Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

600. Sea God II

600. Sea God II

Battle Order
D20 + 1 = 11 (10)

Spell: Hex
Spell: Flame Bolt
D20 + 6 = 25 (19)
2D6 + 1D6 = 13 (6, 6)(1)
13 damage!

Chaos erupted as the Sea God and the group began to fight. A jet of water blasted through one of the javelins from the labourers, managing to strike Jurot cleanly while the others dodged and ducked the beam of water. Another javelin struck across its side, with a set of darts striking against its underbelly, though they seemed to do very little as they bounced off. Jaygak held out her hand to blast the creature with fire, while Jurot pushed forward through the water, tossing his own javelins as he closed the distance. 

Adam also marched forward, holding up his axe as he cast his spells, first casting a Hex upon the creature to cause its strength to wane, before blasting it with a Flame Bolt, which shot out from his axe and struck the creature’s side. Unfortunately, the Sea God was unlike most other creatures they had faced, and though they had dealt some damage, most of it was superficial.

The Goofs, hiding behind their wooden shields, watched as the group of tall figures marched towards the sea, ready and eager to face the creature. Vonda had remained behind, her lack of ranged attacks causing her to remain distant, hiding behind her own shield. 

Mana: 21 -> 20
Spell: Spiritual Weapon

Attack - Spiritual Weapon (Flanking)
D20 + 7 = 10 (3)
D20 + 7 = 12 (5)

Attack - Wraith (Flanking)
D20 + 11 = 10 (9)
D20 + 11 = 21 (10)
Ability: Divine Smite
Wraith: 3 -> 2
2D6 + 2D6 + 2D6 + 1D6 + 9 = 29 (3, 6)(3, 4)(1, 1)(2)
29 damage!

Attack - Wraith (Flanking)
D20 + 11 = 10 (9)
D20 + 11 = 29 (18)
Ability: Divine Smite
Wraith: 2 -> 1
2D6 + 2D6 + 2D6 + 1D6 + 9 = 40 (6, 6)(4, 6)(2, 5)(2)
40 damage!

Onward Soar: 1 -> 0

Attack - Spiritual Weapon (Flanking)
D20 + 7 = 17 (10)
D20 + 7 = 26 (19)
1D6 + 1D3 + 1D6 + 3 = 14 (3)(5)(3)
14 damage!

Attack - Wraith (Flanking)
D20 + 11 = 13 (2)
D20 + 11 = 14 (3)

Attack - Wraith (Flanking)
D20 + 11 = 14 (3)
D20 + 11 = 18 (7)
Mana: 20 -> 18
Ability: Divine Smite
Wraith: 1 -> 0
2D6 + 2D6 + 4D6 + 1D6 + 9 = 45 (5, 6)(2, 3)(2, 3, 4, 6)(5)
45 damage!

Adam, forgoing his original plan, decided to charge in. Jurot, Jaygak, and Kitool had done the same. It charged in to attack them with its maw, swallowing Kitool while she had leapt into the air, before it froze in place. Jurot, Jaygak, and Adam showered it with their attacks. 

Adam called forth his magic, a scythe appearing above the creature’s still head, and he struck it with the magical scythe and Wraith, expending his magic for his Divine Smite. However, seeing that the creature was stunned, and that even his Divine Smite ability required less Mana, Adam decided to expend more, to make sure he did as much damage as he could for Kitool’s sake. 

The creature remained frozen. 

The pair of porters charged forward, striking the creature with their spears, while Jurot and Jaygak continued to assault it with their blades. Adam made to move, when Bell flashed gold.

Sea God
XP Gained: +400XP
XP: 13 800 -> 14 200


Jurot pried open its maw, allowing Kitool to step out, wet from its saliva. She quickly dunked herself into the sea, before stepping out towards the shocked Goofs. Some of them approached the Sea God, poking it with their spears, before they stared up at the large forms of Adam and his companions.

“Kitool, you’re so scary,” Adam whispered.

Kitool bowed her head gently, accepting Adam’s praise. She was lucky to have been swallowed, the lack of her armour having enticed the Sea God, no doubt. 

“Just how scary is your grandaunt?”

Kitool stifled a smile, though the shadow of the smile appearing on her face revealed her pride. 

The Goofs remained silent for a short while, before they mumbled between one another. Having come to the logical conclusion that these guys were tough, they decided against betraying them, a thought which had appeared in a moment of fear.

“You are amazing!” Chaka Chi declared, as though they were accusing them of a crime. “We will never forget your aid! We will cut the Sea God and we will all consume in its divinity.”

