Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

[748] – Y03.048 – Onward I

[748] – Y03.048 – Onward I

“She is well built, like a cow,” Nirot said, nodding her head approvingly.

“Hey, hey, hey, we don’t call women cows in this group, alright?” Adam stated. “New rule.”

“It is a great compliment,” Jurot said.

“Don’t you start, Jurot, she’s meant to be the one you-,”

“Cows are one of the most important animals throughout history, one of Nahtu’s greatest gifts,” Jaygak said, interrupting the half elf.

“Look. Cows are great and all, but it’s just weird.”

“Cows are most important for life,” Vonda added.

“Okay, hold on, I can’t be the guy fighting against women saying that we shouldn’t call women cows, this is not a good look for me,” Adam said, glancing around at the rest of the party. “If you want to call her a cow, be my guest, but we won’t be buying stuff from here any more out of shame.”

“…” Jurot decided against fighting the point, chewing his bread quietly. 

“Seriously…” Adam inhaled deeply, rubbing his brow. “What am I going to do with you all?”

Kitool and Jaygak checked the items in the cart, Dunes and Korin having spent time in the market acquiring various different foodstuffs for the road. Lucy and Mara checked on Demon and Wolfy, while Jurot checked on Sky and the pair of dire wolves. Jonn’s magical steed, a horse meant for pulling carts, was in charge of such a matter. Meanwhile, Adam’s steed carried some personal supplies, while Korin’s steed did the same, the pair’s steeds in form of riding horses, which they could use to scout up ahead.

“Did you have fun with your family?” Adam asked, patting Nobby against his powerful back. 


“I’m glad.” Adam pat his back gently some more. “Did you tell them about how you worked hard for the coin you brought them?”


“Are they happy they get another ten gold a month for basically the rest of the year?”


“Good.” Adam smiled. “They should be happy that they have such a wonderful son. Whose son is as good as theirs? Let’s hope it’ll help your family with their meal and your sister’s education.”

“Yes, mister boss. Thank you.”

Adam let out a satisfied sigh. “Any time.” ‘Being rich feels so good!’

It was later in the evening when the group approached the fort south of Red Oak. The guards hailed the group, their eyes throwing suspicious glances at the group for only a moment.

“What business brings you here? Thought you dealt with the outbreak?”

“We’re passing through the south to head to South Port,” Adam explained. 

“South Port?” The guards eyed up the group. “It’s dangerous across these lands. Not quite the same as it was in previous years. I’d recommend you head up north, through the Deadwood, and along the hills, and then the river to East Port. Much safer, and whatever you need in South Port can be found in East Port, and I’ll say it’s much better too.”

“We appreciate your advice, and actually, we are heading to East Port, but we wanted to pass through South Port first.”

“What business do you have in South Port?”

Adam glanced towards his companions, realising the guard was going to be difficult, and he should keep his mouth shut.

“Merely passing through,” Sir Vonda said, stepping forward to meet with the guard.

‘Vonda’s such a cheat code. It’s going to be awkward once she gives it up, but I guess her order probably has enough sway…’

With Sir Vonda heading into the minor fort was no bother, and though Adam did hand out thirty gold coins to the outpost, he didn’t complain. They continued along the next day before coming across another minor fort, which overlooked the road from atop the hill, allowing them to see from miles all around. It was made of raised earth, thick wooden logs settled within the earth formed the walls, and several towers with archers kept an eye on all angles. Adam spotted at least a dozen archers, three for each wall. 

The soldiers here wore thick chain mail and wielded longspears and shields, though the archers wore lighter chain, and carried with them longbows and shortswords at their sides. The soldiers here were very different from the soldiers in the minor fort in front of Red Oak. 

However, Adam’s eyes fell to the destruction across the fields, which had been set ablaze recently. The forest had been cut down quite some way, and in the distance he could spot the aftermath of a fire.

A horn thundered as the group approached, before a guard shouted at them. “Halt!” The guard glared at them through his helmet. “State your name and your business!”

“I’m Adam, of Fate’s Golden, and we’re trying to pass through to Ever Green, and eventually to South Port, finally to East Port.”

“What business do you have in Ever Green.”

“We want to rest up and continue along,” Adam replied. “No formal business or anything.”

“What of South Port?”

“Just want to spend some coin in South Port, not much else.”

“What of East Port.”

“We have some personal matters in East Port.”

“Which matters are those?”

Adam wasn’t sure what was up with the soldier’s questions, but he decided to look to Vonda. “Would you mind?”

