Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

Y03 – 707. Family and Business

Y03 – 707. Family and Business

Omen: 4, 20

‘Nice.’ Though the Omen tickled Adam, he knew not to tempt Fate, and so decided against using it. ‘Right, I have to do that…’

Adam worked out lightly in the morning, along with the older children, before he went to bathe. He carried Jirot and Jarot back from the baths while his triplets followed him. He fed them all, including his sister, resisting the urge to also feed the other children around.

“Adam,” Jurot called, following Adam out. “You must use your magic upon the gem.”

“The gem?” Adam asked. “Ah, the one that Crowseer gave?”

“Yes, but also the blood gem.”

“The blood… ah, that gem?” 


“Oh, right. I’ll do that later tonight then. Thanks for reminding me.”

Jurot nodded, before letting Adam leave to enchant. Crowseer’s words had burned into his mind. The young Iyrman was uncertain if their talk in the night had helped his brother, but hopefully this would do something. He was uncertain if he should trust Crowseer, but with what he had said… ‘I will inform Elder Zijin.’

“Lovely to see you again, Fawyx,” Adam called to the Iyrman who was accompanying him.

“You as well, Adam,” the Iyrman replied. He wore lighter clothing and carried a blade at his side. He was one of the few Iyrmen who was thin rather than muscular. He was one of the tusked Iyrmen, with greyish green skin. 

“Did you miss me?”

“I enjoyed my time with my family so was unable to miss you,” Fawyx replied.

“Ouch, harsh.” Adam pretended to wince. 

“I am sure you can handle it, Unrivalled Und-,”

“Lovely weather we’re having,” Adam interrupted, almost cringing at the title. 

A shadow of a smile crept across Fawyx’s face. “Yes. It is.”

 Adam enchanted that day, passively enchanting as he had done near the previous year’s end. Fawyx blinked towards the young half elf, having never seen him do such a thing before. The Iyrman recalled what Elder Zijin had told him, something which sounded so impossible that it could only be something Adam could do.


Adam’s spent the three days enchanting a Basic modifier, a typical +1 to hit and damage. Due to his passive enchanting it required only three days to enchant such an effect onto a weapon, which was already great enough, though it did not reach the likes of the fire giants, who could enchant one Basic weapon each day.

Adam went to see Elder Zijin, who he would see every evening whenever he expended his Health and Mana into the blood gem. This time the Elder had his books in front of him, checking the ledgers, making sure the families he was watchful over had their needs taken care of.

Mana: 19 -> 9
Health: 91 -> 57

Adam winced as the blood gem drained his Health and Mana, and the pulsing gem pulsed with more life than it had done so the day before. Each day Adam fed the gem, it grew more powerful, more lively. Adam did his best not to look at the shadows, understanding the Iyr probably had a few warriors nearby, just in case something happened. ‘I wonder if that old lady is also here.’

“Would you be willing to sell the magical weapons at the same rate as the previous year?” Elder Zijin asked.

“A hundred gold for each one?”


Adam raised his brows, smirking at the Elder. However, he thought better than to joke about the Iyr, not when he was still in the process of feeding a mysterious gem which required his blood and magic. “Of course. Such lovely weapons they were, each identical to the other.”

“We thank you for your assistance in these matters, Adam. You have done so much for us.”

“As long as you’ll keep being nice to me.”

“The Iyr never forgets.”

Adam bowed his head. “The Iyr’s always done right by me. Mostly.”

“Thank you.”

“Any time.” 

Elder Zijin placed a diamond onto the table. The diamond, with its gleam, was identical to most of the diamonds Adam had in his possession. The half elf eyed it up for a moment before he picked it up and slipped it into his pocket. 

“Thank you,” Adam said.

Elder Zijin bowed his head, and with their business over, the half elf began to leave.

“Adam,” the Elder called.

“Yeah?” Adam turned to face him.

“If you have trouble sleeping, you may request night tea from a warehouse.”

Adam slowly bowed his head. “Thank you.”

