Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

Y03 – 703. The Future

Y03 – 703. The Future

As the children enjoyed their time with their family, the Chief continued to interrogate their father.

“I’m not sure why it had to me, but if I had to take a guess, I guess it’s because a similar thing happened to me?” Adam replied, staring at the Chief. ‘Did I tell Jaygak and Kitool my story? I don’t remember.’

“Even if you trade all the treasures we cannot allow her to remain.”

‘Damn it!’ “Is there something I could offer?” Adam asked. “I mean, I did gain quite the special ability.”

“That would depend on the ability you have gained.”


As the Chief listened to Adam’s explanation of his new abilities, he raised a hand, stopping the half elf. Chief Iromin stepped out. Adam threw a look towards his brother, wondering if he was actually going to die that day. ‘I shouldn’t joke as much…’

The Chief returned a short while later, having taken the moment to breathe. After listening to Adam, who had just informed him of something utterly crazy, he needed to process his thoughts.

‘I thought I had become used to his chaos.’

“Welcome back, Chief…” Adam said, feeling the impending doom of death lingering over his neck.

Iromin placed a bracelet beside Adam, atop his basin. “You have received a gift from your children.”

Adam let out a small squeak, before glancing to the side. “Give me a second to compose myself.” Adam inhaled deeply, before letting out a sigh. He counted the beads atop the bracelet. ‘Eh? Is there an extra one?’ He counted one for each of his children, each of the babies, and then each of his cousins. He rubbed the little clay bead which was certainly a bead little Taygak had made for him. The red and blue bead was certainly from the twin Kans, and then each of the others were more difficult to ascribe to the various children. ‘Why is there an extra one?’

‘The square bead is from Churot,” Jaygak said.

Adam’s eyes snapped towards Jaygak, blinking rapidly towards her. “Jaygak, are you some kind of genius?”

Jaygak was about to retort, before she heard Kitool let out a quick, sharp breath, causing her to remain quiet. ‘I can’t even tease him when he has such a ridiculous ability?’

“Chief, how can these children be so adorable?” Adam asked, flashing the widest of smiles.

“…” Iromin realised how long Adam had spent without his children, considering a year had passed in the other realm, and how much it had affected the young man.

‘Cringe,’ Jurot thought, but he allowed Adam his moment since so much had happened in the other world. “It is my birthday too, Chief.”

“Konarot did not pass along a gift for you.”

“…” Jurot wasn’t sure if the Chief was messing with him. “I have not given Adam his gift either.”



Iromin saw the defiant gaze in the young Iyrman’s eyes. “You wish to save the girl?”



Jurot’s neck tensed up. He could barely believe what he was about to say. “I am a good brother.” He felt his brother’s gaze upon him, and realised what Adam felt when they looked at him whenever he was being cringe.

Iromin exchanged a look with Adam, wondering what the young man had done to his brother in the other world for him to say something like that. Adam shrugged his shoulders, surprised, but with the most playful smile spread across his face.

“Chief,” Jurot called again.

“You will vouch for her?”



“…” Adam blinked. “What? That’s… it?”

“Jurot is an Iyrman,” the Chief stated, as though that explained everything.

“…” Adam turned to face his brother, still taken aback by the fact it had been that easy.

“I will leave you to rest,” Iromin said, making to leave. “Once you learn Fourth Gate spells, please inform me.”

“Oh, sure. I can do it right now, if you want?”

‘What?’ Iromin blinked. “Okay.”

“One second.”

Level Up!
XP: 23 500 -> 10 500
Health: 78 -> 91
Mana: 21 -> 25
Gained two spells!

“There we go. I know Divination and Dimension Door.”

“Those are acceptable spells,” Iromin stated, before turning to finally leave. There was no doubt in his mind that Adam had randomly learnt Fourth Gate spells out of the blue, because of that. Divination, though peculiar, and perhaps a spell which they shouldn’t allow Adam to possess, was not exactly the most dangerous thing about him.

Thankfully, Adam had gone a long way to keep the Iyr from killing him. He always surrendered himself to the Iyr whenever asked, and he had chained himself to the Iyr, and his children remained within the Iyr’s reach at all times. Had Adam shown less sincerity, and had Adam kept all his secrets hidden from the Chief, he would have undoubtedly been killed.

Iromin, as Chief of the Iyr, wasn’t sure what to do with Adam. He had been the young man’s bulwark against the other Great Elders, but he still had his doubts. The face Adam had made when he had been given the bracelet caused the Chief to relax. Even if Adam was a crazy existence of pure, utter chaos, he was still just a father.

