Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

627. Red Oak I

627. Red Oak I

The group entered Red Oak with little fanfare, and after the situation with the Awakened Wolves was resolved, the group made their way towards the guild.

‘I don’t like this one bit,’ Adam thought. ‘What the hell is going to happen on the way back?’

Adam set up the group within the guild, procuring rooms for the farmers and labourers still. “I’m sure you’re all excited to go back to your family, but we’ve got something we need to do before that, and I’d like to speak with you in the morning. I’m pretty tired, and I’m sure you all are too, so let’s talk when we’re less tired and my brain actually works.”

Once that business was done, Adam could feel Jurot’s gaze on the back of his head. “Tomorrow morning,” Adam assured, before taking the Iyrmen aside into a separate room to speak with them. “Good job, everyone.”

“Hmm,” Jurot replied, nodding his head.

“The journey was surprisingly uneventful and eventful,” Jaygak said, thinking about how they hadn’t come across much, and yet had come across so much more than she ever would have thought. “No waves, but at least one Demigod.”

“A Demigod, not a God?”

“A Demigod that was given the rights of a God temporarily,” Jaygak confirmed, before glancing aside. “We shouldn’t speak of this right now.”

“You’re the one who mentioned it.”

“I mentioned it because I wanted to mention it.”

“Right…” Adam cleared his throat. “Anyway, the business with Dunes was quick.” Adam threw Jurot a look, wondering if he really did have nothing to do with it. It was all so convenient, and if they didn’t have anything to do with it, it meant that Fate was playing with him.

“We’ve managed to return pretty quickly, but the deal with the farmers was pretty raw for them,” Adam continued. “They didn’t really make that much, I mean, outside of the fact they made a ton of money betting. I plan on giving them at least another hundred gold to each of them.”

“From the party fund?” Jaygak asked, wondering if he was being stupid.

“No, from my personal wealth.”

She slowly nodded her head, realising he was being stupid. “You don’t have to speak with us about that.”

“Yeah, I just felt like it, I guess?” Adam glanced to the side, wondering if this would be one of the last few times he’d get to speak with her. ‘Eh? When did she start wearing plate mail?’ Adam blinked, but sighed as he fell into deeper thought.

“Okay?” Kitool asked.

“Yeah,” Adam replied. “Should be okay once we’re at the Iyr.” Adam continued to think for a long moment. “Ah, let’s call it here tonight.” He stood up, glancing at the trio. “Hey. The matter with Dunes…”

“Yes?” Jurot asked.

“Did the Iyr help?”

“You should know what you should know,” Jurot replied.

“Yeah. Alright.” Adam left, heading to bed. ‘Just a few more days.’ Adam’s stomach churned as he stared up at the ceiling. He closed his eyes and clutched the amulet at his chest. ‘Please, Baktu. I’ve been pretty good recently. I swear I’ll try and be better, so…’

Omen: 5, 11

Adam stared at the Omen rolls. ‘Bell, are you fucking with me?’


Adam groaned quietly, but he sat up. ‘Feeling unlucky today…’ After a nice, hot, soapy bath, Adam shuffled down the steps and found his party eating early in the morning.

“Nice bath?” Lucy teased.

“Don’t sexually harass me,” Adam replied, sitting down with the group, taking a baked potato, smearing some butter and salt against it, before helping himself to some eggs.

“I wasn’t!” Lucy huffed aloud. “I haven’t done anything like that this entire year!”

“Yeah, yeah.”

Lucy looked to Mara for support, who thought for a moment. “Lucy has been well behaved.”

“That’s right!” Lucy winced, giving a look to Mara, as though she had been betrayed. ‘I’m not some kind of dog…’

“Anyhow,” Adam said, clearing his throat, looking to the farmers and porters. “I’ll speak with you all privately in a moment.”

“You can’t just say that and leave,” Lucy complained, turning even redder.

“I can and I will.”

‘Just you wait, Adam!’

Once the group were finished with breakfast, Adam met with the farmers and porters, including Nobby, in a private room. “I apologise that we hadn’t really managed to slay enough creatures. I know that the deal was to part the creatures between everyone, but we didn’t really come across much. I know you guys made quite a bit of coin from betting, but it doesn’t sit right with me that fair pair isn’t going to be given out.”

