Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

[838] – Y03.138 – Journey to Home III

[838] – Y03.138 – Journey to Home III

Omen: 9, 15

He was a towering figure. Even from where Adam stood, he could feel the pressure of the man's gaze upon his shoulders. The heavy armour he wore was well made, the intricate engravings within, those of all manner of divine symbols, and the blade at his side was no doubt one of the greatest across all the lands. 

'It just had to be him...' Hope Willow thought, a cold sweat dropping down the back of her neck. Of all the figures across the land, it just had to be one of the figures which could be counted amongst Lord Marshal Royce, King Merryweather, and Sir Robin.

Sir James Greatwood, Grand Commander of the Order of the Thousand Hunts, glared down towards the group, a group he had heard of in passing, and some he recognised from the previous year. 

The group waited outside, feeling the intense pressure of the order members pressing down against them. For once, it wasn't the children who were under the gaze of the noblefolk of the land, but the demons.

Lucy could feel the intense pressure of one of the handful of Paragons of the land, and one of those who were sworn to kill her. Though her shoulders felt such intense pressure, she stood tall and strong. No Grand Commander was going to put the pressure on the future Demon Lord. The Iyrmen? She would allow them, of course, since they were Iyrmen, but an Aldishman?

"Open the gates," the Grand Commander stated.

"I will consider your advice," the other figure adorned in full plate said. He wore full plate armour from head to toe, just like the Grand Commander, but his armour was far simpler. He was an older man, into his seventies, and his name had begun to fade, like his hair, though his beard was full. At his side was a blade made of blue. Not blue steel, or even sapphicule, but blue which had been formed into the shape of a sword. 

Adam squinted his eyes. 'He reminds me of that guy from Ever Green.'

The Commander of the fort, waved his hand, allowing them to open the gates for the group, who walked inwards. As the group stepped inside, the Commander made his way down to meet with the Hope and Rays, casually walking over towards them. 

"It's been a few years since I last met with a Hope while I was on active duty," the Commander said, placing a hand over his heart, before bowing his head. 

"I was informed you had retired many years ago, Sir Arthur," Hope Willow replied, bowing her head lightly in return. 

"I had, but the King requested I take command of the fort for the rest of the year, and I am but a humble servant of Aldland."

'The King must have been certain of his victory to not move Blue Sword before,' Hope Willow thought. "The land will remain safe with you as the Commander."

The Iyrmen hadn't read that Blue Sword had taken position at the fort, meaning the old warrior had only recently arrived as the Commander, no doubt within the last few days. 

'The Grand Commander is to defend the fort as part of his order being accepted into the land.' Jaygak thought, glancing around to note there were only a handful of the order members here, while the rest must have been travelling across the land to the capital, where they would negotiate for a position somewhere in the land. 'Blue Sword must have been moved to keep the Grand Commander in check.'

Fred's eyes were wide from beneath his helmet. He had been a boy when Blue Sword had retired, but even growing up he had heard the name of Blue Sword. ‘Blue Sword? That Blue Sword?’ A chill ran through his spine, his eyes falling across Adam, hoping he understood not to act up. After all, Blue Sword was someone who had clashed with the previous First Hope, Hope Robert's mentor.

Jaygak grabbed onto Adam's elbow, causing the young man to pull away slightly, glancing towards her. Jaygak pulled up her visor, her eyes staring into Adam's with that kind of look to tell him to keep silent, before she pulled down her visor, just in case.


Sir James Greatwood marched towards the group, his arms behind his back, his eyes falling across the group once more. "I hope your travels have been safe, Fourth Hope."

"They have, Sir Greatwood," Willow replied, her eyes glued to the Grand Commander. 

"How safe can your travels be with the demons at your side?" The chill ran through the air at the Grand Commander's words, the soldiers glancing towards the two demons who stood beside their wolves, brushing their fur. 

"We watch over the demons to make sure they do not trouble the land."

"Has Life's Rose taken the demons under their care?"

"Ray Vonda watches over the demons under the orders of Mother Priest."

