Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

697. Kingmaker VI

697. Kingmaker VI

Lay on Hands: 30 -> 25

Lay on Hands: 25 -> 20

“You absolute baboons!” Adam shouted, darting back towards the mounts, before grabbing onto their shoulders. “Who told you to fight?”

“Protect the mounts,” Robert grunted, feeling the warmth of the divine magic flow through him, slowly knitting the slashes at his side.

Junior let out a long sigh, his body still sweaty as the divine magic poured through him, healing the young man. He didn’t reply, keeping a cautious eye on the young Half Elf. ‘Scary!’ He had just come across a true Night Lord, but compared to that figure, Adam was far more terrifying.

“The Night Lord is dead! Fight, my warriors! Fight!” Margrave Moonglow shouted, his chest growing tense, his entire body seizing up for a moment, before he stepped forward. Count Gerald followed at his side dutifully, ready to catch his lord at any moment.

Their forces managed to force the Night Lord’s army back, slaughtering many of them as they retreated, though the nearby knights and lords kept their own army from scattering too far ahead.

XP Gained: +200
XP: 17 800 -> 18 000

Quest Complete: Night Lord
XP Gained: +100
XP: 18 000 -> 18 200

‘These kids, seriously,’ Adam thought, sighing. ‘Since I’ve been sharing my XP with them, they should be at least Level 2 or Level 3, right?’

“Adam,” Jurot called, standing beside the remains of the Night Lord.

Adam walked over to the Night Lord, whose glave and armour remained deathly still on the ground. Jaygak panted from beside the dead Night Lord, trying to catch her breath. Her armour dented and marked all over from the abuse of the Night Lord, but it fulfilled its role dutifully. Jurot remained standing stiffly, while Kitool clasped her staff tightly in hand in front of her, as though in a silent prayer.

Lay on Hands: 20 -> 10

“You alright?” Adam asked, healing the young Iyrman.

“I’m fine,” she replied, feeling the gentle warmth fill her, dealing with her wounds. She could still feel the pain throughout her body, but she no longer felt on the verge of death.

“So, we claiming the weapon and armour?” Adam asked.

“It would be best,” Jurot stated.


The group looted the dead Night Lord, whose remains were but dust, scattering into the wind. The armour was heavier than typical armour, almost twice as heavy, and the glave felt heavy, as though Adam was lifting a boulder. With his great strength, he could lift it with some effort, though Jurot seemed to be able to carry it easier.

“Do you want to use the glave?” Adam asked.

“I am a Rot.”

Adam smiled, winking at his brother, before rubbing his chin. “Should I?”

“You are a Nephew of the Rot family.”

“Then, should I keep it for the kids?”

“Don’t we get a share?” Jaygak asked.

“I’m just kidding.” Adam flashed a smile. “Besides, aren’t my children also Rot?”

“Yes,” Jurot stated, though he swallowed the bitter memory.

“We’ve got three really nice things,” Adam said, thinking of the glave, the armour, and the heart. “Let’s see if we can’t find something else, so we can split everything evenly.”

Margrave Moonglow appeared later in the night, before the four were going to retire for the evening, though one of them would still keep an eye out on watch. “Count Adam. Am I intruding?”

“No, no,” Adam replied, no longer doffing his armour. “How may I help you, your lordship?”

“Your assistance was most helpful,” the Margrave stated, pausing for a moment. “I wish to let you know that there will be no trouble in splitting the spoils. You will received the Night Lord’s armour and glave without issue.”

“I sure ho-,” Adam began, clearing his throat. “Of course, thank you, your lordship.”

“You also assisted the soldiers with their battle, but I hope that you would be willing to give up the spoils so they can be split among the brave soldiers who fought.”

“Of course, your lordship.”

The Margrave paused, thinking for a moment once more. It was always this way when it came to this young man. “I am curious of one thing, if you are willing to share such.”

“What is it?”

“What is in the silver box?”

Adam smiled. “Of all the things you want to know, Margrave Moonglow, you don’t want to know that.”

“…” Matteas retired for the evening.

