Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

Y03 – 712. Magic and Prayers

Y03 – 712. Magic and Prayers

Omen: 14, 20

‘Damn! How many am I going to roll this month?’ Adam sighed, staring at the numbers. ‘Should I pick a fight with someone?’ He turned his head, finding Kirot’s face twitching slightly as she slept. ‘No, not yet.’

“He is not training this morning?” Jurot asked, glancing down towards the six children, all without their father. There was something wrong with the scene.

“Adam is praying,” Sonarot informed.

Jaygak and Kitool exchanged a look, the pair thinking the same thing. It was that, that which had slipped into the Iyr’s lexicon. Jaygak trained lightly, watching over Raygak and Taygak as they trained with her. Kitool did the same for Katool, teaching the girl various stretches, gently assisting her little sister. Jurot noted the expectant eyes of his cousins before he allowed them to join in his run. Turot and Asorot ran along with their older cousin, the pair carrying small sacks filled with earth, while Jurot held a larger sack, and a pack full of bricks.

“Oof,” Adam groaned, stretching his body, before his children surrounded him. They completed their morning routine together, bathing and changing, before they returned together for breakfast.

“Sister!” Katool raised up a small copper ring upon a chain, not unlike the gift Adam had given her for her birthday earlier in the month.

“Thank you,” Kitool replied, clasping the girl’s hand in her own, before pulling the young Iyrman with the bob cut onto her lap.

“Sister,” Raygak called, before revealing the small gem in his hand. It was the size of a pinky nail and was as black as death. “Happy birthday.”

“I’m still not too old to bully you,” Jaygak replied, pulling him onto her lap too, embracing him tight. “Thank you.”

The children continued to give their gifts, Taygak having made cups for them with their family’s designs painted across them.

Jaygak and Kitool both stared towards the half elf expectantly. Adam blinked, flashing an innocent smile. Mirot threw her sister a look, causing Sonarot to smile politely in return.

“It’s nothing too crazy,” Adam admitted. “I created you both weapons.”

“I already have Great Moon.”

“It’s not a magical weapon, but it’s still pretty nice. They’re gifts from my children and I, partly because I forgot to tell them to bring you something. The gifts are from them, and them being mundane is my gift to my aunts and uncles.” Adam had managed to technically gift the children magical items, gifting them a token which they could use to procure a magical item from the business with their sibling’s support.

‘They’re really just mundane weapons?’ Jaygak thought, holding the blade in her hand. Her eyes still glared towards Adam suspiciously, but he didn’t shirk or break. “Thank you, Adam.”

“Shouldn’t you be happier? My children handed the weapons to you, so you should be happy. Jirot, do you see?”

Jirot pouted towards her aunt, crossing her arms before she turned her body away from Jaygak. Jaygak let out a soft sigh before she lifted the girl up and held her close. She rocked with her gently from side to side.

“Thank you,” Kitool said, bowing her head to the children, ruffling their hair.

‘Stormwood and stormsteel?’ Jurot thought. ‘Nice.’

“Hey, now that I think about it, where are our other cousins?” Adam asked. “I haven’t seen Dunes and the others either.”

“They are dealing with the undead,” Jurot replied.

“Ah. Makes sense.” Adam paused. “Hold on, they’re having Nirot and the others fight the undead?”


“Aren’t they too young to be doing that sort of thing?” Adam asked, sitting up straighter. ‘Didn’t they just turn eighteen?’

“We fought the undead at their age, but we were not Experts.” Jurot lifted up his spoon before he saw Gurot staring up at him from the corner of his eyes. “…”

“They’re Experts?” Adam furrowed his brows, blinking rapidly. “How did that happen?” It was only when he could feel Jaygak’s questioning gaze that the young half elf tried to recall the events which had occurred last year in this world, which was two years ago to him. “Look, it’s been a long month.”

