Barbarian Quest

Chapter 298

Chapter 298

Creak, creak.

The tents were being quietly withdrawn as the Alliance Army prepared to retreat while the sun was still down in order to avoid any unexpected counterattacks from the empire.

‘The Imperial Army probably doesn’t know how starved we are.’

Belrua slowly chewed the last piece of jerky, savoring it slowly, almost as if she were trying to dissolve it in her mouth. With supply lines completely cut off, the Porcana-Alliance army was in a state of famine.

‘We’ve even lost our hope in victory. It’s over.’

Staying here longer would only result in starvation and annihilation. The best course of action was to plunder the imperial lands on the way back and inflict as much damage on the empire as possible.

“Even though we’re without Urich, we still need to prepare for the next step.”

Belrua looked at the Alliance Army busy with their preparations for withdrawal.

‘Even if it weren’t for Six-Fingered’s divination, it’s highly likely that Urich is dead.’

The situation was dire. It would have been more comforting to see bodies struck down by swords, but most of the warriors who invaded Hamel had burned to death.

“Belrua, do you really think Urich is dead? How can we retreat now after coming this far?”

A warrior draped in a bear skin approached, voicing his discontent. He was the chief of the Karkar Tribe which was located in the westernmost part of the west.

“It’s already been decided, and besides, there was the priest’s omen too. What glory do we gain by holding out here any longer?” Belrua replied coldly, though she wasn’t keen on retreating either.

“We must fight to the end. We can’t run away without even trying to fight.”

“Charging head-first into a meaningless death is not what bravery is.”

“The warriors will remember the cowardice of today.”

The Karkar chief turned away and disappeared.

‘Even the Alliance is finished. What a short golden age it was.’

Returning home would mean the tribes close to each other would group together and form several factions, effectively disbanding the Alliance. The two warriors who led the unification of the west were gone. Without Samikan and Urich, maintaining the Alliance was impossible.

‘The tribes near the Sky Mountains are both advantaged and disadvantaged. They will be the first to start interacting with civilization, whether through trade or war.’

Belrua’s Red Sand was also a tribe close to the Sky Mountains.

‘We must seek trade, not war. The empire will covet our lands again once they stabilize, so we need to forge alliances with the kingdoms near the Sky Mountains and grow stronger.’

Belrua closed her eyes as she contemplated the future. The era of war was over, and both the empire and the west had suffered immense losses. The west had brought almost every man to the war, which meant that if they were annihilated here, only the elderly and children would be left in the west.

“Even if they call it cowardice, someone has to make the cowardly decision.”

Belrua chuckled. She touched her empty side. The meteorite dagger she always carried like a talisman was gone as she had offered it to Great Chief Urich as a tribute.

‘If the will of the heavens dwells in that dagger, it will protect you.’

The meteorite iron was a mystical metal that fell from the sky and was the reason Belrua could become the chief of her tribe despite being a woman. The rise and fall of humans were the will and fate of the heavens, and Belrua, like the other warriors, believed so.

‘If this is the end for us, that’s just the decision of the heavens.’

Though they never managed to uncover the secrets of imperial steel in the end, the metallurgy of the west had advanced significantly. Not just metallurgy, they quickly adopted the advanced technologies of civilization. It was only a matter of time before the west became developed.

Despite the bloody war, barbarian culture and civilization had made contact, and their exchange would continue in the future, whether for better or worse.

“Ultimately, it was because of Urich that we didn’t end up as their slaves...”

The clash between the west and civilization wasn’t Urich’s fault. Even without Urich, the civilized would have discovered the west and started another conquest while the western warriors wouldn’t have dared to break the taboo and cross the Sky Mountains. Only Urich longed for and explored the unknown beyond the Sky Mountains.

Even if they returned to the west now, Urich would remain a hero, admired and revered by countless warriors.

‘Maybe Urich disappearing this way is the best outcome for me.’

Belrua had Samikan’s child—a son, no less. A man who didn’t avenge his father was despised, but Urich was such a towering figure that even when her son grew up, there was no way he would even be able to dare to challenge him.

‘If Urich had survived and won this war, he would become an invincible warrior no one could surpass. Those who lived in his time would shine as mere fireflies compared to his radiant light.’