Adam let out a sigh, glancing over towards Jurot. “Thanks, Jurot.”

Jurot nodded in response, Crowseer’s words replaying within his mind.

“Oh, and happy birthday, Jurot.”

“Happy birthday, Adam.”

“Don’t expect it from me, Adam,” Jaygak grumbled.

“Even after I gave you Stormdrake and Great Moon?”

“Wait until Raygak hears how you treated me.”

“I’ll make him a really nice sword,” Adam replied. “A Greater Enhanced sword like Great Moon.”

“I’ll tell Saygak.”

“I’m Saygak’s favourite.”

“I’ll tell Taygak.”

“Well, hold on a second, I haven’t been that mean to you.”

Jaygak caught Kitool’s eyes and let out a huff, while Kitool only bowed her head. However, the pair watched as Adam slumped within the basin, sighing out deeply, before he fell asleep. The pair weren’t sure just how close Adam was to dying when he spoke with the Chief, especially considering how ridiculous his enchanting had become after coming back from the other world.

As the evening fell across the Iyr, a group of young men and women appeared at the shared family estate, finding older Iyrmen had gathered here too. There was Jarot, who was expected, but Gangak and Otkan were also sitting with him, sharing bottles of wine.

Karot, the youngest of the triplets, rushed up towards Vonda, smiling shyly towards her. He revealed the gem and ring his father had gifted to him.

“Did your father gift you such items for your birthday?” Vonda asked, her eyes seeking for the young half elf, though she hadn’t spotted him.

“Yes!” The boy smiled even wider, before taking the woman’s hand to bring her to the rest of the children.

Dunes followed her awkwardly, also scanning for Adam and the others, though he didn’t find them, presuming they hadn’t returned. He had gathered they had gone to adventure during the Twilight Month, the most dangerous month of the year, when even his divine magic could fail him. A month of training during that month was something which only the most committed dared to complete, like those of the northern Aldishmen. He supposed, however, there were many from his order who also completed such a task, something he had yet to complete personally. ‘Should I?’

“You’re thinking too much,” Amira said, patting his back. “Are you still afraid of the goblins?” she asked in vilspeech.

Dunes threw the devilkin an awkward glare, settling himself in the corner. “Don’t cause trouble,” he replied in the tongue, before switching to Aldish, “and do not speak in our tongue.”

“They understand it,” Amira began, before stopping herself from mentioning that there were devilkin Iyrmen about. She glanced to Gangak, who was a devilkin Iyrman, though the Iyrmen would disagree. The Iyrmen’s view of family and race were peculiar to the outsiders, those of the Aldish and those of the Aswadians, like Dunes and herself.

Dunes pleaded her with his eyes. Of all the people he didn’t want to offend, the Iyrmen were at the top of the list. She may have forgotten the great figures within the Front Iyr, but Dunes hadn’t. Even if you didn’t include the dragons which currently lazed in the Front Iyr, there was Lord Stokmar, the Lord of Earth, who was said to have created half the mountains within Aswadasad. Then there was the mysterious dragon who made the other dragons cower in fear, and Dunes was fairly certain the pair of dragons were grand names within Aswadasad, with his own estimations of who they were.

Yet, even the two great figures did not act up before the Iyrmen, even when the Iyr was at its weakest, without two of its Great Elders.

Jonn made his way towards the triplets, the half elf taking a knee before the children. “I have brought you gifts.”

Konarot stared up at the young warrior, a half elf like her father, and blinked.

Jonn tied a ribbon to their wrists, before retreating away from them, sitting in a corner by himself.

“Am I late?” a figure called, entering the shared estate. He was adorned head to toe in flamedarksteel, though the pair of Iyrmen who escorted him were doffed outside the walls of the shared estate. His skin was dark like coal, his eyes deep red, his beard flowing out like the raging fire of a forge, a touch darker than his eyes. He glanced around to try and find Adam, but they then fixated on the young half dragons instead.

“If you have brought gifts for my greatchildren, then you are never too late, Lord Morkarai,” Jarot called, raising a cup of peach wine towards him.

“Gifts?” Lord Morkarai’s beard widened as he grinned, though his mouth was covered by it. “Have I forgotten them?” He patted his armour, before he reached down to his pouch, pulling out a golden coin.

The triplets stood up straighter as they gathered around the Prince, who dropped to a knee and handed them each a golden coin. They could smell the faint smell of magic, the tingling sensation running through their hands.