Jaygak and Kitool spent the day at the estate and Adam allowed them to read to the children and play with them. Adam sat down and dealt with the estimations of his business, his eyes glued to the numbers within his book. He heard some clattering nearby, and as he glanced to the side, he saw Inakan sitting nearby playing with her blocks which were full of colour. She piled the blocks high and sat opposite them, just looking at them. She smiled with satisfaction.

‘…’ Adam reached up towards the top of his business plan where he wrote a word and underlined it several times. ‘If I can’t do at least that much, why am I even making a business?’

Eventually, Adam decided to take his children to the extended family estate, settling himself in the corner as he held his youngest son against him. The other Rot family members approached Adam, coming to see the new child. Adam glanced around, noting the lack of two of the older Iyrmen, but he remained silent.

“Jarot spoke of your youngest,” Mulrot, the Family Elder of the Rot family, and Jarot’s wife, said. She sat beside Adam, her eyes glued to the young boy.


“I have heard his birth was special.”

“Something like that,” Adam replied awkwardly. He tried to keep his mind off of what she had said previously.

The woman reached with a wrinkled hand to rub the boy’s head gently, brushing along his cheek. Sonarot had already informed her of a certain matter, something which caused the boy’s existence to be so complicated. “Have you thought of a name for him?”

“Not yet. It’s partly why I’m here. I was hoping to figure out a good name for him.”

“Jurot will not name him?”

“He shouldn’t be greedy when he’s already named five.”

Mulrot smiled. “Allow me to hold my greatson.”

Adam handed the boy over before letting out a soft sigh. ‘I guess they’re going to accept him?’

“No matter who you are, you will be my greatson,” Mulrot said, causing Adam’s eyes to widen from how obviously she had referred to the incident. Mulrot held the boy to her chest, and though she understood why Adam reacted in that way, she had meant something completely different. ‘She has not told him?’

“His name should be Jarot,” Jarot said, having eventually settled himself beside his wife.

“That would be too confusing,” his wife retorted.

“It is a good name, a strong name.”

“Larot is a good name,” Mulrot said.

“After the guy who pushed back Izikial?” Adam asked.

“That was Lamrot,” Jarot corrected. “Larot is the name of my greatuncle who slew Black Hyena.”

“Why a dragon named himself Black Hyena, I don’t know,” Adam replied, recalling the story. It was the only reason he remembered that story. “It’s a pretty good name, but it’s too deathy, you know?”

“Larot is also the name of a previous ancestor who became a Priest of Mahtu.”

“Well, that does sound good.” Adam leaned over towards his son. “What do you think about that name?”

The boy let out a cough and a cry.

“Alright, let’s go with Larot then.”

‘You dastardly fiend!’ The boy let out another cough.

Once they returned back to the shared estate, Adam shared the name with the others.

“Larot is a good name for he slew the Black Hyena,” Jurot stated, nodding approvingly.

“The dragon?” Jaygak asked.


‘Why would a dragon name itself something like that?’

“Technically he’s named after the Priest of Mahtu,” Adam explained.

Jurot fell into thought. “I do not recall the story.”

“Me neither, but won’t Vonda be happy?” Adam joked.

“Larot, you must grow big and strong,” Jurot said.

“Don’t bully him, he’s too young.”

“I am not bullying him.”

“How can you say something like that to my boy. Larot, you must stay small and cute forever.” Adam held the boy to his chest, holding the back of his head carefully.

‘…’ Larot, unable to control his strength even with his anger, fell asleep within this foolish half elf’s arms.

Jurot stared at the boy for a long while. ‘Grandmother did not make a mistake this time.’

“Larot is a good name,” Sonarot said, feeding the boy later in the day. “He slew Black Hyena.”

“The dragon?” Turot asked, causing Asorot to give him a look.

“Yes,” Sonarot confirmed.

Asorot’s eyes then fell to Sonarot, furrowing his brows in confusion. He hadn’t heard the story yet. “Why did they name them Black Hyena?”