Belrua smiled bitterly. She too was a legendary hero of the Red Sand Tribe, greatly prospering her tribe. Not just her, but many warriors in the Alliance had their own glorious heroic tales.

‘But all these heroics are meaningless before Urich.’

He crossed the Sky Mountains with just his bare body and returned to the west with only his spirit and became the Great Chief. Compared to that, defeating ten men alone or surviving a fight with a bear bare-handed were trivial feats.

Tap, tap.

The sound of a staff striking the ground echoed. Bone fragments clicked.

Belrua knew who it was just by the sound.


Belrua’s eyes were fierce. She felt an urge to strangle Six-Fingered to death.

‘A cunning snake-like man.’

Everyone knew of Six-Fingered’s schemes and intrigues. Yet, he was still the priest of the Alliance, difficult for anyone to easily challenge. His influence among the common warriors was still immense.

“Belrua, thank you for leading the decision to retreat.”

Six-Fingered showed his yellow teeth.

“I didn’t do it out of fondness toward you. There was simply no other choice,” Belrua replied coldly.

“We have achieved much. What remains is to return to our home with the glory and share it.”

“Glory? Where’s the glory in running away?”

“We will unify once more. You have Samikan’s child. Ten years should be enough. I will support that child.”

Belrua laughed, clutching her belly, at Six-Fingered’s words.

‘Samikan, Urich, and then my son after them...’

She could see right through Samikan’s head.

“He is the child of you and Samikan. He will eventually fulfill the destiny of the heavens and he won’t live an ordinary life. With my help, he could achieve greater feats than the previous two Great Chiefs.”

“And if my son doesn’t align with you, you will make him your enemy just like you did with Samikan and Urich. You are a maggot, Six-Fingered.”

“Enough with the insults, Belrua. I am the priest of the Alliance. No one can seize control of the Alliance without my support now.”

There was no more Samikan or Urich, who were absolute presences in the Alliance. In a way, it became a true tribal alliance only after they were gone. Everyone had equal power and influence to keep each other in check.

“If the righteous heavens are watching you, you will surely be doomed, Six-Fingered. I am already looking forward to how terrible your end will be.”

“I know the will of the heavens better than anyone.”

“You mean you deceive the heavens better than anyone. I’ll ask you once more. Did the heavens really say that Urich is dead?”

“Without a doubt.”

Six-Fingered laughed, holding his numerous fingers to his face. His eyes gleamed between them.

“How much truth is there in the words that come out of your mouth...”

“I take it you’ve rejected my offer.”

Six-Fingered grinned, knowing that he was the one with leisure. If Belrua didn’t take his hand, he just had to find someone else.

‘There are always those who crave power. There has to be some chiefs in the Alliance who won’t be able to refuse my offer.’

Six-Fingered greeted Belrua and left the tent. The warriors were busily moving, as they had to abandon the camp and move before dawn.


“Uuuuuuriiiiich is aliiiiiiive!”

Six-Fingered looked startled in the direction of the voice. A warrior who was on scout duty was running back to the camp, out of breath.

“Urich is not dead! He’s aliiiiiiive!”

The scout shouted until his voice was hoarse. His voice was so loud that even the sleeping warriors woke up and listened.

“What did you say?”

“Urich is alive! Our Great Chief is not dead!” The scout shouted repeatedly, grabbing the shoulders of everyone he saw. The warriors’ eyes widened at his words.

“What is this nonsense!”

The chiefs rushed out, stopping the scout.

“Urich is alive and fighting the Imperial Army! We must go help the Great Chief immediately!”

“How do you know that?”

Six-Fingered frowned, standing before the scout. The chiefs of the Alliance simultaneously turned their eyes to the priest.

‘Priest Six-Fingered clearly said Urich was dead.’

Six-Fingered had declared Urich’s death in front of the entire alliance. Sharp gazes focused on him.

“It might be a false rumor spread by the enemy... We must not fall into their trap.”

Six-Fingered spread his arms, drawing the attention of the chiefs and warriors.

‘Urich cannot be alive. Why now....’

So much sweat was pouring down Six-Fingered’s face that the black pigment on his face was about to wash off.

“Urich is alive!”

