Awakening the Daily Intelligence System

Chapter 81: 80, remember, this is the consequence of causing trouble in our group (18th update)_1

Chapter 81: 80, remember, this is the consequence of causing trouble in our group (18th update)_1

Translator: 549690339


grew heavier and heavier.

Even when the wipers were set to the fastest setting, visibility remained very poor.

Zhang Li’s driving skills and temperament were indeed very good. He was calm while driving, yielding to others who wanted to overtake, and not speeding up when there were fewer cars. He always maintained the maximum speed allowed by the road.

If Lin Mo had been there, he would have secretly admired Zhang Li. Such composure was incredible.

However, Lin Siyu was getting impatient. She glanced at her watch from time to time, urging, “Zhang Snail, I’m begging you, please drive a little faster.

Otherwise, my brother’s in-laws might get anxious waiting!”

Sitting in the back seat, Xu Qin chided her, “You girl, didn’t I tell you not to rush him? Why do you keep pestering him? Li, don’t listen to her, just take it slow. There’s no rush to eat, safety comes first!”

“Ah, I’ll try my best to be quick!” Zhang Li nodded earnestly and sped up a little, but not by much.

He cleverly managed not to offend either side.

Seeing this scene, Lin Changshui lowered his voice and said, “Wife, I take back what I said before. This boy really isn’t stupid, he’s quite savvy.”

“Keep your voice down, or the kid might hear you,” Xu Qin glared at him.

The minivan traveled towards the destination at a steady pace, and after exiting the Luobei Highway, smoothly turned right onto a small two-lane road as instructed by the navigation.

Zhang Li glanced at the navigation information and reported, “Uncle and Auntie, just follow this road straight to the restaurant Lin mentioned. It should be about ten minutes.”

Xu Qin nodded with a smile, “Good, good, you’ve really gone to a lot of trouble for us!”

“Old man, call our son and tell them we’re about to arrive!”

“Why call? Won’t it be the same if we call when we get there?” Lin Changshui said, not wanting to make the call, yet honestly took out his phone.

He opened WeChat, found his son’s familiar profile picture, entered the chat screen, and readied his other hand to press the video call button.

Xu Qin also straightened her bangs, preparing to be seen on camera.

But suddenly,

at that moment.

Through the rain curtain, a bright light shone directly at them. Immediately after, the roar of an engine and the piercing and shrill sounds of a horn and brake were heard.


Everything happened too fast. Instinctively hugging Xu Qin, Lin Changshui hadn’t fully reacted before a loud noise exploded next to his ear, and his body was hit by an airbag deploying-


The lit-up phone tumbled out of the car window, displaying a notification.

[The other party is busy.]

The torrential rain pounded down.

The sudden horrific car accident instantly threw the entire road into chaos.

Cars screeched to an emergency halt, and the drivers looked around in panic at the colliding truck and minivan.

“Damn, what happened? What’s going on?!”

“That scared the hell out of me, a car accident…”

“It’s a severe one!”

“Save them, go down and save them!!!”

“So frightening!!”

“Hello, is this the police? There’s been a car accident on Fengmin Highway, please come quickly, it’s very serious, the minivan is completely deformed!”

Vehicles were haphazardly obstructing the road.

Many people got out of their cars despite the rain.

There were spectators, those who wanted to help, and those calling for an ambulance.


some distance from the accident site, in the emergency lane, sat a brand-new, black Audi A8 with hazard lights flashing.

The driver’s seat was occupied by a middle-aged man in a neat suit, dark sunglasses, and a scar on his face.

He watched the nearby accident scene expressionlessly. After a few minutes, ensuring no one crawled out of the minivan, he took out his phone, snapped a few photos, and made a call.

Dialing… Dialing…

The call was answered after a moment.

Yet there was no sound from the other end.

The man with the scarred face and sunglasses seemed accustomed to this. His voice was very respectful as he reported, “Boss, the task is completed. Though the minivan tried to swerve at the end, it still got hit solidly. The people inside are unlikely to survive.”

“Do you want me to confirm the deaths?”

An indifferent voice came through the phone, “No need, that’s enough.”

“Understood,” he replied.

