Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

[851] – Y03.151 – Fort I

[851] – Y03.151 – Fort I

The fort loomed over the nearby villages. The thick stone walls were easily an Adam and a half tall, with several watch towers on each side, with the large river also providing the walls protection on each side. Compared to the newly made forts they had come across, which were made to house soldiers who defend the land, and to assist in defending the land, this fort was made to impose upon the land. 

‘Holy,’ Adam thought, his eyes glued to the fort, his heart pounding within his chest with excitement. ‘Now that’s a fort.’ 

However, Adam was certain the Iyrmen within the village were no doubt far greater in keeping the land safe than the fort.

“It is our honour to meet you, Fourth Hope Willow,” the Iyrman said. He was tall, handsome, and his forehead was tattooed with a blue circle flanked by diamonds. His eyes and hair were dark like his nephews, his hair falling down a little past his shoulders. “I am Fakrot.”

“It is our pleasure to make your acquaintance,” Hope Willow replied. “Are you Jurot’s father?”

“I am his uncle.”

Hope Willow bowed her head. The curiosity got the best of her. “Are you one of Jarot’s children?”

“No,” Fakrot replied, almost smirking. “My father was uncle’s younger brother.”

“I am sorry to hear of your loss.”

“Your thoughts bring us great comfort,” Fakrot replied, bowing his head lightly, before his eyes passed to the other figure he thought best to greet. “It is also our honour to meet with Marshal Black.”

“The honour is mine,” the Marshal replied.

“Your stories are well known within the Iyr.”

“I noticed. I have heard my tales more from the lips of Iyrmen than my own.”

Adam’s eyes fell across the fort once more, taking in the sight of the imposing walls. ‘Trust the Iyrmen to make a proper fort.’

“I will lead you into the fort,” Fakrot said, leading his nephews’ group towards the newly formed bridge further along the river. The bridge approached the south of the fort, over the large river formed by the mercy of the Iyrmen.

‘…’ Fourth Hope Willow followed the group, as she had promised to escort them to the business. 

The large gate towered over the group, the heavy, thick, wooden doors opened by a crank within the inside of the fort, revealing the large dirt path heading to the next gate within the fort, which allowed the wagons to travel easily. On either side were two fields, each already tilled and worked, outlined by the fruit trees, up until the dirt road which crossed from side to side in the centre of the first section of the fort. 

The wooden buildings ahead were large, three stories tall. They were rectangles, with large open archways in the centre of each side for the pathways within, with an inner courtyard reminiscent of those of the Iyr’s estates. 

“The farms here will supplement the farming upon the land across the river,” Fakrot explained. 

Adam spotted the Iyrmen who had remained within the fort, currently relaxing after a long day of work within the buildings. They passed through the second gate within the fort to reveal another section equally as large, with more buildings on either side of them as they stepped through the gate, with the large pathway heading forward to an open area, a set of rectangular buildings made of stone, and another gate. 

Fakrot motioned his head to the gate further ahead. “The last area is a smaller, private area, for the Managers and Executives.”

“That makes sense,” Adam said, noting the estates around him were empty. “I guess this is where you guys are going to stay.” 

“If your business expands, we will build a village across the river,” Fakrot said, motioning his head towards the Iyr’s land. 

“I can’t help but wonder what I’d do without the Iyr,” Adam admitted. “Thanks for your help. We’ll be sure to pay the Iyr appropriately.”

“Is he your father?” Cobra asked, eyeing up the handsome fellow.

“He is my uncle, Fakrot.”

“Is he an Executive too?”

Jurot shook his head. “Uncle has little to do with the business.”

“Didn’t he help make the…” Cobra wasn’t sure what she was meant to call this place. ‘Isn’t it a fort?’

Fakrot continued to reveal to Adam the layout of the estates, including the underground area of each estate, and of course, where the baths were. 


Fakrot also led Adam towards the stone buildings, where he revealed the large crates and barrels of food stuffs. 

“There is more within the inner area, but this should be enough for your workers, their families, and the children. We have set up the fields around the Iyr’s side of the river to be worked. You may also buy food or drinks from the nearby villages, who will be eager to sell to you.”

