Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 125: Brown-Nosing Opportunity (Three updates for monthly votes)

Chapter 125: Chapter 125: Brown-Nosing Opportunity (Three updates for monthly votes)

Mortars are actually weapons for the poor, not only light and flexible, capable

of being carried on the run, but also simple to operate.

Of course, the key point is that the technological content of mortars is genuinely not high; they can be made in a manual workshop.

In contrast, the technology required to make mortar shells is significantly more complex.

Xu Leigang initially didn’t consider mortars because such powerful firearms aren’t something ordinary people dare to trade in-their destructive power is much greater than that of common handguns and rifles.

When New China was founded, there were spies who quietly set up mortars in the Imperial Capital, planning to bombard Tian’anmen during the celebration.

Setting aside the specifics of that incident, just the fact of owning mortars enabled them to attempt such an attack. Who would have the courage with just automatic rifles?

Xu Leigang had subconsciously ruled out mortars until it was mentioned that shells had to be destroyed every year. Then he realized, so what about mortars. The mortar shells are the key.

To put it more bluntly, having the shells means it doesn’t really matter if you have a mortar; the method of knocking and throwing to kill the enemy is often depicted on TV.

Moreover, as long as there aren’t high requirements for precision and safety, a piece of seamless steel tubing could be turned into a mortar at any street factory.

“Mortars…” Feng Jun hesitated. Despite Xu Leigang being cautious in his actions, fearing accidents, he was also quite vigilant-you worry about me causing trouble, but I’m also worried about being implicated by you.

In the end, he still shookhis head, “Forget it, don’t worry about the mortar, just get me the shells, the kind that explode upon impact… Eh, I’m really confused, just get me hand grenades.”

Hand grenades are good indeed, Xu Leigang immediately realized as well, these also have to be destroyed annually.

Of course, he had to confirm one thing, “You’re sure you won’t use them domestically, right?”

“Yeah,” Feng Jun nodded, thought for a moment, and then added another sentence, “Ask around overseas for me as well. If there’s TNT, save it for me;

I’ll have time to pick it up later.”

“Save TNT if there is any?” Xu Leigang’s mouth fell open, staring at the other in astonishment. He found these two short sentences together incredibly incongruous. “How much TNT do you need?”

“This is a matter among us cultivators,” Feng Jun spoke seriously, “It’s pointless if there’s too little. It won’t affect real society anyway; just rest assured.”

“Oh,” Xu Leigang nodded absentmindedly, this time he caught a new term-cultivator.

It seems that Master Feng… really does have a side the world does not understand. He wondered if this cultivator was also a practitioner of cultivation.

He didn’t dare to ask more, but thinking of the oddshaped silver dollars he saw today, he couldn’t help but inquire, “Those silver dollars… are they used y cultivators too?”

“Yes… and no,” Feng Jun answered, distracted. He thought that cultivation practitioners from the mobile phone dimension probably used Spirit Stones more, while silver dollars were likely used by mortals and martial artists in the secular world.

Xu Leigang was utterly confused, but dared not ask any further. So he decided to leave and not disturb Master Feng in practicing the Thunder Technique.

However, seeing how well-behaved he was, Feng Jun then remembered something, “Lao Xu, I bought a generator for my family. There’s always power outages at my parents’ shop… Could you arrange for someone to help deliver it?”

Whether he could or not… was there even a question? Absolutely he could! Hearing that he could ingratiate himself with Feng Jun’s parents, Xu Leigang nodded without hesitation, “No problem, I’ll escort the truck personally, deliver it and set it up, teaching your uncle and aunt how to use it.” Fatty Xu was also a person in his forties, not much younger than Feng Jun’s parents, yet he called them “uncle and aunt” as naturally as could be.

Feng Jun intended to say that there was no need for Xu to go personally, as he still needed his help to find hand grenades and explosives, but then he thought that delivering the generator for his parents was an act of filial piety, and having such a proper- minded person for the task was fitting.

So he nodded his head, “Find the hand grenades and stuff as quickly as possible; I’ll need them soon… Oh, and with my parents, don’t say too much.

Got it?”

“Got it,” Xu Leigang nodded, thinking to himself that it seemed Master Feng had obtained some opportunity, while his parents remained ordinary folks.

However, he didn’t underestimate Feng Jun simply because he wasn’t from a hidden family; instead, a strong desire arose in his heart: If you, a common person, can obtain an opportunity, why can’t I strive for it?

Of course, the striving he had in mind wasn’t things like killing for treasure. In real society, brainless villains like those in web novels really aren’t common, or more accurately, the social order is good now, and things like killing for treasure aren’t very feasible.

Not to mention, he was well aware of how tough Feng Jun was, and even if he wanted to rob treasures, he wouldn’t know what to take.

In short, Xu Leigang had no such intentions. His thinking was simple: I don’t care how you got your opportunity, but if you did, then by getting in good with Master Feng, maybe I will also get a chance someday.

