. You should've sent a letter or a message if you were coming unexpectedly." Zixin ruffled Keng's hair. Keng looked up at him, all smiles. Zixin looked over at Lee Seng and smiled at him. "It's been a long time, Lee Seng. I see you've made a complete recovery."

"Hi, Zixin." Lee Seng smiled.

"They're calling him by his name only?" A guard whispered. "Do they not respect him?" Another guard elbowed the guard to shut up. "What? Everyone calls him Captain now…" zixin turned with Keng attached to him and looked at the guards. They all looked forward, holding their saluting positions.

"At ease." Zixin told the group. He patted Keng while motioning to Lee Seng. Lee Seng stepped over to Zixin, who put an arm around him. "These two are my brothers. If you see them, treat them with the same respect as me. I know we put in place strict rules on unsanctioned entering and exiting, but these two are probably here for Elder Jyu'so and Lady Vix'I, no?"

Zixin looked at the twins who nodded. He nodded and looked at everyone else.

"I shall take responsibility for these two." Zixin told the guards. Some guards began to protest. Captain Zixin was already busy with handling the guard force. Now the Twin Spirits suddenly showed up and he's going to take care of them on top of all of his other duties?

"S-sir…" Guard Archer 1 stuttered. Zixin looked to the archer, who turned to face him. "Are you sure…? I can be responsible for them. I-I'm familiar with the Twin Spirits, I-I could—"

"It's alright, Hyo." Zixin smiled. "I will take care of my little brothers. Make sure the rest do their jobs well, okay?"

"Yes, sir." Hyo saluted.

"Well, back to your posts." Zixin motioned. Keng peeled himself off Zixin and rubbed his left cheek. Zixin's body was radiating with heat. Zixin glanced at Lee Seng and Keng before motioning. "Let's go."

"What brings you guys here? I know Elder Jyu'so's with Lady vix'I. I didn't think you would show up so soon. Elder Jyu'so mentioned the possibility but he didn't tell me you two would show up like this." Zixin asked, stopping at the square. He turned and took a good look at the boys. "You've made loads of progress in a few years. Eight tails like me already."

"What about Nabi?" Keng asked. "Last I saw, she was eight tails. Is she doing fine?"

"Nabi's out on assignment right now." Zixin replied. "She's almost collected enough souls to complete her journey. I, on the other hand, am struggling to keep up. I got many ranks within the guard force and became Captain. Loads of paperwork and management. But, enough about me. What have you two been up to as of last? Why are you here so late?"

"We finished up our task with the Merfolk," Lee Seng answered. "I thought we'd come here to tie up some loose ends before we take our leave." Zixin nodded and raised his eyebrows, curiously.

"You're leaving? Back to Earth?" Zixin asked.

"Lee Seng wants to go back to Capitol City." Keng informed Zixin.

"Oh? Why? Didn't you say it wasn't safe?"

"It isn't." Keng sighed and looked at Lee Seng. "But he's insisting on going."

"Unfinished business." Lee Seng told Zixin before he could ask why.

"Ah." Zixin nodded. He soaked in the twins. They were both eight-tailed Fox spirits like him. "You two have certainly grown a lot in two years. I've been doing this for almost five years and I'm still struggling to keep up in souls." Zixin sighed and brushed it off. "We can catch up some more later. I'll take you to Lady Vix'I's." Zixin yawned and led the way to the Crystallium tower.

The tower smelled of paper and tea. Nothing much had changed about the place. Books were pulled out of their spots, neatly stacked on the table within the chaos of papers. Lady Vix'I and Elder Jyu'so were nowhere to be seen.

"They must be upstairs." Zixin whispered. The three men climbed the steps, checking every floor as they passed before reaching Lady Vix'I's lab. The lights were still on and the door was cracked. Zixin stopped and knocked, waiting for an answer. The door opened and Zixin stepped through without hesitation. Lee Seng and Keng followed, rounding the corner and passing the bookshelves to Lady Vix'I and Elder Jyu'so sitting by the window, drinking.

"Sorry to bother you at this time of night, Lady Vix'I and Elder Jyu'so. Some guests have arrived and they wanted to see you." Zixin stepped off to the side, revealing the twins. Lady Vix'I and Elder Jyu'so glanced over and acknowledged the twins.

"You're back." Elder Jyu'so was the first to speak. He set his cup down and straightened his back out. "I assume everything went well, then?"

"I found the disease and we helped with the influx of patients." Lee Seng told them.

"You found the disease?" Elder Jyu'so asked. Lee Seng nodded. Elder Jyu'so chuckled asa he nodded. He took a sip of his drink and cleared his throat. "Where was it? Was it an unknown creature?"

"It somehow grew within the darkness." Lee Seng opened his hands and revealed a small bit of the disease encased in light. "Its attribute is closely related to dark magic. It was on a royal Celestial Dragon."

"A Royal Celestial Dragon?" Lady Vix'I gasped. Lee Seng nodded. "Why would there be a Celestial Dragon all the way down there?"

"He said Fate's jester played a trick on him and put him down there." Keng answered.

"That's no good…" Elder Jyu'so shook his head. "Why do you have a small part of the disease?"

"I wanted to study this. Possibly get the help of Lady Vix'I and figure out what this disease really is. It doesn't feel like a curse and its a disease that physically manifests itself as such." Lee Seng pointed at the encased disease. "If we can break this down and find a cure for it, anyone without the Merfolk's healing Cup can be saved."

"Always thinking one step ahead of what's expected of you." Lady Vix'I whispered. She nodded and set her tea cup down. She stood up and pointed at the disease. "We can enchant one of these containers to hold this. I assume light keeps it at bay?"

"Yes, my lady." Lee Seng nodded. Lady Vix'I moved over and grabbed an empty container. She scrawled a rune onto it and watched as the container illuminated. She walked over to Lee Seng and extended the container out. Lee Seng put the disease and light in it and watched his light fuse with the container before Lady Vix'I closed it.

"Is this the reason for your visit?" Elder Jyu'so asked. "Or is there something else?"

"Well…" Keng looked at Lee Seng. "It's not the only thing we're here for, apparently."

"Oh? What is it?" Lady Vix'I asked.

"Lee Seng's considering going back to the Earth Realm - back to the city."

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