Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 111 - ill: You Know Sister Hong, Right? (Third Update)

Chapter 111: Chapter ill: You Know Sister Hong, Right? (Third Update)

Feng Jun didn’t really have high expectations for a woman’s patriotic fervor.

Precisely for this reason, Sister Hong was able to understand his feelings, which greatly increased his fondness for her.

Strictly speaking, there are not a few women with a patriotic heart, but when it comes to their own families, they often can’t bear it, for example, they can’t bear to send their own children to war.

But those concerns were far from this specific issue. He planned to take out tens of millions to help Fatty Xu, which to others might seem a bit foolish- why should you bother when the foreign compradors suppress our national industry? What does it have to do with you?

There are so many big bosses in the capital who haven’t stepped forward, who do you think you are to have to stick your neck out?

Are you burning up with angst? Have you made a little money and now you’re getting inflated ideas?

Zhang Weihong is known as “social Sister Hong,” and it’s normal for her to have a bit of a rough edge, but being a woman, she didn’t think he was foolish. She just felt his money was hard-earned and pitied him a little. A person like that could truly be treated as a “bro.”

So Feng Jun smiled, “Yeah, we’re living the life of eating gutter oil, why worry about affairs of the Middle or South Sea? But if no one cares about it, isn’t that like no one’s managing it at all? It’s always good to do something within one’s capability… It’s not about power; it’s just doing my best…”

After hearing his words, Sister Hong’s beautiful eyes sparkled, radiating a special kind of light.

At that moment, Feng Jun gave her a very different feeling.

She had always treated Feng Jun as a stranger, even though she had a very good memory. That was her natural talent, not because she saw something special in this young man—he was just an ordinary person.

Now Xiao Feng had taken a huge risk with private mining, and his net worth had risen considerably, but this didn’t change her view much. In fact, she felt a bit sorry for him: another young man forced by poverty to earn life-risking money.

So her impression of him was just that he was a young man willing to take a drastic leap, and maybe, if he survived, he could become a hero for a time.

Of course, being a hero for a time is not so easy. Many young people fall on the path toward this goal.

Moreover, this guy, like the young people of today, loved to talk big and didn’t put all his heart into his career.

Not until she heard this did she form a new understanding of Feng Jun—he had a man’s sense of responsibility!

Sister Hong was deeply rooted in her working-class background, probably because “righteousness often comes from butchers, while heartbreak frequently comes from scholars,” she admired men with a patriotic spirit greatly.

Especially Feng Jun’s words, which did not elevate his actions too highly, lacked an attitude of ‘if not me, then who’? and had no so-called sense of mission. He did not see himself as one who could turn the tide—if he did, she would have thought him a bit naive.

Instead, he expressed a calm realization that “if no one does it, then no one will,” which even contained some helplessness.

Especially since he must have realized that getting involved could lead to severe consequences.

– No one in the capital interfered, and he didn’t even have the courage to borrow money. The thorniness of this issue was self-evident.

In such a situation, Feng Jun calmly expressed that he was just doing his best with the money he earned riskily—he and Fatty Xu were not related, and an hour earlier, they hadn’t even met. They were complete strangers.

This casual approach to helping, along with the calmness of not seeking anything in return, deeply shook Sister Hong to her core.

What is it like to hear thunder in a silent place? This was it.

Suddenly, she felt she kind of liked this big boy.

So she nodded with a smile, “Since you’ve said so much, Sister Hong supports you too. I can’t pull together much money at the moment, but I can guarantee that your money will definitely be used in the right place…”

As she spoke, she turned her head and looked at Fatty Xu, with a half-smiling expression, “Young Master Xu, we are willing to help solve your brother’s financial problems. However, I am sure you understand by now that we are people of society, and our earnings come from risking our lives…”

“Let’s not beat around the bush—if you have any other plans, just speak up early on. We can just consider it a casual chat, no hard feelings… but if we find out something’s off, hehe…”

“I swear it’s all true,” Fatty Xu raised his hand, speaking earnestly.

He was fully aware how rare it was for the other party to offer help willingly, “I can swear on my deceased parents that I will not waste a single penny of yours… By the way, I can also find a guarantor.”

“A guarantor?” Wang Haifeng was curiously surprised, “You can find a guarantor, and yet you can’t borrow money?”

Fatty Xu smiled awkwardly, “Uh… I’m not very close with this guarantor, it’s not appropriate for me to ask him to lend me money, but since you are local people of society, you might know the person by name.”

“Hmm,” Wang Haifeng nodded, speaking casually, “Go ahead, tell me.”

“Zhengyang has a fitness club called Hongjie Gym; you must have heard of it, right?” Fatty Xu looked at the three of them, speaking carefully, “The president of the club is named Zhang Weihong, everyone calls her Sister Hong… Is her face big enough for you?”

They were petrified for a moment until, after a while, Wang Haifeng exchanged glances with Feng Jun and then they both turned to look at Sister Hong.