“I have gifts for your siblings too,” Lord Morkarai stated.

“Jiwoh, Jawoh,” Konarot called, causing her siblings to rush over from their nana.

Lord Morkarai handed the baby goblins a pair of coins, these coins more silver than gold, and far more vibrant. “The face of the coin will change to those you think of.” Morkarai tapped the coin in little Jarot’s hand.

“Daddy!” Jarot gasped, staring at the coin’s face. His mouth formed a tiny circle of surprise as he stared up at Lord Morkarai.

“Look!” Konarot stated, showing the brass ring to the fire giant.


“Daddy gift.”

“Oh? Your father gifted you such a ring?” Morkarai asked, surprised there was no magic within the ring. “Then my gift is so cheap in comparison.”

Konarot patted the Prince’s leg gently. “Is good.”

Morkarai chuckled, before taking his place along with the older trio of Iyrmen. “I am surprised to see Adam hasn’t returned. If he hasn’t returned yet, it must mean something serious is keeping him away.”

Jarot smiled knowingly, pouring the fire giant a cup of peach wine. “Do you wish to know?”

“I value my life too much to pry into the Iyr’s affairs,” Lord Morkarai said. “I will remain with the Iyr until I am no longer needed.”

“Will you not stay to win the favour of my grandson?”

“If I am required home to assist with the war, I must return,” the Prince replied.

“Let us hope the war ends,” Jarot said.


Jarot began to chuckle lightly at his words, before his granddaughter distracted him, climbing on top of his lap. “Little Lanarot, what is wrong?”

Lanarot pointed up at Lord Morkarai. “Coin!”

“Are you upset I did not give you a coin?” Lord Morkarai asked.

Lanarot pouted in response, her lower lip trembling. “Why noh?”

“Your birthday is next month, so you must wait?”


“What has Jirot done to you?” Jarot chuckled lightly, placing a hand on her head. “How can you bully his sister like this, Lord Morkarai?”

The Prince shook his head, before reaching into his pouch. “Here you are, little Lanarot.”

Lanarot gasped, pointing to the coin face. “Is papa!” She brought the coin to her chest. “Is my papa.”

“Do you miss your brothers?”

“I missing them so much,” Lanarot replied, resting her head against her grandfather’s chest. “Baba, you ah missing papa?”

“Hmm,” Jarot replied, as though he was truly thinking about it.

“Yes,” Lanarot replied on his behalf. “Woad Mohk, you ah missing papa?”

“I am missing your papa too.”

“Yes,” Lanarot replied, nodding her head approvingly. “I missing my papa, I do not miss my mama.”

“Why do you not miss your mother?”

“Mama is here,” Lanarot replied, pointing towards where she thought her mother was, before her head scanned around the area, eventually finding her with Murot. “Mama is here! Look, is Muwoh.” She pointed towards her mother and her cousin. “Muwoh is baby.”

“He’s just a little baby?”


“Are you a little baby?”

“No, I not a baby, I am Lanawoh.”

Lord Morkarai remained staring at the little girl, who was doted by all manner of monsters. Not just Adam, her brother, but the crazy figure known as Emperor Hadda, who she no doubt had forgotten. Considering who she was doted by, from the likes of Emperor Hadda, Mad Dog Jarot, and her brothers, Lord Morkarai couldn’t help but wonder just what kind of a monster she would grow up to be.

‘I should also try to please this little one,’ Lord Morkarai thought, trying to forge two blades with one strike.

The giant’s eyes fell to the half dragons, who were half silver dragon from their mother’s side. ‘…’ Lord Morkarai couldn’t help but tie the connection between the Talia family and the half dragons, especially since Entalia had appeared several times within this region recently, around the times they had been born.

“You should not think of such stressful things.” Gangak poured a cup of wine for one of the Princes of Shakador, who seemed to be deep in thought.

Lord Morkarai sighed. ‘Just what madness will you bring this year, Adam?’

“Nano!” Jirot shouted at Gangak, before reaching up her arms.

“Yes, my Jirot?” Gangak asked, picking the girl up.

Once Jirot was within her arms, she cuddled up with the older Iyrman, sucking on her thumb. Gangak also picked up her brother, so they could cuddle and sleep within her arms together. She smirked towards the older Jarot.

“You cannot have them,” the old Iyrman grumbled.

‘Are they really not blood related?’ Morkarai thought.

The buff of being an Iyrman is too OP.

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