Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

639. The Tale V

639. The Tale V

Sonarot helped with brushing the twin’s teeth, while Adam cleaned the triplet’s teeth, and Jurot assisted his sister. Lanarot complained at first, but since it was Jurot helping, she opened her mouth wide for him. 

“Did you listen to mother?” Jurot asked.

“Yes,” Lanarot replied.

“No,” Jirot stated, yawning lightly. 

“You must listen to your nana,” Jurot said, reaching out to place a hand on Jirot’s head. Jirot shyly moved away from his hand and cuddled with her nana. 

“I can’t believe that you would take away the children from me,” Adam whispered. “I didn’t even get to hug my chonky boy.”

“You may hug Gurot tomorrow,” Sonarot said, brushing Jirot’s hair gently with a brush. “He may not remember you since you have been away for so long.”

“Why did I even leave?” Adam thought. “It’s been almost a half year since we’ve gone, of course they’d forget us. Luckily, we didn’t miss his birthday.”

“Murot was born today,” Sonarot informed.


“Gurot’s younger brother.”

Adam smiled. “Is he a chonky boy too?”

“He is not as chonky as Maygak and Faygak,” Sonarot said. “Maygak and Faygak are both so big for their age.”

“I’m going to spoil them all,” Adam whispered, almost as though it was a threat. 

Jarot eyed the Half Elf up from the corner of the room, all the while holding his twin sister’s hand. Jirot yawned and mewed quietly to Jarot, before she dropped down with her brother onto the thick blanket. She pointed up to Adam and babbled quietly. Jarot just nodded. The pair then kissed each other’s forehead, and they turned to the triplets, who came over to hug and kiss their younger siblings too, embracing them tight. 

Adam was sitting down against the wall, closing his eyes as he ate the dessert for his heart. ‘No. This should be illegal. My kids are too cute.’ He sighed.

“Papa,” Lanarot called, hugging his head before kissing his forehead. “Good?”

“Yes, very good.”


“You want me to read for you?”


“Okay, sure,” Adam said.

“Lanarot, it’s time to sleep,” Sonarot said.

“No,” Lanarot replied. “Book.”

“Tomorrow your papa can read.”

“Books!” Lanarot stated firmly.

“Lanababy,” Adam said, picking her up, blowing against her stomach. “Papa will read you a book tomorrow, okay?”

“Book…” Lanarot pouted. 

“I will,” Adam said, brushing her hair gently with a hand. “If you sleep like a good girl, papa will read you a book tomorrow.”


“That’s right.”

“Okay.” Lanarot hugged him again, still pouting. She threw up her hand towards him angrily. “Hand.”

“Okay, sure,” Adam said, letting her take his finger as he lay down. His triplets climbed on top of him from the side, pulling their blankets over him so they could sleep against his side. ‘I’m trapped…’

As the night overcame them, Adam opened his eyes, peeking over towards his twins. The pair were cuddled up in the corner, holding each other’s hand, snoozing lightly. 

‘They’re so much bigger now,’ Adam thought. ‘Jirot is way more cheeky too…’ He lay his head back onto his pillow and stared up at the ceiling. His entire body was full of a gentle buzz, and he could feel the ache within his entire body, an ache that only came from working hard for too long without stress. He closed his eyes, his thoughts slowly melting away like the rest of his body. 

Omen: 7, 13

“Oh! My chonky boy! How can you do this to me?” Adam asked as he held Gurot within his arms, the boy’s eyes wide with shock as he stared up at Adam. Gurot was large for his age, and was far chubbier than the other children. 

Persuasion Check
D20 + 6 = 25 (19)

Gurot continued to stare up at Adam in shock, wondering who this Half Elf was, but with how Adam was carrying him, gently shifting him from side to side in the air like a dance, the boy smiled, and let out a light giggle.

“Did you miss me, my Gurot?” Adam asked. “I missed you so much too!” Adam rubbed his cheek against the boy’s cheeks, feeling how warm his little Cousin was. Adam eventually offered the boy to Jurot, causing Gurot to twitch and stare up at him in shock again, but seeing the tattoo, the boy smiled up at Jurot.

“Hello, Gurot,” Jurot said, holding the boy in his arms. 

“Heh!” Gurot replied, sucking on his hand shyly as he looked away.

“You punks! Did you think you could hide away from me?” Adam asked. “You think just because you’re a year old now that you can bully me like this? No shot! I’m going to spoil you all so much that your parents might actually complain to Elder Zijin, and then I’ll need to find another way to stop the Iyr from trying to put me down.” 

“Adam,” Sonarot said, rubbing her forehead. 