James' eyes fell to Vonda for a moment, then they went to the demons, before they fell upon the young woman again. '...' His eyes almost wondered across her face due to his thoughts, but he held her gaze firmly, her eyes beaming with joy. "You are rather young for a Ray, Ray Vonda."

"I was blessed with the Mother's grace."

"Do you mean to say you know Fourth Gate spells?" 

"I do."

"Congratulations to you, Ray Vonda, and the Order of Life's Rose. It has been generations since someone has been blessed with the Divine's grace so young."

"I thank the Mother for the fortunes she has graced me with every night."

"If such a grand event will no doubt spread through the land, and there will be many blessings upon Life's Rose this decade. Since you are so blessed, the commonfolk will not need to worry of the demons in your midst."

Vonda smiled wider. "Yes. I have no doubt there will be no issues caused while I am to watch over the demons." Even the mention of the demons will cause them trouble from now on, especially if Blue Sword intended to press the issue with his military rank. 

"What if I insist?" Sir James Greatwood asked. His eyes caught the Hope's once more. "I have sworn my oaths too." 

"It would be troublesome if you insisted, but as a Hope of Life's Rose, I must step forward."

"Even for demons?"

"Mother Soza's grace falls upon all."

A moment of silence filled the air. The children stared at the Hope and then the Grand Commander of the Thousand Hunts. They had heard of the order, for it was an order which once made its home near East Port, near the border between East Aldland and what was now Floria. To the north of the Order of the Thousand Hunts was a local order to East Port, placed there to watch over what was once South Aldland, though of course there were many great dangerous upon the hills and forests surrounding the order, but everyone knew what the purpose of the order was. Of course, there was also the rumours of a dragon nearby, but those were simply rumours.

However, the difference between the Order of Shimmering Swords and the Order of the Thousand Hunts was simple. The Grand Commander of the Shimmering Swords wasn't a Paragon.

Nor was the Fourth Hope, who was considered average among the Hopes. Indeed, among the typical populace, Fourth Hope Willow would be considered in the top, firmly in the top 1%. However, among the many orders and their elites, she would also be considered average, whereas Sir James Greatwood would be considered among the top five at worst, truly only rivalled by Sir Robin among those of the orders.

Fred stared towards Blue Sword, hoping he would step forward. It was Blue Sword, after all. If anyone could request for the Grand Commander to step back, it would be the Commander, not because he was a Commander, but because he was Blue Sword. The Blue Sword, who was a relatively unknown fellow before he clashed with the previous First Hope to a draw within a duel. It was one of the few times Blue Sword was active, otherwise disappearing into the shadows and rumours, before returning to do something impressive. He only had a handful of stories, but each story was impressive.

"It would be dangerous to the security of the nation to allow the demon to walk through the land," Grand Commander James stated.

"Is that the opinion of the Commander as well?"

"It isn't as though it is my opinion, but I cannot refute it either," Blue Sword said. "I would have preferred the Grand Commander not step forward in this regard, but it is the oaths he has sworn, and I cannot place one oath above another."

"Do you intend to stay out of the this?"

"Unfortunately my hands are tied in this regard." Blue Sword let out that kind of sigh that said he was glad he didn't need to make a decision in this regard. 

"Will you continue to defend the demons?" the Grand Commander asked, still not reaching for his blade.

"..." Hope Willow remained silent for a long moment. "What are the opinions of the Executives?"

Adam inhaled deeply, ready to speak, but he grit his teeth, still recalling the way Jaygak glared at him. 'Damn it, I'll leave it to the others?'

“You are just a Paragon?”

James Greatwood fell still for a moment. He recalled the phrase from a year ago, almost a year to the day. His eyes fell across the Iyrman, whose forehead was painted with a familiar pattern. 

Lucy's eyes fell across the Iyrman too, whose arms were crossed, the Iyrman standing tall and proud. 'Are you trying to get me killed?'

'Damn,' Adam thought. 'Why is my brother so much cooler than me?'

It could only be the grandson of the Mad Dog who could speak such words. 

Also, May the fourth be with you. 

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