Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

[820] – Y03.120 – Ray Of Hope II

[820] – Y03.120 – Ray Of Hope II

“So, what was that about?” Adam whispered once they had returned within the inn, sipping at his warm milk.

“Manager Vonda has become a Mother,” Jurot explained.

“Oh,” Adam replied, slowly nodding his head. He continued to sip his milk. ‘That’s so nice.’ “Oh!” Adam’s brows flashed upwards for a moment as the realisation hit me. “She’s a Mother now?”


“Gosh, I wonder who the…” Adam sipped his milk. “No. I’m better than that. So what was that light?”

“The Guardian of Faith spell which has confirmed her ascension to gaining the title of Mother.”

“Ah, that makes… isn’t that a Fourth Gate spell?”


“Oh! I didn’t know she knew Fourth Gate spells.”

“She has known them for some time.”

“How do you know?”

Jurot threw Adam a knowing look. “There are many steps to be taken to become a Mother within Life’s Rose. The morning prayers. The cleansing. The declaration. The first prayers. The first reading. The first meal. The solitary prayers. It is once the Guardian of Faith is revealed that she is considered a Mother.”

“Ah…” ‘I wonder what they all look like. Will I need to do that to become a Father? No, what am I saying? Aren’t I already a father already?’

Jurot ignored Adam’s stupid face. “Mother Vonda must complete ten water fasts from sunrise to sunset for the next ten days.”

“Damn,” Adam said. “I tried water fasting once. I drank tea an hour in.”

Jurot nodded, having no doubt it occurred sine Adam is Adam. 

“Should I return back to the order to become a Father?” Dunes pondered. He was strong enough that he could also gain the title, though it wasn’t timely to return at the moment, since he needed to solidify a few matters.

“Well…” Adam pulled back in his seat and crossed his arms. “I’m growing up.”

“Perhaps the world is coming to an end?” Dunes joked, before noting Amira’s glare towards him, causing him to hide his smile behind a cup.

“Hopefully not any time soon…” Adam replied, more seriously than the others would have liked.

“The festival will begin tomorrow and will last three days,” Jurot informed. 

“So we’ll probably see her after that? I guess we’re not in a rush, and I don’t mind not moving much in noonval. Who decided it was a good idea to make a season that’s so damn hot? Don’t they know fae lack melatonin.”

Jurot’s gaze fell on Adam for a moment.

“Or is it melanin? I think I need more melatonin to help with my sleep?” Adam furrowed his brows. “Anyway…”

“Where did you get that sword?” Amira asked, noting the new sword at Dunes’ side. It was quite a well built blade, made of silversteel, or steelver as some called it. 

“I bought it,” Dunes replied, glancing towards Adam, who was pretending not to listen in on the conversation, but the sly smirk said otherwise. 

“Why did you buy a new sword when you have such a nice magical blade?”

“I will request the Enchanter to enchant it.”

“Aren’t you too greedy?”

“Since I am a Manager, can I not request for a Greater Enhanced blade like those of the Executives?”

“They’re Executives of the business, and you are a priest of Black Mountain,” Amira stated firmly. 

Dunes smiled politely towards her, the same kind of smile which often riled her up. “Of course.”

“Morn…” Amira’s eyes fell to Adam. ‘Even if he is ridiculous, he…’ Amira paused. She had been with Adam for a long while now, and she had heard so many ridiculous things. She had even heard about his meeting with a Lesser Divine, though Dunes had not been present. Many things were unbelievable, but became more plausible as time passed but…

‘Did I not just see him defeat the Seventh Hope in a single blow?’ Amira thought. ‘Then go on to fight the First Hope and almost defeat him too?’

The scene replayed within the devilkin’s mind. It had been such a ridiculous scene, she hadn’t really processed it within her mind or heart. Her eyes then snapped to Dunes and the reason why he wanted to remain with Adam. At first, she had believed it to be such a ridiculously weak reason, but now… 

Adam is Adam.

She understood the words now. She had thought she had known them previously, but she was wrong, for now she understood what the others spoke of when it came to Adam. 

‘Leaving Dunes here to assist Adam while providing a positive influence from our order…’ Amira remained silent for a long while as the realisation hit her. ‘When did you become so smart, Morn?’

Korin’s eyes also fell to Adam, though he decided against thinking about anything in particular. It was already dangerous enough to be beside Adam, to think about him too, it was too much.

It was later in the day when the Aswadians gathered together, each pouring Dunes a drink. 

“You’re too old now, Dunes,” Korin said, his eyes playful. 

Dunes replied back with a glare as if to dare him to say more, as though Amira was nearby, so was Sara. “You mean wise, Korin.”

“If you were wise, you wouldn’t be stuck beside a Delayed Fireball,” Korin joked.

“He’s not as delayed as I would like.” Dunes chuckled, while Korin joined his chuckling, the pair clinking their cups together and drinking.