Georg appeared along the path the scout had come. He, limping, was being supported by another scout.

He spoke in broken tribal language, looking at the warriors.

While Urich and the warriors fought, Georg escaped Hamel on horseback. After he was knocked off his horse by an arrow from a crossbowman, he limped his way to the Alliance camp.

“There seems to be a large movement at the gates of Hamel! Something is definitely happening.”

Warriors with keen eyesight shouted as they returned from the hill.

“Urich is alive, you goddamned barbariaaaaans! Grab your weapons and go fight! The gate is open! I said the gate is open!” Georg shouted in a mix of Hamelian and the tribal language.

Georg was also severely injured. He had been shot in the shoulder with an arrow, and his leg was so badly twisted he couldn’t walk on his own.

“Urich? Urich is alive?”

The chiefs murmured among themselves. Georg called for the leaders of the civilized mercenaries and continued shouting.

“Grab your weapons and go! Everything in Hamel is yours! The treasures of the imperial palace and even the emperor’s women are ours!” Georg shouted at the top of his lungs. He was extremely aggravated.

Six-Fingered, sensing the gravity of the situation, drew his ceremonial dagger and pressed it against Georg’s throat.

“This man comes from civilization! He is trying to lead us into a trap on the enemy's orders! Haven’t you seen my omen? Urich is dead!”

Georg was greatly dismayed. After all the trouble to get here, now Six-Fingered was trying to kill him.

“You goddamn druggy!”

Georg's face contorted. Time was of the essence as Urich and the warriors couldn’t hold the gates open for long. If the troops from the palace returned, Urich and the warriors would be as good as dead.

“No one here believes your deceitful mouth that couldn’t even withstand Samikan’s torture! Despite Great Chief Urich’s grace, you betrayed him yet again and came back alive alone!”

Six-Fingered spat out, observing the reactions of the chiefs and warriors. The opinion was still divided.

“He’s alive, Urich is alive. He’s fighting and waiting for his brothers right now, you idiots!”

Georg shouted until his voice cracked. After all the effort to get here, everything was about to go to waste.

The decision was being delayed at a time when even if the warriors grabbed their weapons and ran immediately, they were barely going to make it in time.

Hearing the commotion, Belrua ran out of the tent.

“Is that true, Georg?”

“If I’m lying, you can skin me and make clothes out of my hide, Belrua!”

Belrua’s pupils shook.

‘Urich is alive?’

Whether Urich was dead or alive, it was going to be a problem for her. He was the warrior her son would have to face as an enemy in the future.

Belrua’s eyes met Six-Fingered’s, who squinted and nodded slightly toward Belrua as if he was trying to emphasize that Urich’s death was beneficial for both of them.

The moment she saw Six-Fingered, Belrua’s dilemma ended.

Her son’s issues were still in the distant future, but Six-Fingered was a filthy scum standing right in front of her. That was reason enough.

“Six-Fingered...” Belrua growled like a leopard, curling up her lips. “...You’re finished, you son of a bitch! We’re going to go fight alongside our Great Chief Urich, grab your weapons!”

As if they were waiting, the warriors belonging to Urich’s faction jumped up. They grabbed whatever weapons were at hand and grouped with nearby warriors. According to Georg, time was of the essence.

“Belrua! You’ll regret this! It’s a trap! Urich is dead!”

Six-Fingered tried to stop the warriors in a panic, but no warrior paid any attention to the priest. They were tired of the siege and hunger, and if Urich was alive on top of that, they had no reason not to fight.

“Shut your mouth! When we come back alive, you’ll be begging me to kill you! The late Samikan will be glad to welcome you with open arms!”

Belrua shouted, kicking Six-Fingered. It was a significant disrespect, but if this was indeed a trap of the Imperial Army, Belrua wouldn’t return alive anyway, and if Urich was alive, it would be the end for Six-Fingered.

Ooooooh! Let’s goooo! If you’re hungry, eat their flesh, and if you’re thirsty, drink their blood!”

Belrua called a messenger and informed the Porcana army of Urich’s survival as well.

Before long, Urich’s survival, once doubted, became accepted as fact. The warriors who believed Urich was alive ran toward the gates of Hamel.

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