The soldier narrowed his eyes, though quickly removed his helmet to reveal his face, revealing his slightly tanned skin. He was a soldier in his forties or so, and though he seemed to hold the position of a typical soldier, he carried himself far greater.  

“I am Sir Vonda Eastlake, of Life’s Rose,” the young woman stated, revealing her face, shield, and amulet.

The soldier stared down at her from atop the wall. He bowed his head lightly. “I will call for the commander.” 

‘I think that’s good news?’ Adam thought.

The commander wore full plate from head to toe, with a large cape, a deep pink with a hint of purple, though Vonda knew of the colour’s name, for it was a popular colour in South Aldland, especially for certain nobles. The carvings against the commander’s full plate revealed her allegiance, and her family. She carried a longblade at her side with a hilt made of a pale pink… ribbon? 

The commander removed her helmet to reveal her pretty face, the young woman’s lightly tan skin only amplified her pearly white smile and her striking green eyes, which were almost like the first blades of grass one would see after the snow. “I have heard we have an esteemed guest!” Her voice was soft, though held a hint of trouble.

“I am Sir Vonda Eastlake of Life’s Rose,” the young woman said, sharing a courteous bow. 

The commander returned with her own courteous bow. “I am Lady Marcia Peachgrove.”

Fred stood up a little taller upon hearing the woman’s name, after all, who didn’t know the name of Peachgrove? It was one of the few families which held great militaristic influence in what was once known as South Aldland. 

Jurot leaned in to whisper into Adam’s ear. “The daughter of the current Storm Petal Knight.”

History Check (Intelligence)
D20 + 3 = 9 (6)


Marcia noted the Iyrman whispering into the man in puthral’s ear, but her eyes returned back to Sir Vonda. “What brings such an esteemed guest to Floria?”

“Our group merely wish to pass through the land to make our way to East Port.”

Marcia continued to smile towards the young woman, who was both a noble from her family, Eastlake, which had some distant relation to the current Duchess of East Port, but also held a title from the Order of Life’s Rose, the singular order which was not held under the same laws as the other orders, but was treated with equal respect, if not more. 

It was all so suspicious.

A group with a member of Life’s Rose, so many Iyrmen, and so many wolves? What an odd group, one which no doubt brought trouble. She was young, barely in her mid twenties, and yet had been assigned to the minor fort to make a name for herself. As the heir to the Storm Petal Knight, Aldland would understand the significance of her presence here.

‘Spies?’ Her eyes glanced across the number of Iyrmen. ‘No.’

“What are your intentions in Floria?”

“We had a choice to pass through the wicked Deadwood and the treacherous hills of Hill Grave, or to pass through the gentle hills of Ever Green and the wondrous forests beyond.” Sir Vonda smiled politely. “It was an easy choice to make.”

Lady Marcia understood the choice which had to be made in Red Oak, and she couldn’t blame them for heading southward, but with the matter of the civil war only having just ended, and the meetings still ongoing, they were put in an awkward position. 

Sir Vonda waited patiently as Lady Marcia thought of what to do. She could have rushed the woman, but there was no need to disrespect her as the commander of the minor fort in the most precarious situation.

“Who the hell is the Storm Petal Knight?” Adam whispered.

“The Storm Petal Knight is a title passed down through the Peachgrove family,” Jurot whispered. “The Knight of Flowers is often considered the best knight among all of what is now Floria, but the Storm Petal Knights are often spoken in the same breath.”

“Sort of like the Knight of Death and the…” 

History Check (Intelligence)
D20 + 3 = 4 (1)

“The, you know, the guy with the greatsword, and the-, he fought the, you know, the thing.”

“The White Dragon Knight?”

“No, no, it’s… he’s got a really cool name.”

“The Knight of Snow?”

“I don’t mean cool like that, but that sounds similar…” Adam thought, trying to place the name. 

“What are you whispering about over there?” Lady Marcia asked.

“Sorry, my lady, but do you know of the knight that’s not the Knight of Death, but has the greatsword, and he killed the…” Adam tried to recall what they had killed. “It’s not the White Dragon Knight or the Knight of Snow.”

“The Midnight Blade?”

Adam shook his head. “There was another, sounds similar to the Knight of Snow…”

“The Ice Knight?” 

Adam shook his head once more. “I don’t believe so.”

“Adam,” Jaygak called. “Do you mean Lady Natasha Snowpeak, The Knight of Peaks, who killed the snowdrake with her greataxe?”

“That’s the one!” Adam said, snapping his fingers. “Is it like that?”

“Yes,” Jurot replied.

Adam pulling people down to his pace.

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