Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

[775] – Y03.075 – Vonda of East Lake II

[775] – Y03.075 – Vonda of East Lake II

“How dare you say his name!” Vonda snapped, her brow pulsing with rage, even causing her father to pause. “You have no right!” 

Adam remained frozen, his arms crossed, his eyes glued to the young priest beside him. Though her lower mouth was covered by her scarf, Adam could see the unbridled fury within her eyes. 

“Vonda, there are guests,” the Baron said, trying to calm the young woman, though he could still feel her rage press against him. His own annoyance began to block out the shock. ‘How dare you raise your voice against me.’ “I knew it was a mistake to send you to the order. A once respectable order, but now-,”

“I went to the order to pay for your mistakes,” Vonda snapped, her eyes glued to his own.

Anger flashed across the Baron’s face, but it was quickly slapped away by shock. He clasped his hands behind his back, trying to brace himself once more, vaguely aware of the servants, and the two strangers, still with them. His heart began to beat quickly, though he tried to calm himself.

“I spoke without thought…” Baron Barthold said, swallowing down his anger and shock. “I merely meant that you have spent too long away from our home, and have perhaps forgotten your etiquette.”

“I am a Sister of Life’s Rose. The etiquette I know is the etiquette of worship for the Great Mother.”

“Is it not by the Great Mother’s grace that you were born to us?” Barthold asked. 

“It is by the Great Mother’s grace that I joined the most prestigious order, which has raised me to the woman I am.”

“Vonda, please. You must understand. You are our…” Barthold realised he needed to be careful not to set her off. He had already, certainly accidentally, slipped and offended her with his words, but with the tension within the air he needed to be more careful. “Vonda… you understand why you must marry.”

“I know why you wish for me to marry, but you know why I will not, and why I will give up this family’s name.”

“This family’s name which descends from those who ruled and still rule this city, and the region around it,” Barthold stated. “This name is full of honour, of awe, of grandness that other Barons can only wish for.”

“It is this cursed name which I will abandon. I do not know this family’s honour, awe, grandness, only it’s shame. It is by the Mother’s grace I do not share this shame elsewhere.”

Barthold’s forehead began to grow cold, and sweaty. He could still see the pair beside the girl. His eyes fell across them, and before he could address them, he heard the heavy footfalls of a heavily armoured knight. 

“I heard the estate had received distinguished guests,” a fellow called, a handsome young man with golden locks, blue eyes. He wore full plate armour and carried a greatsword of fine steel against his back. It was well forged, with no frills, save the red hilt, which defined it as one of the Fifty Red Swords from the time of the Demonic Devastation.

‘Oh?’ Adam thought, vaguely recognising the figure. 

“Apologies for being so late, My Lord,” the young knight said, bowing his head towards the Baron. 

“Such a matter is insignificant,” the Baron assured. “Sir William, meet my daughter, Sir Vonda Eastlake.”

“Ah!” Sir William said, smiling towards the young woman. He stepped up towards her, extending out a hand. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”

Vonda stood, but kept her hands clasped over her stomach. “I am Sister Vonda of Life’s Rose.”

Sir William stood awkwardly before the young woman, before his eyes fell to the young man who clasped his forearm, wearing a scarf over his head in the Aswadian style, but a style which was also popular within East Port. 

“Ah! Sir William of the Thunder Riders!” Adam said, clasping the man’s forearm. “I apologise for not recognising you.”

“Yes?” William replied, allowing the young man to shake his forearm. “Do I know you?”

“No, probably not, but you know of my brother. You fought in the tournament.”

“Ah,” William replied, smiling. “I do not recall your brother, but I am certain he was an incredible foe.”

“Well, there’s probably some difficult in remembering the bout with him, he did strike you so terribly viciously,” Adam said, smiling back at the young man. ‘If you want to fight, I’m ready to throw down.’

William raised his brow towards the half elf who had thrown out such shade towards him. “I’ve introduced myself, but who are you?”

“I’m Adam,” Adam replied. “I’m the leader of Fate’s Golden, the adventuring party which Sir Vonda here is a part of.”

“Adventuring party?” the Baron asked. “Is this what this is about, Vonda?”

“I have decided to give myself to Mother Soza,” Vonda stated clearly, her voice filling the air with a grave seriousness. 