“He’s named after the Priest of Mahtu,” Adam said, wondering how no one thought of the Priest of Mahtu first.

“Ah, Larot the White?” Sonarot asked. “He advised the Order of Life’s Rose for a generation.”

“Oh, that’s nice.” Adam waited for Sonarot to continue. ‘Oh, is that all? I expected him to have done something crazy stupid.’

“Ah,” Jurot gasped, realising who she was talking about. “He did not use an axe.”

Sonarot nodded.


Adam spent the next few days enchanting, enchanting two sets of weapons, before he took the day off to play with his children. He took them out to the park and played with them, taking Turot, Asorot, and Gurot too.

“I refuse,” Adam said, keeping Gurot pinned to him.

“He is my brother, cousin Adam,” Turot replied, pouting towards Adam.

“I should carry Gurot because I am stronger,” Adam stated.

“You…” Turot paused, narrowing his eyes. “You are right.” The young boy relented, leading them back to the shared estate.

“…” Adam wasn’t sure how to feel about Turot giving up so easily to him, but he held Gurot close to him. “Asorot, do you see how wise Turot is?”


Turot let out a huff, but smirked slightly, standing a little taller as he led the way back.

Adam returned back to work the next day, but as he approached the enchanting shrine, he heard the shouts from behind him, causing him to spin on his heel.

“Daddy! Is daddy!” Jirot pointed towards him, leading her grandmother forward.

“What’s this?” Adam asked, reaching for Jirot, before seeing how dour little Jarot looked. “Oh, my baby boy, what’s wrong?”

“He is sad because you did not kiss his forehead before you left for work,” Sonarot informed.

“Ah! How was I meant to do that when you were out with nana?” Adam asked, kissing his son’s face all over. ‘He’s awfully close to Mirot…’

The boy wrapped his arms around his father’s neck tight, hugging him tight, not allowing his father to leave him.

“How can you be so cute? Of course it’s because you’re my son.” Adam continued to kiss his children’s foreheads, cuddling them close to his chest, which felt so close to bursting from joy. ‘How can you be so cute? Of course it’s because you’re my children!’

Sonarot smiled, exchanging a glance with Fawyx, who remained professionally silent.

“Daddy is sorry,” Adam said, kissing Jarot’s cheek. “I guess I won’t work today…” He raised his brows towards Fawyx, who nodded in response.

“Jarot is so different to father,” Sonarot said, still smiling.

“That’s right, my baby Jarot is so much cuter,” Adam said, peppering him with kisses, before doing the same to his daughter. Jarot sucked his thumb and held onto his father’s shirt tight. ‘My kid is too cute!’ “I bet Jurot was this cute when he was a boy too?”

“Yes,” Sonarot replied, thinking back to her darling boy when he was such a shy, quiet one.

“Unkoh Juwoh is boy?” Jirot asked.

“A long time ago, yes,” Sonarot confirmed.

Jarot and Jirot both snapped their heads towards their grandmother, their eyes wide in shock. Upon their return, they gathered the other children to inform them of what they had learned.

“I was a boy,” Jurot confirmed when he returned in the late afternoon.

The children gasped, though the younger babies were unsure of what they were talking about, instead focusing on their food. Gurot was too focused on the porridge Jurot was feeding him to notice their topic of discussion.

Jirot stared at the wall in the corner, her arms crossed behind her back. Her face was contorted in deep contemplation. “First, you are small. Then, you are big?” Her voice was barely a whisper as she contemplated on such dark secrets.

‘Why is my kid so smart?’ Adam thought. ‘No wonder she’s always bullying me.’

“She’s too smart to be your daughter,” Jaygak whispered.

“She is cursed like her father,” Adam replied. “As smart as she is cute, whereas I’m as chaotic as I am handsome.”

Jaygak only replied with a nod.

First, you are small.

Then, you are big.

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