Elder Zijin bowed his head and allowed the half elf to leave. The Elder reached into his pouch and felt the diamonds within. There were many ways the Iyr could have paid Adam, from gold coins, to all manner of gems, but a single diamond worth three hundred gold? Such was a rare gem, and it was a gem which meant one thing in particular. It was the least he could do, considering how much Adam was doing for them. 

Elder Zijin pulled out a little black book, and wrote within it. Though Adam was treating them well, they still needed to judge him. As the Elder wrote within the book, a thought came to him. He leaned back into his chair, glancing to one side, where Shaool waited, hidden in the shadow. 

‘Can it be done?’

Omen: 10, 12

Adam awoke early the next morning, and noting the looks of the nearby Iyrmen, realised he should take the day off. ‘I should probably still do the gem later, though.’

“Papa, look!” Lanarot called, pointing towards the blob of purple. “Is you.”

“Oh wow, look at that, it is me! You drew me so handsome too. Am I really that handsome?” 

“Yes! So handsome. Papa so handsome.”

“That’s right, that’s right, I am handsome, aren’t I?” Adam slowly nodded. 

“Daddy!” Jirot shouted, pointing up towards him, her eyes narrowed with suspicion.


Jirot narrowed her eyes further. “Okay.” She stormed off towards the nearby wall and stared at it, crossing her arms behind her as she fell deep in thought.

“Jurot, there’s no need to be jealous,” Adam said, glancing to his side, only to find Jurot had left. 

“Papa working.”

“Right, he is working…” Adam frowned. “How come no one bullies him when he works so much, but they bully me?”

“Is papa.”

“You’re absolutely right, Lanababy.”

“Yes.” Lanarot smiled before returning back to her drawing. “I draw Gurot, okay?”


“Adam,” called a familiar voice. 

“Elder Zijin,” Adam replied, getting up to meet the Elder, who remained at the entrance. The Elder’s gaze was fixated on the pair of goblin twins, each who were staring at the wall, jabbering towards one another. No, one was jabbering to the other, who listened intently to his elder sister, nodding his head every so often.

“The Iyr wishes to test something.”

“What is it?” Adam asked, following the Elder, who had motioned for the half elf to follow him.

“We wish to know if another enchanter can enchant the weapons once you have placed the base enchantment upon them.”

“Ah, right,” Adam replied, slowly nodding his head. The Iyr had already figured out they could, but they hadn’t tested his current enchanting ability. “So you want me working today?”


“Lanarot is going to be so annoyed…”

Lanarot pouted up towards her brother once she was informed. Her nieces and nephew, the triplets, assisted by pouting up towards him.

“Papa always working!” the little girl accused, her lips pursed together, threatening to cry. 

“Ah, I will try to work less so I can play with you, Lanababy.” Upon noticing the triplets pouting further, Adam dropped down to embrace the four. “I’ll play with you all tomorrow, I promise. You hear that, Elder Zijin? You need to protect me tomorrow so I can play with the children!”

“Okay,” Elder Zijin replied. 

“Did you hear? Elder Zijin will make sure I can play with you tomorrow, so don’t be sad.” Adam kissed them all over their faces. 

Lanarot turned her head away from him, pouting towards her mother, before she rushed up to her to hug her leg. “Mama! Papa so mean!”

Sonarot picked her up, gently patting her back. Her grandchildren also walked over towards her to hug her leg, hoping she would assist them. “Adam must go work today, but tomorrow he will play with you.”

Adam sighed, before narrowing his eyes at the Elder. “I hope the Iyr doesn’t forget how much distress they’re causing my children.”


Adam huffed as he made his way to work, Fawyx escorting the young half elf to the shrine. Adam met the Elder in the evening, handing him the three weapons the Iyr had provided for him to enchant that day. 

“What’s this?”


“They’re not done yet.”

“It does not matter in this case.”

“Well, alright,” Adam said, pocketing the diamond, glad he was still making three hundred gold, about a year’s salary for someone making decent income in this land. ‘Damn.’

“Papa!” Lanarot shouted once he returned, with Jirot following after with her own shout, before he was swarmed by the six children. 

Adam dropped to his knees and lifted them up, showering them with affection, before letting them go. “Were you all behaving today?”