After hanging up the call, the scarred man started the car and drove slowly in the direction opposite to the accident. As he was about to turn, he glanced in the rear-view mirror at the horrific accident scene and murmured expressionlessly, “Remember this, this is what happens to those who cross our boss.”

In Rakshasa City, Qin Zhen Seafood Farmhouse Fun.

Inside the private room.

Lin Mo’s mother-in-law was amusing Lin Xiaoxiao, while Li Lingling was discussing women’s topics with Li Jinwen.

Liu Miao and Lin Mo, along with his father-in-law, listened to the elder speak about his glorious past and the experiences and lessons he had accumulated over a lifetime.

To be honest, the atmosphere was many times better than on the day Lin Mo got married!

Lin Mo knew very well, even though he and Li Jinwen had been married for ten years, perhaps it was from today that he truly became the son-in-law in the eyes of his parents-in-law.

It took a long time, but it was a good start nonetheless.

More interaction and visits in the future would certainly strengthen their bond.

After all, sincerity begets sincerity, reciprocity is the way of life.

Being able to ease the relationship with his parents-in-law also lifted a burden that had weighed on Lin Mo for many years.

At this moment, a waiter pushed the door open, bowed slightly, and asked, “Mr. Lin, may we serve the dishes now?”

She had already come to ask twice before.

Lin Mo glanced at the time and his brows furrowed slightly.

Something’s not right,

Didn’t they say it would take 20 minutes to arrive?

Why haven’t they arrived yet?

“Um…” Lin Mo, feeling somewhat uneasy, turned to his parents-in-law and asked, “Dad, are you hungry? Shall we… let them start serving the dishes?” “How could we do that! I must criticize you for this!” The father-in-law shook his head, speaking very seriously, “We Huaxia honor etiquette. Where is the etiquette? It’s in all aspects of life!”

“How can we start the meal without the elders present?”


The scholarly air is kicking in again.

Feeling helpless, Lin Mo then turned to his mother-in-law and asked, “Mom, if you’re hungry, I can ask them to serve some appetizers first.”

The mother-in-law also shook her head, “It’s alright, no rush. I ate quite a bit this morning and I’m not hungry yet. Give your in-laws another call, see where they are.”

The father-in-law immediately added, “It is easy to remain seated but hard to travel. You only need to inquire, do not rush your in-laws, do you hear me?” “Alright, alright, I’ll listen to you!”

After ten years of marriage, Lin Mo was finding his father-in-law to be quite an interesting character for the first time.

He then stood up and walked to the window, gazing at the torrential rain outside.

Is the delay due to the heavy rain?

Are they stuck in traffic?

With a slight frown, Lin Mo found his father’s WeChat and called him.


[The other party is on another call.]


Lin Mo’s eyebrows raised, who could he be video calling with?

After a pause, he then found Lin Changshui’s phone number and dialed it.

Beep… beep-beep… beep-beep-beep…

[Sorry, the number you have dialed is temporarily unreachable…]


What’s happening?

Lin Mo’s brows couldn’t help but furrow even more, unreachable?

What’s going on?

He immediately switched back to the WeChat interface and tried to send another video call.

This time there was no ‘busy’ notice, but nobody answered the call.

It shouldn’t be like this…

At this time, they should be sitting in the car, how could they not hear their phones…

Or could it be that Dad’s phone is broken?

Lin Mo’s mind raced with possibilities.

“What’s wrong?” Li Jinwen, sensing something amiss, walked over.

“I don’t know, no one is picking up Dad’s phone or WeChat!” Lin Mo felt an inexplicable discomfort inside, but he didn’t overthink it for the moment and called his mother’s number while saying to Li Jinwen, “Call your little sister!” “Okay!” Li Jinwen took out her phone and made the call.

Beep… beep-beep…

Both calls were made one after the other.

And subsequently, the same woman’s voice followed in each:

[Sorry, the number you have dialed is temporarily unreachable…]

[Sorry, the number you have dialed is temporarily unreachable…]

All of them unreachable?

Did they all switch off their phones?

Or are they all out of signal?

Looking at the heavy rain outside the window, this made the uneasiness in Lin Mo’s heart grow more intense…

[Chapter 18, seeking monthly votes, updating in progress’-]

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