Beasts Are Just For Me To Bond With

Chapter 76: One man overwhelms a team

  Chapter 76 One person overwhelms a team

   On the battle field, the rock giant elephant and the iron eater stand opposite each other.

  The giant rock elephant walked slowly, swung its trunk, and stared at Po on the opposite side with small eyes full of doubts.

  It couldn't figure out why such a big elephant was blocked by such a small bear?

  A Bao shook and hard-wired the arm hit by the rock giant elephant, constantly adjusting his breathing.

  At this moment, its soft and shiny hair has been stained with a lot of dust, and there are two shallow wounds pierced by ivory on its chest, making it look very embarrassed.

   This not only didn't make Ah Bao give up, but aroused its ferocity.

  It has been injured so badly, if there is no food to eat at night, it might as well be dead.

  Looking at the confronting elephant and bear, Wang Wei's face became extremely ugly.

  In order to defeat the iron-eating beast at once, he let the giant rock elephant accompany him to act.

  After the iron-eating beast was in a suitable position, he decisively let the giant rock elephant activate the three skills of shaking the ground, rock spurs, and impact one after another. Among them, the ground shaking and rock spurs are advanced skills that can only be mastered by super-level beasts.

  He thought to himself that this was enough to take the Iron Eater seriously.

   But what he didn't expect was that the combo that was enough to solve the pet beast of the same level was resolved by the iron-eating beast.

  Wang Wei felt a little aggrieved.

   As a rare and extraordinary beast, the rock giant basically has no natural enemies.

  The rock giant has a defense that most mortal pets can't break through, so it is born invincible.

   However, Chen Wen's iron-eating beast didn't need to win, so he had to let the rock giant elephant take the initiative.

   It doesn’t matter if you take the initiative to attack, the rock giant elephant with its own talent blessing is also extremely powerful.

  Earthquake, rock thorn, impact, three consecutive can be called lore.

  The first skill is control, the second skill is spell damage plus forced to move, and the third skill is directly pressing people.

  Wang Wei believes that his set of combos can definitely solve most opponents.

  But by chance, his rock giant encountered this strange iron-eating beast in front of him.

   This iron-eating beast can stand firm when the earth shakes, can avoid rock thorns in advance, and can resist the impact of rock giant elephants!

  Chen Wen, who was opposite Wang Wei, heaved a sigh of relief, and then laughed loudly: "The giant rock elephant is well-deserved!"

  He will not belittle his opponent. The stronger the enemy, the more he can prove his value as a string of fives.

  Besides, the rock giant is indeed powerful, and today's Po really can't beat the rock giant.

   Fortunately all he wanted was a draw.

  Before the giant rock elephant attacked, Chen Wen fantasized about asking Ah Bao to counterattack.

  But now, he has no idea of ​​counterattacking at all.

  Having mastered the control skill of trampling, one of the things that happened when Ah Bao got close was to deliver food. After all, the ivory and trunk of the giant rock elephant are not decorations.

  Praised by Chen Wen, Wang Wei still had a dark face.

  Suspended the use of the Beast Familiar talent, and he issued an order to let the giant rock elephant continue to attack.

  Chen Wen didn't take any risks this time, and kept Abao and the giant rock elephant at a good distance, instead of waiting until the giant rock elephant approached before bursting into speed.

   In addition, Chen Wen also kept Ah Bao far away from the border of the battlefield.

  This reduced Abao's dodge range a lot, and made Abao's consumption even greater, but Chen Wen didn't want to give the rock giant a chance.






  The rock giant elephant is chasing, Po is on the run, a big elephant and a fat bear are chasing each other on the battlefield.

  The scenes are hilarious, but equally thrilling.

   Whenever Po dodged the rock giant elephant, there was a burst of cheers from the audience.

  You can watch the excitement for free, people don’t mind how big things are, and things like a series of five may not be seen once in a lifetime.

   Many discerning viewers have already seen the current situation clearly.

   "It's hard for Wang Wei to win!"

   "It mainly depends on the background of both parties. The rock giant consumes a lot, but the iron-eating beast also consumes a lot."

   "The main thing is to see which side's physical strength and aura are exhausted first. Now it's a tug of war."

   "I didn't expect Annan Middle School to be pushed to this extent."

   "Who would have thought that? A sophomore in high school could raise pet beasts so well!"

   "Yeah, this is a native beast. Doesn't it mean that native beasts are useless?"

   "That's just a rumor. The country has a policy of supporting local pet animals in recent years, and it may not be without reason."


