Becoming the Luna

Chapter 352

Chapter 352

Just as they were directed into a private dressing room, Hayden phone rings, he brings it out of his bag, hoping he hadn't smashed it when he went after Sharon with the bag.

Dream walks around the room a bit, mirrors and discreetly placed lights everywhere, as well as a lot of mobile wardrobes this should be fun.

Renee had paced outside to make the call, she hadn't been sure exactly how to break it to Hayden.

It wasn't everyday your mother walked up to you and said that your father who you have never met was right in your Pack House right then.

Plus, she didn't want to ruin Hayden's and his half brother's outing.

"Hi, mom." Hayden picks up, greeting with a smile on his face as he watches Dream throw a mink coat over his shoulders and some ridiculous sombrero.

"Hayden, baby, I've got a bit of shocking news." She starts bluntly. "But I don't want to ruin your outing with your half brother." She blunders.

"What?" Hayden exclaims, his eyes fixed on Dream who keeps disappearing behind rows of clothes - h-his half "mom, what are you talking about?"

"Oops! I just found out that Dia's husband is Alex, isn't this splendid news, you have three siblings now." Renee starts to ramble, much of her excitement spilling out.

"Oh m-my oh wow" Hayden trails off, his excitement cut short when he sees hands pull Dream behind a mobile wardrobe, horror sinking in.

"Dream!" He yells, reaching forward only to have a big, calloused hand placed firmly over his mouth, his phone clattering to the ground in the struggle that ensues.

"Hay! Baby! What's wrong?" Renee stares at her phone, listening intently, all her red flags were up in flames but she could get nothing but hushed rustling then a loud creaking sound like someone was stepping on the phone, then the line went dead.

Without hesitation, she turned around and hightailed it back to Virgil's office where the others were seated bursting in.

This attracts everyone's attention, everyone staring up at Renee who is clutching her phone to herself, horror on her face.

"Renee?" Virgil is the first to get up, coming closer. "What's wrong?"

Renee blinks at this, tears gathering in her eyes rapidly. "I-I don't know, I-I w-was t-a...ta-talking t-to H-Hay on t...the ph-phone right and then and then he's y-yelling Dream's na oh my s-something is wrong with my babies, s-so...something is" she chokes at this point, Dia hurrying forward to pull her into a hug.

"Breathe for me okay, they'll be fine, Darian and Leon are watching over then." Dia says in a soft voice, rubbing a hand comfortingly over Renee's back who is already breaking down in tears.

Virgil yanks his phone out savagely, dialing up Leon.


"Where are they?" He asks immediately, not giving a chance to Leon to speak.

Leon goes on full alert at this, his eyes fixed on the store's entrance. "At some fancy store, Darian and I scoped the interior"

"Get them out of there, right fucking now, I'm on my way." He growls into his phone, already reaching for his keys before he remembers that Hayden took it.

Virgil goes over to Renee and Dia, his eyes a muted gold. "I'll get them back, I promise." He says, sweeping out of the office, leaving the others stunned.

He takes out his phone one more time to call up Dale, good thing Renee had been talking to Hayden when whatever happened or they wouldn't have noticed for hours.


"Where are you?"

Dale sits up on his desk at the ice in Virgil's tone, it had been a while since he had heard it, something was up.

"In my office, what's up?" He asks, already getting up.

"Something is up with Hay and Dream, get your ass down with your car keys, they took mine."

That's all Dale needs to hurry out with his keys, Kieran would know to take over for him when he came to find his office empty.


Leon had never gotten out of a car so fast after the phone call from Virgil, the phone had been on speakerphone so Darian was currently doing the same.

'fuck, they should have seperated, one of them watching the backdoors' but they hadn't wanted to crowd Hayden and Dream, knowing how uncomfortable it must be for them.

He shares a glance with Darian, their thoughts on similar tracks as usual.

Darian takes the back and Leon goes in front, the intruders were definitely still in the building.

Leon feels a familiar heat burning through his veins, someone was going to end up dead.

He cautiously sneaks in through the front, the entire store was in a flurry of activity, no one noticing his entrance for a while.

They had called to ask which dressing room they were at so Leon knew where to head to.

He keeps an eye out for any suspicious activity and the lack of it makes him even more surprised at least until he steps into the hallway that leads to their dressing room and sees Sharon, some hairbrained attendant that had approached him when he first came in, tied up.

He hurries past her, ignoring her muffled pleas for help, firstly, if she was in that situation it meant that Hayden and Dream were in worse plus he didn't care.

Talking telepathically while in human form was starting to get forgotten, seeing as it was only needed when they were in wolf forms but it didn't mean they couldn't use it.

'bad news, D.' he sends to the other Warrior. 'I found a worker tied up on the way to their dressing room D? D?' he calls a tad frantically when he gets no response.

'chill for a sec, dick face.' Darian finally responds, his words sounding halting. 'I figured that would be the case, I'm already at the dressing room and' he breaks off a bit, Leon standing behind the closed door in apprehension, trying to listen in.

'fuck! Just get your ass in here.'

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