Back To the Small Fishing Village In 1982

Chapter 50

Chapter 50

Lin Xiuqing, holding the large sum of money in her arms, went home first while he went to celebrate with his friends. She believed that it was only fair to enjoy the fruits of their labor, and she was not a petty person.

When she arrived home, everyone in the Ye family had finished their work and returned from the homestead.

"Ah Qing, I heard that Yaodong had a good harvest on the deserted island today. How much money did he make?" asked Eldest Sister-in-law Ye curiously.

Second Sister-in-law Ye also looked at her with burning eyes.

Lin Xiuqing smiled and said, "Not much, mostly shellfish. They're all piled up in the backyard. Later, I'll need the help of my sisters-in-law to open the oysters together. We'll have some extra dishes for the family tomorrow."

After saying that, she turned around and went into her room. She didn't want to flaunt her wealth. How could she casually reveal it and invite envy from others? Yesterday, Second Sister-in-law was even complaining about it being unfair.

Second Sister-in-law Ye pursed her lips. Forget it then!

Lin Xiuqing placed the bills on the bed and counted them again to confirm there was nothing wrong. Then she counted the money from the shellfish she just sold, except for the small abalones, which were valuable. The snails and sea cucumbers werent worth much, but due to their quantity and weight, she managed to sell them for a total of over 8 yuan.

Including the money Mother Ye had given her earlier from Yaodong's sales, today's earnings amounted to over 400 yuan. For their family, it was a significant sum of money, even surpassing what she could earn in a year from weaving nets.

In addition to the recent sea digging days, which added up to around six or seven yuan in sales, Lin Xiuqing tightly grasped the money in her hand, feeling a glimmer of hope for the future. This also gave her a sense of anticipation in her heart for Ye Yaodong.

It feels like he has indeed improved a little in the past few days.

After organizing the money, she went outside to help with opening the oysters. She also needed to sort and clean the other shellfish so that they would be ready for cooking tomorrow.

On the next day, due to drinking too much the previous night, Ye Yaodong woke up late. When he got up, there was no one in the house except for the old lady watering the vegetables in the backyard.

"Grandma, did they all go to the houses to help?"

The old lady smiled, her wrinkled face forming a bundle. "Um, there's porridge and dried fish warming up in the pot. Go and eat quickly. You must be tired from yesterday. Youve gotten tanned."

"It's fine; a little tan is healthy. Grandma, I've earned some money these past couple of days. Today is Saturday, so on Monday, I'll take you to the county hospital to have a look and get you a set of dentures."

"Ah? No, no," the old lady quickly waved her hand. "I'm already old, why waste money on that? I'm fine with eating fish. I don't like eating meat! I'm not going!"

"But didn't we discuss it a couple of days ago? Just listen to me."

"I won't go, I won't go. You rarely earn a few yuan, just keep them for yourself, don't buy anything for me."

"From what I heard, it's supposed to be cheap, not expensive..."

"I still wont go! Hurry up and go eat!" The old lady said as she pushed him along.

Ye Yaodong smiled. Then hell just take Grandma directly to the hospital on Monday.

After a simple breakfast, he headed straight to the homestead.

As he was on his way, he saw workers carrying stones, picking pebbles, and pushing yellow soil back and forth. His mother had mentioned that they had hired over a dozen workers.

When he arrived at the homestead, he saw his second brother working alongside the workers, lifting stones and placing them flat in the large pit they had dug.

On the side, there were also skilled craftsmen chiseling the stones.

This large pit was probably dug yesterday. In rural areas, building houses doesn't typically involve pile driving. They simply dig a hole about thirty to forty centimeters deep, fill it with stones, and consider it a solid foundation.

When Mother Ye saw him, she quickly approached and said, "You didn't go sea digging today, so don't you go wandering around. Just stay here and help. Otherwise, when your father comes back, I'll tell him."

Ye Yaodong glanced at his mother helplessly. He came here to help in the first place.