The journey back to town was filled with little terror in comparison to the Night Lord, with the soldiers eager to return back to their homes. The triumphant soldiers, many of whom had been pressed into the army, brought back tales of the valour, and the greatness of their new lords.

Celebrations were held nightly, with merchants hearing of the tall tales of the soldiers, before confirming the matter with the nobles’ words, and the sight of the Night Lord’s weapons. Adam accepted all manner of trinkets for the merchants to touch and hold the glave, which was so heavy it could only be wielded by a Night Lord.

“What did I say?” Adam asked, patting Sir Charles on his shoulder. “Leave your kid to me, and there will only be glory. He almost got himself killed, but he’s a hero no doubt.”

Sir Charles was still uncertain of what had happened, but he remained silent. It was more than unbelievable for the tale to be true, but everyone who had returned had spoken of the tale, the commoners and the knights.

“The Sun Father shone his rays upon the enemies and burnt them with his divinity!”

‘…’ Sir Charles’s eyes shifted towards Adam slowly. He sipped his wine silently and said nothing of the matter, for he had heard the terror of such an ability from the others that Adam had fought against.

‘I suppose I should hand out some our spoils to some of the soldiers,’ Adam thought. ‘I should probably give a bunch to the two too…’ Adam furrowed his brows. ‘Right, don’t I have to do that too?’

XP: 18 500 -> 15 500

The many nobles under the Margrave sent word of their success, which spread like wildfire to the distant lands. It was in the middle of the third season, when the leaves began to fall, that word was returned back to the Margrave of distant baronies wishing to swear fealty.

‘No doubt those who wished to depose me will remain quiet,’ the Margrave thought.

The Margrave did not rest on his laurels, refusing Adam’s offer as he pushed forward with his army, dealing with the threats of the night. Jurot and Kitool assisted him as his personal guards, the pair of knights, each of whom had been knighted by Adam, made sure the Margrave was safe.

Adam and Jaygak remained elsewhere, dealing with other matters, each also important. As the season passed, Adam had been focused on that. Jaygak trained the two knights, Sir Robert and Sir Charles Junior, who had grown in strength. They were nowhere near Experts, but they were greater than the average commoner on the street.

Duke Moonglow returned from the warring to find Adam with four knights, each of whom the young man had personally knighted. Sir Robert, Sir Junior, and two others who the Duke vaguely recognised.

“I heard about your promotion, Duke,” the young Count stated, flashing his liege lord a smile.

“I have heard that you were finished?” the Duke asked, unsure of what the words had meant. He had simply received word that Adam was about to finish, though it was no more than that, and when he had returned to the town, he had been informed that Adam had indeed finished.

“Allow me to introduce you to Sir Flame Blade,” Adam said, patting Sir Junior on his back. “Then we have Sir Ice Blade and Sir Storm Blade, who I’m sure you recall, for they were the pair who had been gravely wounded during the skirmish against the Night Lord.”

The Duke recalled the young soldiers Adam had healed with his magic, though many of them had been terrified of him originally. “Of course.” The Duke bowed his head towards them, noting the blades at their side.

“Then we have Sir Oathblade,” Adam said, motioning towards Sir Robert. “Who will soon be raised to the position of a Duke, once I’m given my proper titles.”


Adam winked. “He is my heir, and will take my position once I retire.”

“Of course.”

“I have your grand weapon too, your grace,” Adam stated, flashing the slyest smile.

“Stop sounding so suspicious,” Jaygak said, elbowing his side. “Adam here-,”

“Lord Adam,” Adam stated.

Jaygak winced, throwing Adam a look. Adam bowed his head, clenching his fists together as his entire body tensed up.

“Never have I said anything more cringe in my entire life,” the young man said, his voice full of shame. “I’m about to be sick.”

“You’re lucky, Duke Moonglow, for Lord Adam has used Littletree well,” Jaygak informed, flashing the slyest smile.

“Stop being so suspicious, Jaygak,” Adam said, elbowing her side.

The Duke blinked, wondering what they were up to. ‘If it’s Littletree, then it must be that?’

Of course, it must be that.

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