Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

608. Crisis II

608. Crisis II

“He’s awake,” Umbra said, forming a shadow over the near unconscious Half Elf.

Adam coughed as he awoke, his blurry eyes taking in Umbra’s form, before he looked to the side to see the teen Iyrmen and Vonda. “Is everyone okay?”

“They should be, I carried them all on my back,” Umbra said, reaching over to poke his cheek. “Seems like you’re fine too.”

Health: 78

“Yeah, somehow.”

Umbra glanced towards Bell as Adam stared at the blue baby’s stomach, but saw only blurred text. 

Adam stood, drying himself off with his trick, before his eyes crossed across the land, spotting Lucy and Mara fished nearby. “Where are the others?”

“With Lord Biggu, elsewhere.”


“We were split apart.”

“Of course we were.” Adam sighed. “Just my luck.”

“You seem to have a high opinion about yourself.”

“It’s not that, it’s just… you’ll understand once you hear my story.”

“I’ve got time.”

“No, we don’t,” Adam said, walking past her to the rest of the group. “You guys alright?”

“We are well,” Nirot replied. 

Adam looked across the teen Iyrmen, his Cousins. “How are you guys enjoying your first real adventure outside?”

“It is good,” Nirot said.

“I did not expect us to fall into another realm, one not connected to our own,” Naqokan admitted. 

“You should have, since Adam is Adam,” Laygak said.

“I can tell you’re Jaygak’s cousin.” Adam chuckled, patting Laygak’s shoulder. “Do you guys remember the first rule?”

“Lanarot is the Cutest In The Whole World,” the Iyrmen replied.

“That was the first rule?”


“Oh. Second rule?”

“No marriage,” the Iyrmen stated.

“…” Adam cleared his throat. “Third rule?”

“Make sure you all listen.”

“Are you guys messing with me?”

“The fourth rule is that we cannot die without your permission,” Nirot said.

Adam snapped his fingers. “That’s it! Remember, rules three and four, otherwise when we get back, I’ll leave you in the Iyr and you won’t be able to fall through worlds and find yourself fighting a Dragon.”

The Iyrmen nodded, and Laygak spoke up. “The fifth rule is to be kind to one another.”

“I sure as hell can’t name things, but man, do I come up with the best rules.” Adam smiled to himself.

Umbra exchanged a look with Lucy, who nodded her head. ‘Should I go back to suffering Dragon Fall?’

“The group has split in about half, and an equal half at that too,” Adam said, eyeing up the group. “No, hold on. There’s way more of them, and they’ve got the wolves. Damn. We should be careful.”

“I can fly us from island to island, but I will need to rest often,” Umbra said. “If you don’t mind me calling down lightning, I can travel further, but I will still need to rest often.”

“Will it hurt everyone?”

“A little.”

“I can just heal everyone, but how do you guys feel about getting zapped?”

“If it means we can travel, I will undergo it,” Vonda said.

The teen Iyrmen seemed far more eager, flashing wide smiles, and nodded with excitement.

“Seriously…” Lucy grumbled quietly. “Fine.”

The water nearby shifted, and emerging from the water was a large octopus, one that was larger than even Lord Biggu.

“Porbo?” Umbra called. “No, you must be Bylyi.”

The octopus shook about its tentacles affirmatively. 

“What are you doing here?”

The octopus shook about its tentacles.

“We were forced that far away?” Umbra asked. She hadn’t felt the magic around them, and had assumed the current had forced her along to a nearby island, though she hadn’t recognised the island. “So we’re near the Daggers…”

“Is that good?” Adam asked.

“It’s awkward.” Umbra remained silent as she thought. “Bylyi, can you send word to keep an eye out for Lord Biggu and my companions.”

The giant octopus shifted about its tentacles, waited for a moment, before sinking away. 

“Lots of docile large water creatures,” Adam mused.

“Porbo isn’t quite so docile.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Porbo is a terrifying young woman, not as terrifying as me, but people usually avoid the Daggers because of her.”

“What are the Daggers exactly?”

“A chain of islands, a few thousand of them, which form an archipelago.”

“We’re near there?”

“Near, but not quite there,” Umbra confirmed. “Bylyi probably was able to come here thanks his safety bubble, but it only affects him, and won’t last for a few more days.”

“Honestly, the more you talk about this place, the more, and less, I understand.”

“We should be careful,” Umbra said. “Let’s stay the next few days here. Porbo might come and pick us up.”