"Got it."

"The gloves are over by the pile of rocks."

"Oh, where are Ah Qing and the kids?"

"She's helping to shovel yellow soil up in the mountains. That task is a bit lighter. The kids are by the stream, playing while helping to pick up stones."

He nodded and, under his mother's watchful gaze, went to join his second brother in moving the stones.

After observing for a while, Mother Ye felt satisfied, then took her carrying pole and bamboo basket and continued to pick up stones.

As for his group of friends, after he had been working for a while, they gradually came over one by one to help with the lifting.

The workers were also villagers from their village, mostly middle-aged or older. They were surprised to see these young men actively participating and lending a hand. They praised them for their progress and hard work, saying that they had grown up...

It made them all feel a bit embarrassed!

Being accustomed to criticism and suddenly receiving praise one day, they couldn't help but feel a bit uncomfortable

"Damn, we've always been disliked by people, but hearing them praise us suddenly makes me feel like I'm promising..." whispered Ah Zheng.

"Exactly. Yesterday I brought home a bag full of shellfish, and my wife's face lit up like a flower. Once I handed her the money I earned from it, she became even more enthusiastic," said Little Xiao in agreement.

"My mother did the same. She praised me so much and even said that next time I want to have chicken, I can go catch one!"

"Well, you guys have such treatment... Here I am, all alone, without anyone praising me. I have to keep the money to myself..."

Everyone turned their gaze sharply toward Ah Guang and said, "How about a few rounds tonight?"

After handing over their money, their pockets were empty once again. Even Fatty and Chen Wei hadn't received their share yet. Ah Guang's words made them feel like they owed it to themselves to win a few rounds against him!

Ah Guang widened his eyes and instinctively covered his pocket. "I won't play. I quit gambling!"

"You have the audacity to say that? You're the one who usually shouts the loudest!"

"Starting today!"

Everyone rolled their eyes together in response!

The originally dull and monotonous work became more enjoyable with the addition of these buddies, as they lifted and carried together, adding a sense of fun to the task.

When evening came and it was time to finish work, Mother Ye asked Ye Yaudong in a low voice, "Should we consider paying your friends for half a day's work?"

"No need; just provide them with meals. They won't be able to work for many days, and they won't come every day either.

"Okay, I won't keep track then.

After working for two days, Ye Yaodong didn't go on Monday, and his friends didn't go either.

He had already discussed with Lin Xiuqing the night before that on Monday he would take his grandmother to the county hospital to get dentures. So he would not go to work the next day and asked Lin Xiuqing to inform his mother about it.

Lin Xiuqing gritted her teeth and unlocked her drawer to count out 50 yuan for him. "Take it; is it enough?"

Anyway, it was the money he earned in the past few days, and the heartache would only last for a moment. Besides, the old lady really cared for him.

Yaodong hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He knew that his wife was sensible and wouldn't hesitate to give the money as a filial gesture towards the old lady.

"I won't need this much. If there's any left, I'll return it to you.


On Monday morning, the old lady refused to go no matter what. She kept insisting that she didn't have much time left to live and that it would be a waste of money.

Yaodong also insisted, "If you don't come with me, I'll go and get it myself. In case it doesn't fit properly, I'll have to spend more money on adjustments!"

The old lady was so angry that she hit him several times before reluctantly following him out.

She was also afraid of spending even more money.

(end of this chapter)


Awawawaw, is so wholesome ( ) I love it when MC make the lives of the people around them better, good for you Ah Dong!

Ah Dong and friends: (/)u( )()(*)( )(////)

Andd we got a new review! Thanks HelloHound! And yep, I bet Ah Dong's also tired of being nagged to all the time hehe. Oh, and the pop-up ads? Sorry about that guys, I was trying out adsterra since I can't get adsense to accept me (do you guys have any tips? like I see other websites using adsense just fine ( )) but once I checked and saw it popping up all the time I deleted it. It should be gone, or is it still there? Lemme know guys.

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