Taken aback at first, Sister Hong slightly narrowed her eyes before reaching into her purse and pulling out a pack of ladies’ cigarettes. She put one in her mouth, and upon seeing this, her driver quickly took out a lighter and stepped forward to light it for her.

After a light drag on the cigarette, she pondered and turned to Feng Jun, “This Sister Hong… What do you think?”

“Ah, I really don’t know what to think,” Feng Jun said with a stern face shaking his head, then he gestured with his mouth towards Wang Haifeng, “Haifeng seems to have a crush on Sister Hong… He should know a bit more.”

“Hey, hey, you can eat messy, but you can’t talk nonsense. If my wife finds out, won’t she cut me?” Wang Haifeng glared, looking at Feng Jun angrily, “Boss Feng, you were the one who said, other than Sister Hong, you would marry no one else in this life! Are you setting me up to flirt with your younger sister-in- law?”

Listening to their conversation, Fatty Xu looked from one to another, wondering if Sister Hong was really that impressive?

Finally, Sister Hong couldn’t stand it anymore. She glared with her almond eyes, “Enough, both of you stop it!”

Then, she turned to Fatty Xu with a serious expression, “What’s your name, and what’s your relationship with Zhang Weihong?”

“My name is Xu Leigang. Last year, Zhang Weihong had some military affairs that I helped with,” Fatty Xu said seriously, “She originally wanted to meet me, but I didn’t think it was that meaningful. However… she owes me a favor.”

The expression on Sister Hong’s face became strange, “You can’t borrow money from her, but you think you can get her to be a guarantor?”

“The relationship isn’t enough to borrow money; these days, it’s really hard to borrow money,” Xu Leigang spread his hands in resignation, “But she has connections in the provincial government, can help with the investigation, and if something isn’t proper, you can find me, she can find me too.”

Sister Hong’s mouth twitched, and finally, she nodded slowly, “So you’re the one who helped Liuzi with the soldiers… Alright, since you are straightforward, I’ll take this thunder for you.”

“What?” Xu Leigang was startled upon hearing this, and after a good while, he replied incredulously, “So you are Zhang Weihong… Sister Hong?”

Feng Jun and Wang Haifeng couldn’t help but burst into laughter at the scene.

ZhangWeihongglaredfiercely at the pair, “You two rascals, daring to take advantage of me, you are really turning against me.”

“It’s not my fault,” the two rascals called out in unison, pointing at each other, “It was him!”

In the end, what seemed to be a troublesome matter that was about to reach a deadlock, miraculously took a completely unexpected turn. The situation amazed even the observing middlemen.

Once the matter was settled, the formalities still had to be completed. Zhang Weihong decided to lend Feng Jun five million, Wang Haifeng lent him twenty million, and Feng Jun himself put up twenty million. Zhang Weihong would act as the middleman to sign the house purchase contract.

As for the real estate agency, they were flamboyantly ignored by both parties. But for the agency, this wasn’t uncommon. After the buyers and sellers had come to an agreement, they could easily bypass the agents, who didn’t have much power to restrain them.

Not to mention that the two parties were acquainted. Real estate agencies exist not only to match information but also to witness, but at this point, that was clearly unnecessary.

Sister Hong might be less professional than the real estate agency, but in terms of authority, they were nowhere close to her.

It was still Feng Jun who, seeing the pitiful look of the young man, opened his suitcase, tookout twenty thousand, and handed it over to him, “I can’t patronize your business, but since you were a mediator, here’s some compensation. We won’t go through your company’s accounts.”

He wanted to act with principle, but upon seeing the twenty thousand, the young man was almost in tears. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go; on such a large transaction, even if they charged only 0.5 percent, that would be two hundred twenty-five thousand.

Yet, in this case, he couldn’t argue. The parties already knew each other, and Xu Leigang hadn’t registered the villa with the agency. The owner had advertised in the newspaper, which he had discovered.

Even if he could pocket twenty thousand privately, if the transaction went through his company, he would earn many more twenties of thousands.

Xu Leigang, however, was more open-handed. Seeing this, he quickly spoke up, “Hey, hey, Boss Feng, aren’t you slapping my face? I can’t let you pay this money, no matter what.”

Feng Jun glanced at him, blinked, “Aren’t you short on cash? Keep it for important matters.”

Xu Leigang pursed his lips, smiled helplessly, “What I lack is a large sum; even if I’m short on funds, it’s not by this little.”

Then he opened a drawer, took out thirty thousand, and placed it in front of the young man, “Here, this is from me. Don’t take Boss Feng’s. No matter the amount, this is the figure…”

While speaking, he stretched out his hand and draped it over the young man’s shoulder.

“You heard it. My dad is Zhu Renxia, those three are underworld figures. Being willing to give you three figures shows we do things with care… You came up the hard way; overthinking can hurt you. Isn’t that the way it is?”

(Another triple update, seeking recommendation and monthly tickets.)

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