Adam’s body remained tense, though he did feel himself loosen up. “Comparing this fort to the forts the Aldish made…”

“They have created outposts, we have created forts,” Fakrot replied, barely smirking. He glanced backwards, and seeing that most of the people were settling within the estates. He turned, making sure his lips couldn’t be read by those in the estate. “There are several hidden areas under the fort, and more. I will show them to you once night falls.”

Adam only nodded in response. 

Fakrot placed a hand on Adam’s shoulder, causing the half elf to tense up once more. “It is good to see you have returned safely.”

“Thank you.”

“I am sure you have many great tales to speak.”

Adam’s lips formed that kind of smile. “You should be asking your nephew. You wouldn’t believe what he did.”

“I am asking my nephew now.”

“Not your Nephew, your nephew, the other one.”

“Will you refuse me?”

“…” Adam raised his brow. “Are you trying to get me to marry your daughters?”

Fakrot narrowed his eyes slightly. “They will marry who they please.” Fakrot let out a sigh, that kind of sigh. 

“Have my kids seen this yet?”


Adam’s lips formed another gentle smile. “Well, it seems I’ve got an excuse to go in and see them.”

Fakrot returned with Adam to one of the estates, where the group had begun to unpack. The Iyrmen had joined them, having brought various meals and drinks for the group. 

The Hope and Marshal could feel the gazes from the Iyrmen. There was a curiosity within the gaze, but also something else, a hunger which could only be from the eyes of the Iyrmen.

“You have returned,” an Iyrman said. Her deep red skin held deep wrinkles, and where once grand horns flowed out from her skull, were now broken from strife. 

“We have,” Jaygak replied. She greeted the Iyrman who wore her tattoos, Laygak doing the same. 

Another Iyrman, a woman who wore Kitool’s tattoos, placed a hand on Kitool’s shoulder. “Have you brought back tales?” She then reached over to Faool, brushing his hair gently. 


Adam vaguely recognised the pair from his time at the Gak and Ool estates. ‘I really need to work on my ability to remember names.’

Vasera grinned wide as she eyed up the Iyrmen who approached. She noted the tags on their persons, most at least Bronze Rank, though some held Steel Rank tokens, while a handful wore Silver Rank tokens.

“Don’t,” Rook said. 

“We haven’t seen much fighting recently.”

“We’re not paid to fight the Iyrmen.”

“Our job is done.”

“We’re still being paid.”

Vasera let out a quiet snarl, before calming herself. The Golden Savages remained near the children. They had technically finished their job, but Adam was still paying them for the month. 

“Have you already forgotten how scary they are?”

“Are they all as crazy as Mad Dog’s grandson?”

“We should assume so.”

George glanced around at the Iyrmen. He noted the way they were sitting. He could feel something wrong with it, though couldn’t quite place it. 

The stories began, while Adam thought deeply about what to do. ‘I want to go see them.’ He glanced between the group. ‘Who should I leave here with the kids and the others? It’s probably a bad idea to take all the Executives. Fred and Nobby should stay to protect the pair. No, that doesn’t make any sense at all. The farmers should stay, that makes sense.’

“What are you thinking about?” Jaygak whispered from beside the half elf. 

“I’m wondering who to leave behind here while I go back to grab my children.”

“I can stay here.”

“Kavgak will be sad if she doesn’t see you.”

“The priests could remain here.”

“Aren’t they heading back?” Adam asked. “Oh. Right.” ‘Dunes and Vonda would be pretty good to leave here… I guess only the Executives can head on in for now and then we can figure out a schedule for next time.’

Adam’s eyes fell across the fort once more. The walls were large, greater than the outposts they had come across thus far. They would provide more than ample protection for the business from the typical threats from the land, though the river around the fort made that borderline impossible already.

‘The Marshal of the East and a Grand Commander?’ Fakrot thought, before his eyes fell to Adam. ‘…’

‘Are we really going to be safe now?’ Cobra thought. ‘They’re already making forts around this place…’

‘A fort…’ Adam smiled to himself. 

Quest Complete: A Fortress Earned +100

Now that's a fort!

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