Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

[784] – Y03.084 – Vonda VI

[784] – Y03.084 – Vonda VI

Moons inhaled deeply, his eyes narrowing towards the pair of women who had stepped forward. ‘I should have dealt with them properly.’

 “Looks like they brought some mercs to help…” one of the women said.

“An Iyrman and a pair of priests…” the other added, her voice filled with hesitation. 

“Take another step and who knows, my hand might slip,” a thug said, holding a dagger near Cobra’s neck.

“Hey, Moons, if something happens to Cobra, we might have a problem,” Adam warned. 

“You’re standing too close to me to speak like that, son,” Moons replied, his lips forming a gentle, polite smile.

Adam returned the smile. “Funny, that, I was thinking the same. If you’re planning on having a problem with me, you should call more of your friends.”

“…” Moons narrowed his eyes. “I don’t appreciate your tone.”

“I’ve given you enough warnings. If you’re going to ignore them, be my guest, but don’t complain to me when I burn down your entire operation because you can’t control one of your men.” Adam sighed, slowly feeling the annoyance build up within him.

“Adam, your tone of voice always invites trouble,” Vonda said.

“I thought it was because everyone I talk to has an ego,” Adam replied. “Normally it’s just the nobles, though I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised, considering nobles are just those who were best at being criminals previously.”

Vonda smiled towards the half elf. “You are currently representing the business, Adam.”

“…” Adam sighed, a sigh full of annoyance. “You’re right, Manager Vonda. I have to play the game properly.”

Cobra’s companions glanced between one another, still panting lightly, though having regained some of their breath. 

“You young ladies should quieten down,” Moons said, focused on the two girls. “This gentleman here wishes to speak with you for his business.”

“Where’s Alex?” one snapped at Moons.

“Who?” Adam asked. 

The women’s eyes snapped around, though took in the sight of the amulets around the priest’s necks. 

“Our little brother.”

“Why would he be here?”

“The boy came to work for us,” Moons said.

‘Boy?’ Adam thought. ‘Is it the kid from inside?’ 

“We’re here to take him back!” one woman shouted, the other still eyeing up those around her, watching as the defeated homeless scampered away. 

“It seems they’re set of bringing back their little brother,” Adam said, eyeing the group up. “How much would their little brother go for?”

“He’s not for sale.”

“Why is that?”

“That is our business.”

“Hmm…” Adam glanced at the trio of women. “So, you’re here to get back your little brother?”

“Viper,” one of the women whispered. 

The woman known as Viper narrowed her eyes, unsure of where the conversation was flowing. “Yes.”

“How adorable. Well, I can certainly-,” 

Health: 91 -> 70

A flurry of fists and elbows struck Adam, who stepped back as the blows rained upon him. He held up his arms to try and defend himself, but the jabs struck through his guard, stinging him through his clothing. 

Adam inhaled for a moment. “You two need to settle down.”

Battle Order
D20 + 1 = 7 (6)

Mana: 25 -> 24
Spell: Shield
Defence: 11 -> 16

HP: 70 -> 56

Adam’s amulet glowed for a moment as he was battered again by the women, whose jabs were striking through his guard. He could feel the stinging pain across his body, and though he took the blows well enough, a pair of Experts were nothing to scoff at. He had willed his magic to form a protective field around him, and though their blows glanced off his body, a particular blow struck him right in the gut, causing him to spit out with a grunt.

Kitool and Vonda watched silently. Vonda did not move to act, since Kitool was still relaxed, though she was aware of the audience around them, who were watching Adam as an onslaught battered him.

Fighting Spirit: 3 -> 2
Health: 56 -> 61

Attack - Fist (Advantage)
D20 + 8 = 14 (22)
D20 + 8 = 20 (28)
Critical hit!
Mana: 24 -> 21
Ability: Divine Smite
2D6 + 8D6 + 7 = 41 (1, 5)(2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 5, 5, 6)
41 damage!

Attack - Fist (Advantage)
D20 + 8 = 12 (4)
D20 + 8 = 23 (15)
Mana: 21 -> 20
Ability: Divine Smite
1D6 + 2D6 + 7 = 23 (6)(5, 5)
23 damage!

Onward Soar: 1 -> 0

Attack - Fist (Advantage)
D20 + 8 = 24 (16)
D20 + 8 = 27 (19)
Critical hit!
Mana: 20 -> 19
Ability: Divine Smite
2D6 + 4D6 + 7 = 29 (2, 2)(3, 4, 5, 6)
29 damage!