“What?” Adam asked. “Aunt, even you can’t stop me from spoiling them.”

Sonarot sighed, before picking up the twins. “Are you sad that your children will not hug you?”

“I can’t believe you’d do this to me, Aunt,” Adam whispered. “Inakan, you need to help me.”

Inakan was sucking against a block of wood, before she brought it up to her eyes and checked it out. She heard her name and looked up, glancing around the vague shapes around her, before going back to sucking against the large block. 

Adam looked down at the girl, who was the smallest of all the children, as well as the oldest from the younger set of babies. He reached down to rub her head gently, causing the girl to twitch away from the hand, staring up at it in shock.

“You must call her before you play with her,” Shikan said, before reaching for his daughter. “Inakan, come.”

The girl heard her father’s voice and turned to face his general direction, before she smiled. Shikan gently wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up. Inakan squealed as she was picked up and laughed at her father.

“That’s right,” Adam stated. “You should all laugh as well as Inakan.”

“When you said you had Goblin children, I didn’t believe it,” Umbra admitted, while Konarot stared at her, sitting between the woman and her siblings. Konarot’s eyes were full of suspicion as she stared at the woman. “The fact that your Half Dragon children are also the children of-,”

“They’re my children,” Adam said. “They’re my triplets and twins, not my Goblin and Half Dragon children.”

“The Goblins do not share your-,”

“Careful, Umbra,” Adam said, his eyes glued to the other children. “Last I checked, Jurot and I could still beat you.”

“I am merely stating that-,”

“And I’m merely stating that you should drop this topic while I’m being polite,” Adam said, his cheeks flushing lightly. He watched as the Ool babies hid from him behind Katool, who was brushing their hair gently with her tiny hands. 

“The Chief has stated I’m a guest. Shouldn’t you treat me well?”

“So I’ll spank you with my rights as a Nephew of the Rot family,” Adam replied, before looking to his twins, who were sitting with their nana, babbling away at her. It was mostly Jirot babbling, with Jarot nodding and adding an affirmative babble, sometimes throwing up a hand as if to accentuate the point. “Jurot, look at how well they talk.”

“Jirot speaks well,” Jurot confirmed. 

‘What an idiot,’ Umbra thought. 

“Jurot, will you hug them?” Adam whispered. “If you hug them, they’ll drop their defences around us and then I’ll be able to smother them.”

“Okay,” Jurot said, before holding out his arms. “Jirot, come.”

Jirot looked up at Jurot, before looking back at her nana. “Oo?”

“Go, hug your uncle,” Sonarot said, brushing the girl’s hair.

Jirot slowly walked over to Jurot, clasping her hands together shyly. Jurot slowly lifted her up and hugged her, the girl resisting for a moment, before she slumped, melted against her uncle. 

‘Bell, how much is that now?’

[One hundred thousand.]

‘Damn,’ Adam thought, biting his lower lip. ‘That’ll take me a couple of years.’

“Ah!” Jarot cried aloud, before Jurot let Jirot down, and held out his arms for the boy. Jirot slowly awoke from the aftermath of the hug, and quickly ran back to her nana, her eyes darting towards Jurot in shock. Jarot ran away after her and held onto his nana’s leg too.

“That’s what I’m saying Jirot,” Adam whispered. “Isn’t it scary?”

“I do not hug as well as father,” Jurot stated, simply.

“Where are Murot and the others?” Adam asked, realising he didn’t want Lanarot to ask about him yet.

“They are elsewhere for now,” Sonarot replied. “They will be taken care of by the extended family and their parents.”

“So it’s just going to be Aunt and the bois,” Adam said.

“The girls as well.”

“No, not the boys, the bois,” Adam said, trying to emphasise the word. “You know, like… the homies.”

“The homies?”

“Jurot, I told you to interrupt me when I was being cringe,” Adam whispered. 

“Were you being cringe?”


“Okay. Stop it, Adam.”

“Alright.” Adam sighed, looking at his kids. “Do you think daddy is cringe?”

“Yes,” Konarot replied, giving him a thumbs up. 

“If nothing else, my children are not liars,” Adam said, ruffling her hair. “So how is it that my twins have forgotten me?”

“They are growing up quickly,” Sonarot confirmed. “They are already speaking and moving so well. They understand as much as the triplets and Lanarot.”

“My kids are too smart,” Adam whispered. “How the hell did that happen?”

Jurot remained silent, also wondering how his children were so smart. “Perhaps it is because of their mother?” Jurot asked. 

“Right, maybe you’re on to something,” Adam said, slowly nodding his head. “It can’t be because of me.”



100,000 XP for Best Hugs. 

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