Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 41

Gu qiaoyue thought about it and agreed.

We have been helped by Si Moyan several times. It's time to thank others.

Moreover, if you want to hold he Jinchen's thigh, you can't just help buy bottles before. You have to make further contact and contact more. Only when you move around can you bring the relationship closer.

On this thought, Gu qiaoyue said, "I'll set up a stall tomorrow. When we're sold out, sell some gifts and thank others."

"Yes, I've been helped by others these times. Yes, thank them very much." Wu Honglian also said repeatedly.

The next day, Gu qiaoyue set out early in the morning.

Gu Changsheng got up late. I didn't know that Gu qiaoyue had set out. When he got up in the morning, he went there again. Gu qiaoyue was no longer at home.

Knowing that he had gone to the county, he quickly went back and said, and called Gu Dahai and Gu Dajun to go to the county to find Zhang Yang.

As soon as they discussed, they asked Zhang Yang to open a room in the county hostel and wait.

Said they would get Gu qiaoyue and send it to him.

Zhang Yang was nervous and excited at the thought of getting Gu qiaoyue right away.

It is said that wine can strengthen the courage of heroes. They simply bought two bottles of wine and poured it down. Now they are more excited.

Gu Changsheng went to the place where Gu qiaoyue's family set up a stall. From a distance, they saw that they were still setting up a stall and their business was good.

"What now?" Gu Dahai asked.

They are all together. It seems difficult to start.

"Wait," Gu Changsheng said.

I don't believe she doesn't go to the bathroom, there's nothing else... As long as she's alone, their chance comes.

Gu qiaoyue came to set up a stall early in the morning. Seeing that things were almost sold, he said:

"Mom, you buy it first. I'll watch and buy some gifts. We'll go to uncle he's house later."

Zhang Peipei nodded and told, "buy more and buy good ones."

"I see." Gu qiaoyue turned and left.

This is the gate of the factory. The whole street is full of farmers from nearby villages who come to set up stalls to sell their own things. There are no stores or supply and marketing cooperatives.

Now the era of ticket purchase has just passed, and supply and marketing cooperatives still exist, but there are more retail stores such as canteens, and the things in the canteens are cheaper than those in supply and marketing cooperatives. Most people are willing to go to stores to buy things.

As soon as Gu Changsheng and others saw Gu qiaoyue leave alone, they immediately followed up.

Gu Dajun and Gu Dahai each carried a stick. Gu Changsheng took a big sack and followed Gu qiaoyue for some time. He looked at a place where there was no one and was ready to do it.

Gu qiaoyue noticed that someone was following him. He suddenly turned back and saw Gu Changsheng.

"What are you doing?"

Gu Changsheng and Gu qiaoyue didn't expect that Gu qiaoyue would suddenly turn back. They were nervous. Gu Dahai directly hit Gu qiaoyue with a stick.

Facing the three big men, Gu qiaoyue didn't have a weapon to take advantage of. Knowing that he was invincible, he turned and ran away.

But as soon as I turned around, there was a pain in the back of my head.

Gu qiaoyue stumbled and dared not stay.

It's definitely not a good thing for these people of the old family to appear here and give her a stick.

They haven't moved these days. Unexpectedly, they are waiting for themselves here.

Don't fall down.

Gu qiaoyue bit her teeth and ran forward desperately.

However, she is a girl. How can she be the opponent of three men with sticks.

Just after running for two steps, he was caught by someone with another stick around his neck.

The pain made her eyes glitter and her heart spit blood.

Do you really have to tell me here to live your life again?

"Gu Changsheng, you're dead, and your old family. As long as I Gu qiaoyue lives one day, you won't feel better!"

Gu qiaoyue bit her teeth and stared at Gu Changsheng and others with red eyes.

A double image has appeared in front of me. My brain is very heavy and heavy. It seems that I can fall down at any time.


Gu qiaoyue finally fell to the ground.

At the last moment of closing her eyes, she seemed to hear several screams, and the voice of men's concern echoed in her ears.

Gu qiaoyue tried to open her eyes, but only saw a pair of black polished leather shoes, followed by endless darkness.


Gu qiaoyue had a dream.

I dreamed that I was pushed downstairs by Zhang Yang again.

She was lying on the cold concrete ground, surrounded by many people. Zhang Yang was lying on the side crying her name.

She was in pain, especially in her head, as if she were going to be torn.

The neck hurts, too. The body is very heavy. It seems to have been crushed by something.

She struggled and tried to get up and uncover Zhang Yang's true face, but

No matter how hard she tries, she can't move.

Gradually, Gu qiaoyue felt her body getting lighter and lighter. She left her heavy body and floated in the air.

She looked at herself lying in a pool of blood, but her heart calmed down a little.

She's already dead, isn't she?

Looking at Zhang Yang crying loudly on the side, the voice was almost roaring, which seemed to contain endless pain... There was someone comforting him on the side, so that he could live with sorrow and change.

However, she could see clearly that there were no tears in his eyes.

Not far behind him, a woman looked at this side from a distance, sneered and turned away.

The woman Gu qiaoyue knew. It was Zhang Yang's woman outside. Everyone knew her existence. Only she was foolishly hidden from the drum.

Gu qiaoyue wanted to catch up, but she couldn't leave it. She could only float above her body.

Soon, the police came.

She heard Zhang Yang tell the police that she jumped from a building because of too much work pressure.

The police investigated the scene and soon concluded that she committed suicide.

The case is over.

Soon, Zhang Yang remarried in a few days.

They lived in the house she bought with hard-earned money, but the only son she left behind was called by them as servants, and dropped out of junior high school.

She was worried about her son and was always reluctant to leave. Although she could do nothing, she still wanted to see her son grow up safely and greedily

And she stayed here for a long time


She heard the woman call someone and say she was pregnant and didn't want to see her son again.

The woman is talking to someone about killing her son.

Gu qiaoyue was scared to death, but she couldn't do anything. She ran to find her son, but watched a big truck hit her son.

She lay on her son and burst into tears to get him up, but there was no end.

Soon, the police investigated the scene, but the driver who caused the accident had escaped and could not make a final decision for the time being.

At this time, suddenly a man wearing polished black leather shoes came with a somewhat obscene man.

She heard them say that the man was the driver of the accident and was just caught by the man.

She cried too much and her eyes were blurred. She didn't see the man in black leather shoes clearly. She only heard someone call him president again.

"General manager?!"

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