“It sounds plenty fair to me,” Rick replied, already beginning to sweat slightly. “Everyone here was well taken care of, and we were given enough coin to send back to our families. We made plenty on betting too, and couldn’t have done so without you.”

“Sure, but my heart is still guilty, so please, accept the bonus I’m giving to you.” Adam handed a gem to each of them, though patted Nobby’s shoulder. “I’ll be getting you your bonus in a short while.”

“Okay, mister boss.”

“You didn’t have to,” Rick said. “We were paid well, and the Duchess also gave us some coin.”

“She did, I know, but at least with this, you’ve made at least a gold coin for each day you’ve worked with me, maybe even two gold coins or so.” Adam chuckled. “Don’t ask me about maths, I’m not great at it.”

“Thank you.”

“You should probably keep how much you made a secret too. I wouldn’t go around spending too much coin, though I’m sure you can spend a little more right now since you’ve come back, don’t spend enough that’ll get you noticed. Unfortunately, the moment I leave Red Oak, I’m probably not coming back until the next year, so I won’t be able to assist you if something goes wrong.”

“Of course,” Rick replied.

“Next time we work together, I’ll be sure to hand over fifty gold right away as a bonus for coming with me, though I’m not sure if that’ll be enough now that you’re all rich.” Adam smirked slightly. “My offer is still on the table.”

Rick slowly nodded his head. With the thousand gold he had earned, the offer was less attractive, but there were some great bonuses the Half Elf had offered. Also, there was also the fact he had saved them from death. “We’ll keep that in mind.”

“Oh, and don’t go spending your coin on better gear just yet,” Adam said. “If you end up joining us, it’ll just be a waste of coin. I’ll be able to situate you with either better gear for your coin, or some gear at a discounted rate. I know a thousand is pretty close to plate mail, but… I’m sure the business can assist in that matter.”

“…” Rick stared up at Adam. He was certain that wasn’t a part of the offer. ‘Is he trying to say that he’ll give us more if we join him?’

“Nobby, let’s go,” Adam said, motioning his head to the boy.

“We should get going too,” Jeremy said, following the Half Elf and his nephew out. “Mister Adam, mind talking for a moment?”

“I don’t mind,” Adam said, stepping to one side with them.

“I just wanted to say thank you,” Jeremy began.

“Aye,” Remy said, nodding his head. “Wanted to thank you for what you’ve done for us.”

“Oh dear,” Adam said, half smiling. “Sounds like you won’t be taking my offer?”

“No, it’s not that,” Jeremy replied. “Can’t say for sure, but we’re of a mind to join you.”

“Aye. On the journey we found that we’re a lot stronger too,” Remy added.

“Experts,” Jeremy confirmed. “Couldn’t have done something like that without you. You kept us safe, and took good care of us. Never known anyone like you before. Sometimes you get people coming by who treat their workers well, but I never heard of no one like you.”

“That’s because there is no one like me,” Adam replied, flashing a smile, one he couldn’t control. “I’m very grateful for your words.”

“Thank you again, mister Adam.”

“Any time.” Adam nodded, before heading out with Nobby. “Ah, right. Could you tell everyone to meet with me at the guild? We still need to do one more thing.”


Adam gathered the entire group, from the Aldishment, the Aswadians, the Iyrmen, and even Umbra. Then they made their way through a certain set of roads. Adam stared at the building for a moment, before placing a hand on Jurot’s back. “The party fund will pay for it.”


“Who are these strange faces?” the baker asked, smiling up towards the pair. “Haven’t seen you in a long moment.”

“We were busy, fought in the tournament,” Adam said, looking up to Jurot expectantly.

“Which tournament?”

“The Noonval Tournament.”

“Oh! Wow! Normally the tournament for South Aldland is the Dawnval Tournament, but it’s been a little…” Pam quickly glanced aside, “what with the war and all.”

“I’m sure,” Adam chuckled lightly. “Well, we fought in the tournament. I had to fight against the…” Adam grit his teeth together. ‘I’m meant to be the wing man!’ “Go on, Jurot, why don’t you tell her about the tournament. Meanwhile, can we get a few baskets?” Adam placed down ten gold coins.

Will Jurot have little baker babies?

Everything's going too well...

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