So he expressed frankly, “For hand grenades and the like, I just need to give them a heads up, no need to handle it myself. Delivering the generator for your uncle and aunt, that’s the real deal… Where should I pick up the generator.” Where to pick it up? Feng Jun pondered for a moment; he had purchased two fifty-kilowatt generators, one at a street factory and the other at a remote villa. However, the one at the street factory was his fallback plan, which he didn’t intend to use just yet.

The old watchman at the factory wasn’t too reliable, but he didn’t care even if the generator was lost. His so-called contingency plan was to use these arrangements to catch a breather when he was at his wit’s end.

Another generator could be taken from the villa-the main house there had an even larger one.

However, he intended to use this generator in the mobile phone dimension. That shabby place had not only a lack of entertainment activities at night but also poor lighting. As he gradually became integrated into that dimension, he planned to bring light to it.

After giving it some thought, he finally decided, “Forget it, I’ll just buy them another one. I’ll contact Wang Haifeng.

“Contact him for what?” Xu Leigang clearly expressed his opposition. Why ? offer such a perfect opportunity to brown-nose the master to someone else. I can get you one… I guarantee it’ll be top-notch quality.”

Feng Jun thought for a moment and then nodded, “Alright, I’ll leave these two matters to you then.”

“No trouble at all, it’s only right,” Xu Leigang replied with a smile, then slapped his chest, “You’ve helped me with my health, it’s only natural I do my part in small things… By the way, that Body Tempering Pill, when can I take another?”

Feng Jun recalled what Lang Zhen had said, “You can take it tomorrow. Then he looked at the other man with a smirk, “This time, half or a quarter. “Half it is ” Xu Leigang answered without hesitation. However, he paused shortly afterward and spoke again, “But I still need to deliver the generator to my uncle and aunt… I need to ensure I’m in good condition.” “Haha,” Feng Jun couldn’t help laughing twice before he slightly nodded, “Then take a quarter, and when you return, I’ll give you another quarter.” Although Xu Leigang was obese, he was a typical man of action. He arranged for the generator on the same day and took a quarter of the Body Tempering Pill the following morning.

The duration of the pill’s effects didn’t shorten due to the reduced dosage, but the pain was significantly lessened. Xu Leigang even managed to deliver the generator to Feng Jun’s parents in the afternoon.

With his departure, only Feng Jun was left in the villa at Peach Blossom Valley. By this time, Feng Jun had charged his energy quite a bit, but he wasn’t in a hurry to go to the mobile phone dimension. After bringing the generator and gold to Peach Blossom Valley, he still needed to wait for Xu Leigang to bring the military hardware.

During this period, Feng Jun got along very well with Feng Jing, but since there were too many valuable things in the villa, he couldn’t go out, and Feng Jing refused to come to the Peach Blossom Valley villa to see him.

They were both adults, after all. A woman going to a man’s house alone implies certain things, something they were both clear about, and Feng Jing, being a great beauty, had encountered too many ill-intentioned harassers. Even though she trusted Feng Jun’s character to some extent, she wouldn’t take the initiative to visit him. Not to mention, she had her pride to consider.

So, her conversations with him mainly revolved around stocks. Although Feng Jun had placed over two million in the securities company, he had truly never bought or sold any stocks, so during these days while he was powering up, he didn’t stop pondering over the stock market. Looking at the securities firm’s app on his mobile phone, he even felt the urge to click it with his left hand – wondering what would happen if he did click. The day was overcast as he was performing his Tun Na breathing exercises in the villa’s courtyard when a car stopped outside the gate, followed by the doorbell ringing.

Feng Jun didn’t bother to check the intercom system with a video doorbell, and instead walked around from the backyard. Then, he saw three people standing outside the iron gate-a middle-aged couple and a robust young man.

The middle-aged couple was well dressed with an air of sophistication, especially the man. Even though he was stocky with a face full of coarse features, far from genteel, he had a strong presence and an amiable vibe.

The feeling he exuded was hard to describe, but if a comparison was necessary… it was somewhat similar to Brother Biao, touted as “China’s top philanthropist.”

The middle-aged woman was graceful. Even though she was no longer young, it was clear that she must have been a great beauty in her youth.

Feng Jun wasn’t sure if these three were here for Xu Leigang, so he asked in a deep voice, “Who are you looking for?”

The middle-aged woman looked at him expressionlessly and spoke coldly, “Are you Feng Jun?”

Upon hearing her tone, Feng Jun promptly pulled out his mobile phone, turned on the camera function, aimed it at them, and responded, “Yes, I’m Feng Jun. What is your business here?”

The sturdy young man lifted his hand pointing at him, speaking indifferently, “You… put the phone down.”

What Feng Jun hated the most was this arrogant attitude as if the person owned the place. He replied expressionlessly, “This is my villa, my yard… who the hell are you to tell me what to do in my own home?”

(Third installment, loudly calling for monthly tickets.)

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