XP Gained +100
XP: 11 000 -> 11 100

Though their heavy blows threatened to knock him down, the pair had no idea who and what they had come across. A fist blurred through the air, even pushing through Viper’s defence, before it struck her heavily against her jaw. It was the flash of divine magic which caused her to pull back, but she crumpled before the large fellow. 

Her companion pulled back, but as she did, Adam followed her. She brought up her arms, but as she had, his fist struck her against the gut, flashing with divine magic, before another punch finished her. 

Kitool blinked. Certainly, Adam’s blows had struck through the gaps in their defences with ease, but he struck with such might, even Kitool, a master of using her body as a weapon, would be unable to strike as heavily as he had. 

“…” Moons watched as Adam stood above the women, who had so easily dispatched some of his own men. 

Vonda exchanged a look with Kitool, but said nothing. 

‘Adam is Adam.’

Adam inhaled deeply.

Tough Spirit: 1 -> 0
2D6 + 7 = 12 (2, 3)
Health: 61 -> 73

He flexed his muscles, pushing off the stinging pain of the women’s blows, before reaching up to rub the side of his neck. He could feel the cool ring press against the side of his neck, soothing his skin. ‘I shouldn’t have smited her that last time…’ Adam furrowed his brows. ‘Smote?’

Lay on Hands: 35 -> 34

Lay on Hands: 34 -> 33

Adam placed a hand on each of the women, sending out warm magic to ripple through their body, which awoke them, their eyes glued to Adam who smiled down at them politely. They tried to scramble up, but the pain in their bodies, and Adam’s strong hands against their shoulders, kept them down.

“Now, now, why don’t we have a nice chat?” Adam asked, pausing for a moment, before releasing them. “Don’t act up again, otherwise Lord Sozain’s going to be very happy with me.”

“Adam,” Vonda called. 

Adam only smiled towards her, before making his way to Moons, smiling towards him politely too. “Now. I’d like to meet this Alex, if you don’t mind.”

“I do mind.”

“Perhaps you’ve misunderstood what I’m asking,” Adam said, still smiling. He placed a hand on Moons’ shoulder. 

The man reaching up to grab Adam’s arm. 

Athletics Check (Strength)
D20 + 8 = 28 (20)

“I’m asking you, politely, to bring the boy,” Adam said, his hand gripping the man’s shoulder, feeling the thick scale armour against his hand. The older man’s hand was firmly fixed on his forearm, trying to pull Adam’s hand off, but his hand was stuck almost like a vice. 

Moons tried to push Adam’s hand away from his shoulder, but even as his face turned red, his neck pulsing, his brow straining, he couldn’t force Adam’s hand away.

“If I have to ask again, I won’t be so polite.” Adam snapped his hand away from Moons’ grip, before brushing his attire gently. 

“Send for the boy,” Moons said, still keeping an eye on Adam. “You don’t know who you’re messing with. The boy’s been called for.”

“Oh yeah?” Adam cracked his neck. “By who?”

“Someone who you don’t want to mess with.”

“Who are they?”

“They’ve got that much status that not even your business can escape from them.”

“The Duchess?”

“…” Moons remained silent.

“If it is the Duchess, I’ll speak with her personally, and let her know the situation.”

“You’re a mad man if you’re willing to aggravate the Duchess.”

“Well, we’ll see about that. We already owe the Duchess quite a bit for her assistance, another magical item or two won’t matter.”

“Ain’t the Duchess, but someone the Duchess has got to worry about?”

“The King?”

“No. King’s not the only nobility the Duchess has to worry about.” 

The young boy, short, unremarkable, stepped out with the woman who wore chain. He looked over to the trio who had arrived, before looking down. “You didn’t need ta come.”

“Don’t worry,” Viper said. “We’re going to get you out of here.”

“It’s a lot of money.”

“Money is our worry, not yours,” the other woman said. 


Moons glanced towards Adam, and then to Kitool, both of whom had ranked fairly high in the tournament. Then his eyes fell to Vonda, who was a member of Life’s Rose, and no doubt someone who had some ability. The situation had escalated, but Vonda’s status at least gave him an excuse. ‘Gods damn it. Gods! Fuck!’

“How much for the boy?” Adam asked.

“Just take them and leave, and don’t ever come back,” Moons said. “Whatever fire is going to rain, it’s going to rain on you, not me, not mine.”

Adam eyed up Moons, whose face had flushed red. He was a man who wanted to clean up the situation, but couldn’t. “Well, thank you.”

Moons motioned with a bejewelled hand, before he stepped away, many of the others followed him, while a couple kept an eye on Adam and the others. 

‘Which noble have we pissed off this time?’ Adam thought. ‘Why’s the kid so special?’

Damn. What were those rolls?

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