  Chen Wen's palms were sweating, and his eyes were fixed on observing the battle on the field and the expression of Wang Wei on the opposite side.

  The Rock Giant Elephant and Po are still playing the game of chasing each other, but the speed of both sides is slower than the naked eye.

  Abao’s aura and physical strength were consumed too much due to successive battles.

   Had it not been for the obsession in his heart, Ah Bao would have fallen down and had a close contact with the earth.

  As for the slowing down of the Rock Giant Elephant, the reason is also very simple. Its huge size makes its consumption huge.

   Under normal circumstances, the rock giants mainly walk. Although it is just a simple chase, this pair of rock giants is already a big consumption exercise.

   Moreover, Earthquake and Rock Spike are skills that can only be mastered at the Transcendent level. Not only is it much less powerful when used at the Mortal level, but the consumption is not too low for it.

   After quickly weighing in his mind, Chen Wen found that Abao's chances of winning were not great.

  With Wang Wei's mental strength, it should be enough for the Rock Giant Elephant to launch another three consecutive rounds. At that time, Po may not be able to hold it.

   After pondering for a moment, Chen Wen first transmitted a belief to Abao with a thought, and then activated his own talent of beast control.

  In an instant, the brows of both he and Abao glowed with white fluorescence, and the mysterious talent rune was looming.


  Abao let out a comfortable cry, and then he was refreshed, and his speed suddenly increased a lot.

  Looking at the white light between Chen Wen and Abao's eyebrows, the fighting room in No. 2 fell into a brief silence, and then it became boiling.

   "Damn it, come again!"

   "Half a tube of blood has been injected, and the beast master can directly fill it up, which is okay!"

   "Referee, someone is cheating here, it has three lives!"

   "Is this the nurse-type beast master? I love it, I love it!"

   "Annan Middle School sent it!"


  On the contestants' bench of Annan Middle School, the instructor Ren Hai said in a daze, "How is this possible?"

  The other students were equally incredulous.

   On the contrary, the player bench of Qinghe No. 1 Middle School, led by He Xiong, the atmosphere group, has already cheered up, as if Chen Wen on the field has already won the victory.

  Lv Dong looked very calm in comparison, looking at Chen Wen thoughtfully.

  The noisy environment and countless discussions finally affected Wang Wei.

  Seeing the iron-eating beast whose speed had returned to its original level again, he began to doubt whether he could win, and began to think about whether to continue fighting with Chen Wen's iron-eating beast.

  The remaining aura of the rock giant elephant can only make it launch three times in a row, and then it can only be slaughtered by the iron-eating beast.

   No matter how defensive Wushuang is, there are weaknesses. If there is no counterattack, the defense of the giant rock elephant will definitely be breached and fail.

   In that case, the score between Qinghe No. 1 Middle School and Annan Middle School will be a shameful 5:0.

   Conversely, if he chooses to defend, he can defend a draw.

   In that case, the score will be 5:1.

   Moreover, with the current state of the Rock Giant Elephant, even if he wins against Chen Wen's Iron Eater, he won't have the strength to fight again, and he will still lose to the next member of Qinghe No. 1 Middle School.

   Like that, the score is also 5:1.

   Fight or not, the best ending is 5:1.

  Since this is the case, does he still have to take the risk of failure?

  Looking at the giant rock elephant whose footsteps were getting slower and slower, Wang Wei sighed and ordered the giant rock elephant with difficulty: "Stop!"

  Seeing this, Chen Wen's eyes lit up, and he mocked, "Why don't you attack? Are you out of energy?"


   snorted heavily, Wang Wei said: "Do you dare to let your iron-eating beast attack?"

  Chen Wen also snorted, and turned his head away.

  Then, the rock giant elephant and iron-eating beast on the battlefield stopped in place.

   Chen Wen saw this and asked, "What do you mean? Have you surrendered?"

  Wang Wei said coldly: "You know, your iron-eating beast can't beat my rock giant elephant."

  Chen Wen was noncommittal.

  The referee also saw what Wang Wei meant, and said, "There is no winner in the fifth game. Do you have any objections?"

  Chen Wen suppressed his excitement and did not speak, looking at Wang Wei.

  Wang Wei sighed unwillingly, then closed his eyes and nodded.

  When the referee's eyes shifted, Chen Wen's face was full of reluctance, but his body was very honest, and he quickly nodded in agreement.

   Seeing this, the referee gave Wang Wei a pitiful look and announced the result.

   "Fifth game, draw!"

   "In this battle, Qinghe wins!"

  (end of this chapter)

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