“If she doesn’t?”

“I’ll carry everyone.”


The group ventured into the island slightly. Adam caught Nirot’s eyes, and he motioned a hand to her, and then pointed to Vonda, before nodding towards her expectantly. Nirot looked towards Vonda, then back to Adam, nodding, and she began to walk near the priest, whose goddess did not reach this world. Naqokan raised her brows towards Adam, and Adam nodded, motioning to Vonda once more. Naqokan returned a nod.

‘With Nirot and Naqokan, Vonda should be safe.’

As the group made camp, Adam spotted something nearby. He blinked, rubbed his eyes, and then glanced around to everyone else, who seemed not to spot what he was looking at. He approached the lake, where an arm stuck out of from it, with a golden sword. 

“Hello?” Adam called, but as there was no response, he reached over towards the sword.

Wisdom Save
D20 + 4 = 17 (13)

Adam noted Bell flash red for a moment, before he turned back to blue. “You alright?”


“You sure?”


“Alright.” Adam stepped back from the lake, only to find the lake had disappeared. “What the…”

“Adam?” Vonda called, her eyes staring at him curiously. “You found a sword?”

“Yeah.” Adam walked over to the rest of the group, who hadn’t noticed him step aside.

 Umbra stared at him curiously, having not felt any shifts of magic herself, nor had she felt the presence of such a great blade until Vonda had called out to the Half Elf.

“Feels… good.” Adam could feel the magic within the blade, which tickled his palm. “Feels really strong.”

“Can you identify its magic?”

“I think so.”

Spell: Identify

Adam spent a few minutes with the blade, admiring it. As he did, its features began to stand out. At first, it was a vague golden blade, but as he studied it, it seemed to almost become more real within his hands. It was entirely golden, from the pommel, to the hilt, to the blade. It was engraved with all manner of patterns, like golden waves, and the blade itself also held pattern of waves, with a thousand different golds across its blade. It was heavy too, but it felt comfortable in hand. 

Golden Whisper
Requires Attunement
You gain a +6 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.
Deals 4D6 slashing damage.
The blade whispers to all those who are worthy.

“Damn! It’s amazing! It’s not a Greater blade, but… three times as good? Twice as good as a Legendary blade? No, twice as good as a Legendary Enhanced blade. It hits twice as hard as a greatsword too. There’s something about it whispering to all those who are worthy, but I guess I’m not worthy?”

“It’s must be the weapon of one of the Dead Gods,” Umbra said. “We should cast it away. Who knows what kind of curse it holds.”

“It doesn’t say it has a curse,” Adam said. “I should have been able to spot it, and I don’t feel any different.”

“Then hand the sword over,” Umbra said, holding out her hand.

“Sure,” Adam replied, holding out the blade to her. 

“Since you can pass it with ease, then it must be fine,” Umbra replied, withdrawing her hand.

“Then can I have it?” Lucy asked. 

“No,” Adam said. “If it’s a sword, then I should give it to Jaygak.”

“Why do you always give her great weapons? First Stormdrake, and now this weapon?”

“Golden Whisper, and yes, so?” Adam shrugged his shoulders. “You use greataxes, she uses longswords. If nothing else, I’ll give it to little Tavgak, or Kavgak.”

“You can’t just give great magical weapons to babies.”

“Why not?”

“Because…” Lucy stifled her tongue. “No, nothing.” Lucy was still trying to ingratiate herself to the children.

“You gifted away Stormdrake?” Umbra asked, the curiosity having gotten the best of her. She had seen the blade at Jaygak’s side, but had made no mention of it. It was, as far as she was aware, made from one of her uncles, and had been forged by her father. It was a Legendary Enhanced blade which needed to acknowledge the wielder before it allowed them to use it to its full potential.



Adam held up Wraith. “I’m a Nephew of the Rot family, I don’t use swords.”

“…” Umbra blinked, before looking to Lucy, who nodded her head. “You gave away Stormdrake, even after knowing what it does?”

“Well, no, but I would have given it away regardless. I don’t use swords, my brother doesn’t, my sister won’t, so I gave it to Jaygak.”

“You… you’re a fool!” Umbra finally snapped, unable to control herself.

“Oh, why, thank you,” Adam replied, smiling towards the woman, who fell still, stunned by Adam’s ridiculousness.

Adam's not that confusing, is he?

He doesn't use swords. The Gak family does. So the sword goes to the Gak family.

That makes sense, right?

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