Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

Y03 – 701. The Return

Y03 – 701. The Return

The lake glowed brightly for a moment before the five figures broke through the surface, gasping for air as they swam towards the nearby land. Adam, adorned in his full puthral plate mail, clutched at the grass as he scrambled onto dryer land, almost kissing it as relief washed all over him. 

“Oh land! Sweet lan-,” the young half elf began, before his entire body flashed with heat as though he had swam through a sea of fire.

Strength Save
D20 + 8 = 23 (15)

Dexterity Save
D20 + 1 = 14 (13)

Constitution Save
D20 + 6 = 14 (8)

Intelligence Save
D20 + 6 = 22 (16)

Wisdom Save
D20 + 4 = 5 (1)
Wisdom: 12 -> 9

Charisma Save
D20 + 3 = 11 (8)
Charisma: 16 -> 13

Exhaustion: 0 -> 2

Adam’s entire body seized up before it tried to fight off the exhaustion which hit him like a truck, the young half elf convulsing for a moment before he fell onto the earth, panting for air. Adam had experienced this several times previously, though previously he had awakened someone’s abilities to use magic or to enchant.

He turned to one side where he found the twelve year old girl being choked out by an Iyrman, while another set of ominous shadows loomed over him, and another pair pulled on the rope tied to his brother.

“What are you doing?” Adam asked, feeling his heart still thundering within his chest from the assault on his body.

“Only four should return,” the Iyrman replied. Adam could barely make out that he was a horcish Iyrman, with greyish green skin, and a pair of tusks jutting out. He couldn’t see the tattoo on his forehead due to his blurred vision.

“Alright, just don’t kill her.”

“It is not up to you.”

“I’ll speak with the Chief myself,” Adam managed to pant out as he felt the exhaustion fill him further. The girl slumped beside him, but he was sure the Iyrmen wouldn’t kill her. Adam reached into his cloak before holding up a pouch towards the Iyrmen. “Hand this to Aunt Sonarot.”


“Please,” Adam said, holding the pouch up while he lay on the earth, staring up at the Iyrman. Though his vision blurred and the pouch felt like the entire world, his arm shaking slightly, he continued to hold the pouch up.

Constitution Save
D20 + 6 = 24 (18)

The Iyrman picked up the pouch from the half elf, feeling the few items as he fondled the pouch. ‘…’ He was fairly certain he understood what was in the pouch, though had no idea why the young man wanted to hand this to his Aunt.

“What day is it?”

“The first of the first,” the Iyrman replied.

“Good,” Adam replied, smiling slightly. “Please make sure they get it today.” With those final words, Adam’s eyelids shut tight, and he passed out, beside his brother, his two other Iyrman companions, and the unconscious girl who had been forced into his party by the most suspicious and mysterious figure he knew.

The group of Iyrmen who had been tasked to the lake glanced between one another. The four were to make sure the four had returned safely, and to assist with pulling the rope to make sure whatever they had brought through the realms made it to them. They turned to face the older Iyrman beside them, a fifth, who clasped a bird within her hands.

‘How much trouble will you make for me?’ the bald Iyrman thought, staring at the young man who had travelled with one of her own. The bird within her hands tweeted in a panic, before it fell still from a finger jab, and as the vibrations ran through it for an instant, it fell forever still. 

The bald Iyrman opened the pouch and checked the items within. Four rings, five gems, a tiara, and a leather square. She picked up the leather square and read the words etched within it. She read the leather before her eyes fell down to Adam, and then to Kitool, one of the young women who had collapsed beside the half elf. ‘…’ 

Chief Iromin awoke early in the morning, barely able to sleep through the night. Today was the first day of the year, and though many considered it to be a day of Mother Soza,  the Goddess of Life, it was the day in which most Iyrmen died. He had just finished his morning run when he spotted the bald Iyrman waiting for him dutifully. 

“Shaool,” the Chief called. 

“They have returned.”

“I have heard they have brought another.”


Chief Iromin stared at the woman, remaining quiet for a long moment, before bowing his head for her to continue.

“Adam has brought gifts.” Shaool handed the Chief the pouch, who checked through the items, before reading the leather square.

‘How is it that you are so smart when it comes to things like this?’ Iromin thought, letting out a soft sigh. “I will allow Elder Zijin to make the decision.”

“Okay,” Shaool replied, before taking the items and taking them to the Elder who watched over the eight shared estates. 

“It is only the first day but he causes me such stress.” Elder Zijin sighed, staring at the message in the leather. 

Shaool waited for the Elder to make a decision. When it came to Adam, the decisions remained within the rights of the Chief of the Iyr, Iromin, the Elder of the shared estates, Zijin, and the Family Head of the Rot family, Sonarot, though the Rot Family Elder, Mulrot, also held some influence. 

