Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

[842] – Y03.142 – Journey to Home VII

[842] – Y03.142 – Journey to Home VII

As the Grand Commander reached for his blade, Jurot stepped forward. Sir James Greatwood drew his blade and lunged forward, his blade crashing against Jurot’s shield. Jurot winced slightly as the blade struck his shield, almost forcing him back, before the rumble of thunder echoed through the fort. 

The pair fell into a dance of magical steel, thunderous might racking through the Grand Commander’s body, while radiant might flashed through the Iyrman. The red hot rage filled the Iyrman who continued to strike eagerly, throwing caution to the wind as the excitement filled him. 

The other members of the order began to reach for their weapons, while the Iyrmen did the same. Adam reached for Wraith, but he felt a hand against his shoulder. He glanced back to see Jaygak, who shook her head, while donning her shield, the other Iyrmen doing the same. The gleaming eyes of the Iyrmen shone brightly, eager for the poetry of death.


While the pair clashed in the centre between them, the others watched. Kitool held her staff tight in hand, completing her stretches, while Jaygak swung her blade lightly, warming herself up. The younger Iyrmen also warmed up, waiting to see if the warriors of the order would move, while the warriors of the order waited to see if the Iyrmen would move. 

Thunder continued to rumble, the sound of steel filling the air, before they finally clashed together, magical blade and axe together. The Grand Commander continued to press down against the Iyrman’s axe.

“If you do not step back, you will end up dying to my blade,” the Grand Commander said. 

“If you do not step back, your companions will end up dying to our weapons,” Jurot replied, his eyes staring into the Grand Commander’s. 

“Do you believe you-,”

“Yes,” Jurot replied, before the pair continued to clash, thunder echoing once more before the pair finally created space between themselves. 

Adam donned his shield, but once more felt Jaygak’s hand on his shoulder. “Seriously, Jaygak?”

“Adam,” Jurot called. “We are in Aldish lands now.”

“…” Adam frowned. ‘I have to be careful, otherwise I’m going to be blamed.’

“You are correct, Iyrman,” James Greatwood stated. “You should surrender while I allow you to, and you will be judged by the King’s Laws.”

“We Iyrmen are not bound by the King’s Laws,” Jurot replied. “We will be judged by the Iyr, and if we do not at least kill three of you, we will be judged harshly.”

“We can’t kill them,” Adam said. “If we kill them, they’ll criticise the business.”

“We Iyrmen are acting as Iyrmen.”

“You know how the Aldish are…”

“…” Jurot remained silent for a long moment. “We will only beat them heavily.”

“Thank you.”

The Grand Commander raised his blade, ready to smite the Iyrman, before the Hope drew her blade. 

“If you intend to continue the fight, then I will be forced to subdue you,” Hope Willow said. 

“We should stop now while we can,” Marshal Black called. “If it’s any more than this, I’ve got to inform the Duchess of the situation.” Marshal Black wasn’t looking towards the Grand Commander, but rather the Commander of the fort. 

The Commander sighed, placing his hands on his waist. ‘The Duchess? If she’s going to guarantee them…’ “Has the Duchess sent you to escort the group?” He already knew the answer, but if it was brought out again, there would be another branch towards the path of peace.

“That’s right.”

“If both the Order of Life’s Rose and the Duchess has allowed them to pass through the land…” Commander Arthur glanced between the group. “Since the Order of the Thousand Hunts cannot stay still while you are here, I will allow you to pass through the fort. You will have to sleep outside.”

‘Can we make it to Red Oak? Probably, but we’ll be exhausted if we march so far.’

“Okay,” Jurot said, inhaling deeply, feeling his body cool. 

“What’ll happen if they choose to chase us?” Adam asked.

“If they wish to chase you, it isn’t my business,” the Commander replied. “The soldiers will not move to act to support them.”

“So…” Adam thought for a long moment. “If they come and attack us, you won’t help them?”


“You won’t help us either?”


“So the soldiers of Aldland won’t…” Adam paused, causing Jaygak to pause as she reached for his shoulder. A small smile appeared on his lips. “So you won’t help them either, right?”

“We will not.”

