Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 93

Gu qiaoyue thought of the figure she had just seen. She felt puzzled and said in her heart: it should be that she read it wrong. How could he appear in the school.

But in my mind, I unconsciously crossed over what Si Moyan said last night. It seems that he said "see you tomorrow". Is he really at school?

"Tell me."

Seeing that Gu qiaoyue didn't speak for a long time, he quietly poked Gu qiaoyue's arm at Yurou gossip and asked.

"Say what?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded in the ears of Gu qiaoyue and Xiang Yurou, and the instructor's haunted face appeared in front of them.

"It's good. I'm deeply in love with my sisters. I'm still in the mood to chat here. Since you're so good, you two can stand in the military posture until lunch!"

The instructor said coldly, looked at others and said:

"Is there anyone else to stand up with them? If not, the others will dissolve and rest in place for ten minutes!"

While the instructor didn't pay attention, he said to Gu qiaoyue, "look, you know you're a crow mouth!"

What's wrong? I just said I had to stand until noon for dinner. See, it's not surprising.

"If you two talk to each other again, you won't have to eat lunch. Stand here until school!"

The instructor's faint voice sounded again over their heads.

Xiang Yurou quickly shut up.

Other students dissolved, only Gu qiaoyue and Xiang Yurou stood upright in the sun.

The instructor took advantage of this time to do his own things. The students in the class also relaxed, chattered and complained about the hard work of military training.

In the crowd, Zhang Cuicui coldly looked at the punished Gu qiaoyue and Xiang Yurou. A smile of schadenfreude flashed in her eyes and said in her heart: deserved it. She really thought everyone was facing you.

Zhang Xiaohe looked around quietly. He didn't see the instructor, so he quietly went to find Gu qiaoyue and Xiang Yurou's kettle and brought it to them.

"Qiao Yue, the rain is soft. The instructor is not here. Please drink some water quickly. The people who are crying in the sun are thirsty."

Zhang Xiaohe opened the lid for them and handed the water cup to them.

"Drink some quickly, or the instructor will come later."

Gu qiaoyue and Xiang Yurou were also a little thirsty. After receiving the water cup, they quickly drank some.

In the crowd, Zhang Cuicui glared at Zhang Xiaohe fiercely, and whispered in her heart: you will be a good man, and said to the students on the side: "Zhang Xiaohe is seen by the instructor, and we must be punished again. The instructor obviously wants to be punished for making mistakes alone."

The students on the side looked here, frowned but didn't speak.

Her goal was not achieved. Zhang Cuicui curled her mouth and didn't say anything.

Looking at the direction of the teaching building, he smiled maliciously after seeing the instructor coming.

Look what you do now.

"Thank you, Xiao He." Gu qiaoyue smiled and thanked Yurou.

"You're welcome. Stop talking. Don't wait until the instructor finds out. The instructor is really. Why are we so strict on our first day of training."

Zhang Xiaohe said, took the water cup and went back. As soon as he looked back, he was suddenly pressed down by a shadow. Zhang Xiaohe turned white, subconsciously stepped back two steps, lowered his head and dared not speak.

Gu qiaoyue and Xiang Yurou can't bear to look straight at each other. Should they be so lucky? They can be caught drinking water.

"What are you doing?"

The voice of the cold-blooded instructor sounded over Zhang Xiaohe's head. Zhang Xiaohe shook his head again and again: "no, nothing?"

"Nothing. What are you taking?"

The instructor's eyes were just on the two kettles in Zhang Xiaohe's hand. He looked up, looked at Gu qiaoyue and Xiang Yurou, who were standing there motionless, and smiled.

Zhang Xiaohe hurriedly said, "I went to fetch water just now!"

"Put down the kettle and come and stand with them!" the instructor suddenly raised his voice and shouted.

Zhang Xiaohe was shocked by his voice, his body trembled, his shoulders collapsed, and his face looked bitter.

"What are you doing? Don't go quickly!" the instructor shouted coldly.

Zhang Xiaohe didn't hesitate. He hurried to put down the kettle and came to Gu qiaoyue and Xiang Yurou.

Gu Qiao glanced at the instructor, watched him leave again, smiled bitterly and said, "it's bothering you."

Zhang Xiaohe said, "it's all right. I'm used to doing farm work at home. I just stand for a while. What I can stand is the softness of the rain..."

He threw his lips at Yurou and whispered, "I'm all right. I've practiced karate for five years. You'd better worry about yourself."

Zhang Xiaohe looks at Gu qiaoyue again.

Gu qiaoyue glanced at her and smiled.

"I'm fine, too."

Zhang Xiaohe whispered, "we'd better not talk, or we'll be found by the instructor and have no lunch."

After a ten minute break, the students in the class began to practice walking in unison and turning left and right. Gu qiaoyue stood behind the team, standing straight and admiring the students who could move freely.

Although it is September, the weather at noon is still very hot.

At more than ten o'clock, the sun was already very poisonous. Under the sun, the three people were sweating. Standing so straight was much harder than others.

The class team rested in place again, and the instructor paced to the three with his back hands.

"How's it going? Are you tired?"

Gu qiaoyue glanced at him and shouted, "not tired!"

"I talked about military training at the beginning. When talking to the instructor, you should first shout the report."

"Report to the instructor, not tired!" Gu qiaoyue shouted, but said in her heart: if you have the ability, you will know whether you are tired or not. Do you have to let them say these insincere words? Is it interesting?

The instructor glanced at her and said, "you are both involved."

"Report to the instructor, I know!" Gu qiaoyue replied loudly again.

Sow discord, bad man!

The instructor paced among the three, came up to Zhang Xiaohe and said, "you just sent water to them. It's good and loyal."

Zhang Xiaohe shut his mouth and didn't speak.

Gu qiaoyue skimmed her lips, boasting enough righteousness and punishing others. Isn't this self contradictory? Thanks to you.

The instructor stamped his feet and went to xiangyurou. He smiled and said, "aren't you afraid of tanning in such a big sun? Why don't you go and have a rest."

If we are so obviously insincere, we will believe it.

Gu qiaoyue and Xiang Yurou thought at the same time.

However, Zhang Xiaohe believed it and thought he could really rest. He moved immediately and said happily, "really? Thank you, instructor!"

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