“That sounds nice,” Adam replied, before he retreated away from the sea, drying off his armour, as well as his companions’. “That was easier than I expected, but I forgot how scary you all were. Jaygak too.”

“I’ve grown stronger here too…” Jaygak complained quietly.

“I expected more from a so called Sea God,” Adam admitted, noting the low amount of XP he had earned. It was shared between the rest of the group, Vonda too, though he had still expected more. 

“It was not a true God of the Sea, but a title, like that of the Lords,” Jurot explained, coming to the conclusion due to his own disappointment. However, it had struck him quite harshly, managing to deal a great amount of damage even through his rage. The previous beam of water had been nothing compared to the blade like jet of water which had struck him. 

“If it’s against a single creature, Wraith still deals more damage when I hit, compared to a Fireball. Being able to sling ten Fireballs does seem like fun, though, and I could probably do another two if I meditate.” Adam’s lips twitched slightly, thinking about how many Fireballs he could bring down among his enemies. ‘Nice.’

The Goofs had some trouble cutting into the creature, but eventually found a large blade they had to use between many of them. Eventually, Jurot and Jaygak went to assist them. 

“Are you feeling okay?” Adam asked, glancing towards Vonda, who was sitting with her helmet beside her, her scarf across the lower half of her face. Even with the lower half of her mouth covered, Adam could still see how down she was considering her posture. 

“I am fine.”

“… Alright.” 

Vonda frowned deeper behind her scarf, before her eyes met Adam’s for a moment, and she sighed. “Must I stay back?”

“You stayed behind to protect the Goofs without us asking you to.”

“You know that was not why.”

“Weren’t you going to protect them?”

“I would have, if it was needed.”

“Then you don’t have to worry so much.” Adam shrugged his shoulders. “There are going to be times when I won’t be able to fight at full capacity, and though I might feel bad about it, I’m sure you’ll all remind me of the times when I helped. When I fell in the temple, you went down with me. When Lucy died, you brought her back to life. When we had some trouble on the way to Hill Grave, your presence made it so much smoother, and not to mention when we came further east. Right now your goal is to make sure you stay alive, since you’re a Priest of Life, and make sure we get out of here alive too.”

“You have a way with words, Adam. You speak much, and say little, sometimes, but this time…”

“This time I spoke so much you aren’t able to respond.”


“Good. I don’t want you to respond when it comes to trying to keep you alive. Kitool tempers Jaygak from doing anything too stupid, and you temper me from doing the same.”

Jaygak threw a glance back to Adam, having heard her name, and assumed he was speaking poorly of her. “What is it?”

“Wow! Jaygak! You’re so amazing with your fire!” Adam shouted towards her, before giving her a thumbs up.

‘…’ Jaygak returned back to butchering the Sea God.

Chaka Chi approached Adam and Vonda before they could continue their conversation. He held a longsword in hand, which was almost like a long staff within his hands. “Great one, you have assisted us in our time of need. Please, accept this gift.”

“Oh? A gift? For me?”


“Why me?”

“We thought it would be best to gift it to you, since we continued to speak poorly of your appearance, though you cannot help it due to your condition.”

Adam glanced towards Vonda, before sighing. “Remember, Adam, Vonda’s still a Priest of Life.” Adam reached up to his amulet, rubbing it gently. “Thank you, Chaka Chi. I appreciate that you are so benevolent.”

“This blade was passed down through generations of our families. Scary Sword. Upon wielding the blade, if you slay three creatures of the sea, you will gain the ability to swim well, and the ability to hold one’s breath for a long while. Also, certain small creatures will adore you, and we thought it would be nice if something liked you.”

Adam blinked. “Yeah. Thanks.”

“We will hand to you whatever you wish from the carcass of the Sea God, including its heart and heartstone.”

“Yeah. Thanks.”

The sea nearby began to shift violently, while the Goofs stared out towards the breaking waves. A giant sea turtle broke through the surface, the water slipping off its shell, and it loomed over those who were butchering the Sea God. 

Adam stood up, brushing himself off, as he reached for Strong Shield. “Welp, time to get to work.”

“Lord Biggu!” Chaka Chi shouted with delight, before the chorus of Lord Biggu’s name began to spread through the air by all the Goofs. 


“Lord Biggu!” Chaka Chi rushed over towards the sea, before jabbering away at the giant sea turtle.

‘What kind of name is Lord Biggu?’

The creature's stats were pretty crazy. Lucky for us we have Kitool!

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