“So if they attack us and we defend ourselves…”

“It is a fray which will happen outside of the fort,” the Commander confirmed. 

“Jaygak, I want the Vice Commander.” 

“I will face the Vice Commander.”

“Then whose the next strongest?”

“The Master,” Jaygak said, pointing to the figure Hope Willow had spotted previously. 

“Then can I face him, or do you want them, Kitool?”

“I wish to bring back a story too,” Kitool replied. 

Adam exhaled, glancing around at the rest of the group. “Are the rest just Experts?”

“It appears to be that way.”

“Good. I’ll beat up two of them, and then Hope Willow can take on the rest.”

“If you follow us, we will consider you a threat to the VIPs, and we will kill you,” Jurot said, his eyes glued to the Grand Commander. 

“…” The Grand Commander glared at the Iyrman. He could feel the flash of pain in his mind, his head still throbbing from their previous clashes. Though he had smote the young Iyrman, he still seemed ready to fight, while any other of his companions would have been mortally wounded. ‘He is truly the Mad Dog’s grandson.’

“We Iyrmen will deal with you without the order or business’ assistance,” Jaygak said. “Aldland will not be able to prosecute us, for we are Iyrmen, and have made our intentions clear.”

“Since when have the Iyrmen been above reproach?”

“Since we painted this land red with your forefather’s blood,” Jaygak replied. “Even if we were to slaughter the soldiers within this fort, your King would be unable to punish us.” 

“Young lady, I hope you will take that back,” the Commander said. 

“I am merely stating that we are able to do so, not that we will.”

“It sounds like a threat.”

“It is the truth.”

“I would like to see it.”

“Hey,” Adam said. “Stop provoking the Aldishmen, you know how they are. You should be thanking the Commander for giving us a way to kill the Grand Commander. Let’s go, make our fort, and wait for the Grand Commander to come after us.”

“Adam…” Vonda smiled politely, her tired eyes wondering if she could truly complete her task in guiding the business. 

“Oh, and I’ll sanctify the deaths as a Priest of Lord Sozain,” Adam said, reaching over to his amulet. “At least, anyone my brother and my cousin end up killing, will not be able to be returned to life by Life’s Rose.”

Willow snapped her head towards the young half elf. “You would stop us from reviving them?”

“I will not allow you to revive those sent to Lord Sozain,” Adam said. “You can bring up those that Jaygak and Kitool kill, but if anyone is killed by a Rot…”

“You should not interfere…” Hope Willow stated, before seeing the way Adam clutched his amulet. 

“…” Adam waited for her to continue, so he could throw out his retort. After all, as much as the Hope was a follower of the Goddess of Life, Adam was a follower of the God of Death.

“How despicable…” Sir James glanced towards Jonn. “You have found a foolish lot to lay your bed beside.”

“They did not abandon me.”

“Did we not feed you, house you, teach you? Where else did you find the skill to afford such fine armour and weaponry?” 


“If you have any sense of decency, you will remove your armour and leave it here, as recompense for all we have done for you.”

Jonn narrowed his eyes. “…”

‘What an absolute…’ Adam thought, before he felt something tickle his mind. “You know, you’re right. You did end up training one of our best workers, so I suppose we should pay you appropriately.” Adam held out his hand. “Fred, please hand over Lifeblade.”

“Okay…” Fred unstrapped the blade at his side, bringing it to the young half elf. He flushed slightly, his heart beating wildly. ‘Will he really take it from me?’

“Lifeblade…” Adam stared down at it for a moment. ‘I feel bad taking it from Fred, but…’ “It seems almost like Fate.” He held out the hilt towards the Grand Commander. “It’s a Basic Enhanced blade. It holds three charges, and allows one to heal themselves, and upon the dawn, it regains its charges.”

‘What a great blade.’ “You offer it to us as recompense for absconding with one of our members?”

“No, this is a bonus I’m offering to the order as a form of respect.” Adam smiled politely. “Your life, though worth little, is what we’re giving you as recompense for our dear Jonn.”


‘Adam!’ Vonda thought, her eyes glued to the young half elf.

The laughter of a hyena filled the air.

Jurot clashes with the Grand Commander. 

What should I call this chapter?

I got it!

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