“I will hand the items to Sonarot and Citool,” Zijin finally said. The rules of the Iyr were clear. They would not inform the return to the rest of their families until later, as they had done so for millennia. Since the Chief had given him the choice, Zijin decided to show his favour for the young half elf. “Would you like to visit the shared estate?”

“I must return to the Front Iyr,” Shaool replied. 

Zijin nodded, allowing her to leave, before he leaned back in his chair. ‘You could not have waited even a day?’ A small smile appeared on the Elder’s face. His eyes then fell to the side, where Shaool stood, waiting patiently. “Yes?”

“I have dealt with the bird.”

Zijin bowed his head, and with that, the older Iyrman left, leaving the Elder to his thoughts. ‘Of course she would be troublesome too, as his eldest daughter…’ Another smiled formed on the Elder’s lips. 

Konarot’s tail fell still as she looked up towards the entrance to the shared estate, watching as the Iyrman Elder approached. The other children all stopped their play, their eyes glued to the Elder, who approached one of their aunts. 

“Elder Zijin,” Sonarot greeted, before taking the pouch from the Elder. She peeked inside, pulling out the leather square to read it. She narrowed her eyes at the Elder, who merely smiled, before letting out a sigh. It was that kind of sigh, a sigh which entered the lexicon due to the appearance of that young man. 

Elder Zijin stepped aside, checking on the children, many which were yet to be even toddlers. Seven who were not yet even a year old, each within their mother’s embrace, currently being fed. Another seven who were a year older, sitting besides their older siblings and eating, and another young girl who was eating beside her nieces and nephews, each only slightly younger than her. One of such nieces was currently staring at a nearby ledge, waiting for her friend to return, before she twitched and looked up towards the Elder. 

“Happy birthday,” the Elder said, rubbing the eldest of the triplets’ head, feeling her tiny torn nubs against the sides of his hand. He rubbed her younger siblings’ heads too, including the twins who excitedly jabbered up towards him. 

“Daddy?” Konarot asked, blinking up towards the man, who had brought a pouch which held her father’s scent. 

“He will see you soon, okay?”

Konarot pouted. “Okay.” She quickly scampered away, before returning a short while later with a bracelet made up of many tiny little stones. She held it up towards the Elder. “Daddy.”


Once the Elder left, taking with him the bracelet the girl had given to him, the shared family estate celebrated the childrens’ birthday. Sonarot gifted the five gems to the triplets and twins, before gifting the rings to each of the triplets too, who clutched the rings tight in hand.

“Hoo!” Jirot pouted up towards her nana, who hadn’t given her a ring. Her tiny lips twitched and her brows furrowed angrily, though she was halfway between fury and distress. 

“It is their birthday,” Sonarot stated, rubbing the girl’s head. 


“Do not worry, babo will spoil you soon,” Sonarot informed. 

“No!” Jirot huffed, before she twitched and her brows furrowed in confusion. “Babo?”



Meanwhile, the Chief stepped up towards the cave, having heard the complaints from the other Great Elders. He walked in to find the three Iyrmen half sat within the basin, with a heavy liquid pressing them down. They were unable to shift their position due to the weight of the liquid, which appeared to be water, but it was easily twice as heavy. 

“Chief, did you hear that?” Adam asked.

“I did.”

“How can she say something like that?” 

“It is true.”

“Don’t you start with me too!” Adam huffed, trying to lift up his arms and hands out of the water, but he was unable to move them. The water came up to his neck, and though he was unable to sink further in to drown, he was also unable to lift himself up. “What is this stuff anyway?”

“It is to assist you in your recovery,” the Chief reply simply. 

“Anyhow, it’s good to see you again, Chief.”

“It is good to see you too, Adam.”

“You’re speaking too soon.”

“Do you bring more ill news?”

“First…” Adam stared up the Chief. The Chief was an older man, with long hair dyed red, streaks of white peeking through. He was clean shaven, with a strong jaw, a wide, flat nose, and small eyes. He was fairly lean for an older man, dressed in the finest of silks, black like starless night, with golden thread which darted all along the hem, the thread forming an Iyrman pattern. At his side lay a longsword, made of a fusion of bone and metal. “You gotta promise me that you won’t kill me.”

“I will not make such a promise.”

‘Yeah, expected as much.’

Thus begins Book 4, Year 2003 AA!

I try to write each year as though new readers will be picking up the story from that particular year so expect some explanations even if they've already been explained previously. I will also be writing as though you can pick up the crumbs I've left, but I'll also be keeping some things a mystery like always, which may or not pay off in the next 10-1000 years.

I'm going to give a trigger warning for cringe for at least the next 20 chapters.

Please be merciful because it is my birthday.

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