
Chapter 790 Save Or Wield

[Power Condensation has triggered. What Specialization do you want?]

Lee Seng and Keng stared at the words. They were nervous to click it. Lee Seng's finger lifted, hovering it on the words. Lee Seng's hand picked up speed and just before Keng could do something, he clicked it.


"Nothing happ—" Keng began to say when a flash of light exploded out of their bodies, pulling the twins into the Soul World. The Soul World was gleaming with energy as soon as they arrived. They were both floating in the air.

"What's going on…?" Lee Seng asked. The world collapsed on them, separating them. "Keng? Keng!" Lee Seng ran over and tried to push through, but the black and white void wouldn't allow him to move. Keng silently shouted Lee Seng's name. Lee Seng grunted as he slammed his fist onto the black and white void separating them. "Keng!"

"You shall become stronger than no one has ever imagined… Choose." An ethereal voice spoke. There was a sense of familiarity to the voice. Lee Seng turned, watching a golden light appear further in the room. A golden haired young man appeared before him. He looked to be Lee Seng's age and quite familiar to Lee Seng.

"Lord Rox'su?" Lee Seng called out, confused. The golden eyes burned in Lord Rox'su's eyes as he smiled.

"You've made it this far, Lee Seng." Rox'su smiled. He took a step forward and the void around them shimmered like a rainbow. "To think I'd be here for your Power Condensation…"

"Lord Rox'su, w-what's the meaning of all of this? Condensing our power? Why?" Lee Seng asked.

"You know why." Rox'su came to a stop face to face with Lee Seng. Lee Seng took a glance to his left and saw rainbows covering Keng, who was in the next room. "What do you want for the journey ahead, Lee Seng Chang? Will you choose the power to save or will you choose to wield power to fight?" Lee Seng turned his attention back onto Lord Rox'su. The Golden Sun god looked at Lee Seng like he wasn't entirely there. There was a strange sense of disconnect.

"I…" Lee Seng gulped. He looked away. "I'm not sure." Rox'su nodded and moved to stand next to Lee Seng. He pressed his naked shoulder into Lee Seng's arm, drawing the Savior's eyes to him.

"Let's walk, shall we?" Rox'su asked. A golden path unraveled before them. Rox'su started down the path first. Lee Seng followed after the Golden Sun god who walked with purpose. Happiness.

Lord Vox'su's golden path led them through a park. Trees, park benches and even ethereal joggers, walkers, dogs, and lovers were here. Birds chirped and a water fountain spouted out water. The place seemed very familiar to Lee Seng, but foreign for the Golden Sun god.

"Come on." Rox'su beckoned Lee Seng over. Lee Seng jogged to catch up to the god. Rox'su stopped and kept his eyes forward. "Are you scared?" The question took Lee Seng by surprise. Rox'su knew so yet kept his eyes forward. "Are you scared what will happen to you if you choose a path? 'What if I make the wrong choice?' That' what you're asking yourself, right?"

Lee Seng silently nodded after a moment of hesitation. Rox'su knew what he was thinking yet he asked the question. The Golden Sun god could easily pick any and every information out from Lee Seng's head yet he chose to ask. Why?

"Everything that has happened in your life… Do you ask yourself that question every time?" Rox'su asked. Lee Seng didn't answer. There was something inside of him that didn't want to answer it. Was he scared of answering it? Lee Seng tried to conjure an answer, but he couldn't quite bring it to his lips. If he did, wouldn't that just make everything set?

Rox'su sighed and  lifted his hand. He pointed at the single sun in the sky. It was Earth's sun. Rox'su had somehow created a park, filled it with ethereal golden people and animals, trees, inanimate objects and so much more…

"Why did you pick a park?" Lee Seng asked. "One from Earth, at that…?"

"This didn't come from me. It came from you." Rox'su looked at him. "Tell me, what do you feel when you're here?"