“Do you still intend to remain with Adam?” Sara asked, pouring Dunes a drink, before clinking cups with him and drinking. 

“I do.”

Amira groaned, pouring Dunes some wine. “You should return back to Aswadasad and get married first.”

Dunes chuckled, hiding his gentle flush behind the alcohol. “Married? I already have one child who picks fights with nobles and orders, how can I look after another?”

Amira betrayed a smile for a moment, before they clinked cups and drank. “Have you told us all the secrets yet?”

“No,” Dunes replied.

“Will you?”

Dunes waved his hand. “You will find them out in time.” Dunes didn’t want to say more, especially not when he had kept a particular thing secret. It wasn’t his secret to share, since no doubt it would paint a huge target on Adam’s back, while simultaneously making sure Adam got himself out of trouble. 

“We should return back to Aswadasad soon,” Korin said. “We have been gone for too long.”

“I have sent word back to the order,” Dunes said. “I intend to send word to the Priest Commander soon.”

“Did he not shout at you last time?”

“He did, but he must hear me out before he shouts at me, for it is the way the magic works.”

“You will be disciplined once you return.”

“I will accept whatever punishment, though I hope I am saved by my companions.”

“If you wish to get yourself in trouble, you can do so without getting us in trouble!” Amira replied back, barely containing her voice since she couldn’t do much to Dunes that day. 

“Then I will trust in Adam to protect me when Black Mountain cannot.”

“You!” Amira grabbed Dunes, bringing his head into a headlock, while Dunes chuckled. “Do you think just because it is your birthday I won’t beat you?”


Amira let him go with a huff. “I will go bring more drinks.”

“I should go speak with Adam,” Dunes said. 

“Did you not spend all day with him?”

“He wanted to speak privately in the evening.”

“Ha! It seems the priests find him so attractive.”

“He is not gay.”

“He’s not?” Amira asked, vaguely recalling the scene playing out previously.


“He is a half fae?”

“He is.”

Amira remained confused as Dunes stepped out, going to knock on Adam’s door, before the pair made their way to drink in a private room.

Adam poured Dunes some wine. “You know, I’m finding a greater appreciation for wine.”

“You drink so much in the Iyr.”

“Yeah, I guess I do, but I gotta be careful otherwise it’ll put my throat on fire, or make my tongue numb.”

Dunes chuckled. “We have similar jokes in Aswadasad.”


Dunes winked, holding up his cup. Adam gently clinked it, before the pair sipped their wine. 

“How are you feeling?” Adam asked.

“I feel well, and you?”

“I’m doing pretty well…”

“Good. Why did you wish to speak with me so late in the evening?” Dunes asked, as though he didn’t know.

Adam smirked slightly. “Happy birthday, Dunes.”

Dunes chuckled. “Thank you, Adam.” Adam had been so coy earlier in the day, pretending as though he didn’t know it was Dunes’ birthday, and just taking him out to buy something for Taygak.

“I’m glad we met, Dunes.”

“I am glad we met too, Adam.”

“You know…” Adam inhaled deeply before exhaling. “I’m very glad that I have all the companions that I do. Rarely, you’ll push me further into trouble, but I can’t blame my brother for that. I had no idea I was such an idiot I’d need two priests, one who was a Priest of War, to stop me from being an idiot and picking fights.”

“You rarely pick fights, Adam. It is just that fights come to you.”

“Yeah, well…” Adam poured Dunes more wine. “Like I said, I’m happy to have you with me.”

“I am happy that I am here to watch over you too.” Dunes smirked.



Adam waited a moment until Dunes was sipping his wine to continue. “When you and Amira have children, I’ll be allowed to spoil them, right?”

Dunes managed to not choke on his alcohol. “It depends on how much you’ll spoil them.”

“Are you going to stop me from getting them all kinds of gifts?” Adam asked. 

“What kinds of gifts.”

Adam grumbled quietly. “I can’t believe the Iyr is stopping us from handing them Greater or greater weapons…”

Dunes chuckled. “We shall see if you will become Uncle Adam as you are Father Adam, isn’t that right, Brother Adam?”

Adam chuckled. “Should I also become a Father?”

“Are you not already a father?” Dunes joked. “No. They would restrain you too much, and it may be difficult to gain Sixth Gate spells.”

“Sixth Gate spells? Who, me?” Adam raised his brows. “You say some dangerous things, Dunes.”

“At some point you had as many children as you had access to the knowledge of Gates,” Dunes said, his eyes narrowing slightly. “Is it still true?”

“I’m not that strong… yet.”

Dunes sighed. “The greatest gift I have received is the knowledge that you are not yet that troublesome.”

“I thought the sword for your future wife would be good enough.”

“Shall I speak of the new Mother?”

“I apologise gravely, Manager Dunes.”

Just a bit of banter.

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