“Papa, look!” Lanarot grabbed Adam’s hand while Jirot replied with her favourite word, before Adam was dragged away. “Look!”

“Ah?” Adam replied, staring down at the picture the girl had drawn. The girl began to point out each of the people she drew to her brother. “Where’s Inakan?”

“Here,” Lanarot pointing to one of the scribbles, which just so happened to be where she had pointed to for Gurot, Jaygak, and her grandfather.

“Of course. Where was papa Jurot again?”

“Here,” Lanarot pointed to the blob she had said was Kavgak, and also Gurot, again. 

 “Gosh, your drawing is so amazing!” Adam lifted her up and kissed her face all over. 

Lanarot squealed with joy, while Jirot rushed up towards Gangak, who had come to visit the children.

“Babo?” Jirot asked.

“He is at the estate,” Gangak replied.

Jirot hugged Gangak, kissing her cheek, before pointing towards a seat. Jarot remained hugging her neck as he sucked his thumb. 

“Your grandfather tells me you are working hard again,” Gangak accused the half elf.

“Whose grandfather?” Adam replied, crossing his arms. 

Gangak smiled. She dodged a few of Jirot’s pokes, before she brought the girl’s head to her bosom. “Do you think you can bully me?”

“No,” the girl replied, cackling.

“That is right.” Gangak rubbed her cheek against the girl’s head. “You must listen well to your father.”

“…” Jirot smirked slightly and whispered. “No.”

“Do you plan to bring more chaos to the world this year?” Gangak asked once the group settled together to eat. 

“Is that up to me?” Adam asked, feeding Kavgak from his lap. The girl looked up towards Adam, before shyly looking to the side, opening her mouth for the spoonful of porridge. 

“Your way of causing trouble is just like your grandfather’s.”

“That old man…” Adam found his triplets looking up towards him, and his twins were also staring at him as they drank from their bottle. “I’m not sure that sort of thing is up to me, but I would prefer not for things to get too chaotic.”

“Not daddy!” Jirot said, pointing towards Kavgak. She pointed towards her nano. “Mama?”

“I am her grandaunt, like I am your greataunt, my Jirot,” Gangak replied with utmost affection. 

“Even though Kavgak is not my daughter, she still love me so much, isn’t that right?” Adam planted a kiss against her cheek. “She gave me a lovely little gift.”

“You changed her clothy?”

“Not that kind of gift, but even if she gives me that kind of gift, I’ll still love her forever.” Adam held her closer to him, while noting the envious eyes of his children. “I’ll hug you too, but right now it Kavgak’s turn, okay?”

“Okay,” Konarot replied, but she continued to pout, her tail swaying from side to side. Her face darkened as she glared at Kavgak, before her grandmother rubbed her head, and wiped her face clean. 

“Jaygak, you should give me Kavgak since you’ll just bully her. Raygak, we should protect little Kavgak, shouldn’t we?”

Raygak nodded his head, while Jaygak reached out towards her brother subconsciously, but instead of bullying him, brushed his hair gently, having caught herself. She could sense her father was ready to act too, but he had remained seated while she brushed her brother’s hair. 

“Taygak, Adam is trying to steal Kavgak from me.”

Taygak’s eyes widened as she glared at Adam, as though daring him to try. “No.”

“Taygak, you cannot do this to me.”

Taygak looked towards her nana for support, the older Iyrman brushing Jirot’s hair gently, while Jarot clutched at her shirt with a vice grip, slowly drinking from his bottle of milk. 

Gangak’s eyes then met Adam’s. “I will take Jirot and Jarot, you can take Kavgak and Maygak.”

“…” Adam remained silent for a long moment. “If their babo agrees,” Adam replied, his tone too serious.

“What a shame.” Gangak gently rocked the pair within her arms. “I should have taken you when I had the chance.”

An air of awkwardness filled the air, while Gangak grinned wide, enjoying the moment of chaos she had created. She pulled the goblins closer to her chest, the pair she was ready to adopt when the Rot family had initially refused.

‘Damn. Old people really don’t care, do they?’

I hope you enjoyed the triple chapters today! 

The next two chapters are rather crazy, 709 especially.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.