"Sadness… I guess?" Lee Seng sighed. He folded his arms together and raised his shoulders up a bit. "With a bit of confusion…? I guess there's a lot of confusion now… Why did this park have to be here? Why couldn't it have been the house I used to live in as a child? Why not that versus a park?"

"I don't make the rules. Your heart chooses this park as your space. It chooses what to include and what not to include. The Power you seek is here in this space." Rox'su replied. Lee Seng looked at Rox'su and shook his head.

"It can't be here. I-it would be something totally more magical than a park. I mean, this place doesn't even hold that much of anything. I used to just run this trail all the time and pass by that fountain. M-my Mom would take me here to play when I was younger and I always wanted to play with the water in the fountain. I threw coins into the fountain because my Mom said my wishes would come true… None of them came true." Lee Seng ranted. "Everything that happened here was a lie. This isn't a safe place. It's just a place that brings more confusion after learning that my Mom wasn't my Mom…"

The realization hit Lee Seng. He didn't want to mention it. He didn't want to say it and watch it be true. He turned and sighed. The sound of the fountain drew him. He walked over to the fountain and stared at the reflective water.

"I wish… I wish none of this was ever true… Why the park? What good ever came here? Dad was never around. Mom wasn't Mom. I didn't have too many friends because I was homeschooled when I was younger. When I wanted to run away, I came here because I thought…" Lee Seng stopped himself. He turned and Rox'su held out a golden coin.

"Make a wish. See what happens." Rox'su said.

"I don't want it." Lee Seng pushed the coin away and Rox'su managed to sneak the coin into his hand. Rox'su took a deep breath and folded his arms together. He thought for a moment as he watched the water fountain spew its water from the lips of a cherub.

"What type of power do you want to have?" Rox'su asked. "A power that saves or a power that will fight?" He turned and the coin grew heavy. Even Lee Seng's own strength couldn't rival it. He felt it pulling his energy and beckoning him to make a wish. "You write your own story, Lee Seng Chang. Are you going to let someone else write it for you? Are you going to just do take what's been given to you or will you make this your own? Don't you want to unlock your own potential?"

Lee Seng turned to face the fountain and took a deep breath. The last sentence Lord Rox'su spoke echoed in his head. Memories of Lee Seng meeting the God King came back and that's when the coin flipped itself into the water. It rippled the entire space around them, growing bright.

"Embrace the Fox and take what is yours. Continue growing, my Blessed. Continue growing and write your own story." Rox'su's voice whispered.

[Specialization Path has been chosen… Condensing all into…]




[The Path of the Savior.]

A bright gold and silver light washed over the entire Soul World. What was once split was now whole. The sound of water trickling caught Lee Seng's ear. He looked round and noticed he was still in the park. There were people running around. A passerby even waved at him before continuing on their way.

"There you are!" Keng slowed to a stop. He let out a heavy sigh of relief as Keng took a moment to catch his breath. "I was looking for you! What happened?" Keng straightened himself out while Lee Seng still looked surprised by the park. Keng snapped his fingers and waved his hands in front of Lee Seng, but nothing seemed to snap him out.

[Power Condensation has been completed!]

[Class has been changed to Savior.]

[Skills and abilities from  the previous classes have been merged or completely changed with Savior abilities. Savior abilities and skills are now defined in the 'Class' section.]

[You've been given a title! Savior Leader: Leader of the second generation of Saviors, any members under you are blessed with Rox'su and Vox'su's Light!]

[Cthulu's Moon has been altered due to Power Condensation! It is now Sun Blade! Sun Blade has retained all abilities Cthulu's Moon had.]

[The Vessel and the Spirit have merged all abilities, skills and powers. Biohuman powers have been retained.]

[Double Harvest has evolved to fit the Savior Leaders' Twin Pact! Both the Vessel and the Soul gains double progression on all things!]

"Do you feel it?" Lee Seng asked Keng. He looked at his hand.

"What did you choose?" Keng asked. "I couldn't choose." Lee Seng looked at Keng and then the sun. What was once a single sun, was now two suns.

"To save." Lee Seng answered.

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