Baron Barthold narrowed his eyes towards the young man with a beautiful face. “You! It must have been you who seduced my daughter.”

Adam blinked. He flushed slightly, turning red with embarrassment. “Wait a moment…”

William glanced between the area, unsure of what was happening, having been informed he was betrothed to the Lord’s daughter. Apparently, she was trying to break it off for this random handsome fellow who started bother with him for no reason? 

“If that is the case,” William began, unwrapping his blade belt before holding it against his chest. “We should duel for the right.”

“Duel for the right of… what?” Adam asked, glancing between the nobles, who glared at him. The rising heat within him began to grow, from embarrassment to anger. They had pulled him into their games, as noble tended to do. 

“For the right of marriage.”

“What?” Adam asked.

Vonda turned hot red too, both with embarrassment and anger. “Though Adam is not entirely unrelated, my wish to devote myself to the Great Mother has little to do with Adam.”

“Vonda you should think clearly,” the Baron said, calmly. “This is a great boon for you. Sir William is a great warrior, one whose name is well known within the land. He is more than capable, and holds enough status. There are few who match you in such status, and such is luck, fate.”

‘Fate…’ Vonda let out a soft exhale. 

“That’s right,” Barthold began, only to pause upon Vonda’s glare.

“Adam, I am sorry to bother you like this, but could you fight for me?” Vonda asked, her hands tensing.

‘Wouldn’t Kitool be better right now?’ Adam thought. ‘She could probably deal with him easily enough.’ However, to shirk Vonda’s request in this moment, would have left a sour taste in Adam’s mouth. “If it’s a duel I better prepare myself. S-,” Adam began, before pausing for a moment. “Sister Vonda, would you be willing to send word to my brother?”

Vonda reached down to her amulet. “Would you please bring Adam’s armour and axe to the East Lake estate? He is to duel with Sir William of the Thunder Riders. Apologies.”

The nobles around kept their faces neutral, though hadn’t expected Vonda to be able to cast a Third Gate spell. 

‘She can cast Third Gate spells?’ William thought, realising how amazing Vonda was. She was so young, a few years younger than himself, but was an Expert as a priest. Priests often grew slowly, under the care of temples.

A single word came in response from Jurot, who was relaxing after sparring with the teen Iyrmen. The Iyrmen around him perked up, their eyes glued to Jurot expectantly. 

“Is Adam in trouble again?” Laygak joked, making the joke on behalf of the missing Jaygak.

Jurot gave Laygak a look, a look which had entered the Iyr’s lexicon.

“I believe there seems to be a misunderstanding here,” Adam said, his eyes meeting William’s. “I’m not fighting for Sister Vonda’s hand in marriage, but on behalf of the Enchanter of the United Kindom, since she’s a precious Manager.”

“You are a Manager of the United Kindom?” William asked Vonda, recalling the name of the business from the previous year. ‘She is a Baron’s daughter, a member of Life’s Rose, and a Manager of the United Kindom?’

“I hold such a position, though it is secondary to my position as a worshipper of the Great Mother.”

‘She’s a Manager of the United Kindom?’ Baron Barthold thought. Vonda’s status was already quite high, considering the order she belonged to, but a Manager of the business which was still up and coming, and yet had also received the Duchess’ attention. Vonda was not a woman who was worth her weight in silver, but in gold. ‘It would be best not to press too much.’

“If I lose, the business will step back from this matter, and leave it to Sister Vonda and the East Lake family,” Adam began. “However, should I win, you will drop this matter, and she will be free of the Eastlake name, and that will be that.”

“This duel is between yourself and Sir William,” the Baron replied. “I will give my blessing, as Baron Eastlake, between the marriage of Sir Vonda Eastlake, my daughter, and whoever holds the appropriate status.”

Adam inhaled deeply, gripping his knees tight. ‘So you think you can drag me in and then walk away like you didn’t do anything?’ “Sister Vonda, perhaps the Duchess needs to be informed of this duel, then?”

Vonda’s eyes fell to Adam, who was simmering with anger. She hadn’t expected Adam to instantly use his connection to the Duchess for something like this.

“Who are you to bring the Duchess into such matters?” the Baron asked, before noting how Adam went from angrily annoyed to holding the most smug smirk imaginable. 

The flag has been raised, the ship is sailing!

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