Ascension of the Monster Queen

Chapter 56: King's opinion

Later that night, after Nessa had finished freshing up in the maids' quarters, which were quite neat and comfortable, she had dinner and fed Akio before returning to her duties for the night, which included taking care of the king, while Akio remained hidd within her shadows.

'I knew I wanted to meet the king, but I never expected to be able to meet him so soon, though this is better, I have be away from the town for a while now, and I have a feeling I won't be going back anytime soon,' Nessa thought as she tered the king's room and saw him sitting on the bed.

"Your highness," She said and he looked at her and th smiled.

"Nessa, I just finished freshing up, I am glad to see you," He replied and she smiled.

"Wait, I'll be right back," She said th left and wt to the kitch, where she took out his dinner and a glass of milk and took it to his room, where he looked at her as she placed the tray on his bed.

"There you go, joy your dinner," She said as he looked at the food and th sighed.

"What's the matter?" If you don't want that, I can go make something else for you." He took her hand in his, and she looked at him as he gtly smiled at her.

"There's no need to worry so much, Nessa, it's fine, thinking about a few things can get me worked up sometimes, I'm sorry and this meal is perfect, thank you very much, I'm glad my nephew got someone to my liking for this," He replied, and she smiled before sitting on a chair near the bed and the king began eating his dinner.

'He is a gtle soul; how long will it take for him to heal properly?' How much longer must I put up with that perverted bastard before returning the people's beloved king?' Nessa wondered since she heard a few people talking pure good about their king, but was confused about what was going on.

"Master, it will take at least a month for him to recover; he has be doing this for far too long, which is why it will take that long; will you be able to stay here that long?" Miss Notice asked, and Nessa remembered those waiting for her back in the town but knew that she couldn't turn her back on this and ev she could gain the alliance she desired from it ev though she was not doing it for that.

While the king was eating his food, he looked at Nessa and smiled.

"You seem a bit lost, is there something bothering you?" The king asked and she looked at him, th smiled.

"Not quite, I'm just wondering if there's anything I can do to help you out of this situation, and if you don't mind me asking, do you have any other family members?" He sighed after she asked.

"Yes, in fact, I do, I have a son and a daughter, my wife passed away a long time ago, my daughter wt studying a few months ago, that's wh my nephew came and my son which is older than her is in another kingdom, I tried reaching out to them, but got no reply, I am glad my nephew is here, sweetheart, we can't control what happs to us, anything is possible in this world, only pray for the best," He responded as she lowered her head, knowing that the prince had prevted the king's messages from reaching his family.

'What kind of person would do something like this to someone?' I'm getting angrier by the minute, I want to rip him apart right now, but I can't, I'm staying here until the king gets better, I'll deal with this myself ev if I'm an outsider, I don't care,' Nessa thought.

"Where are you from, Nessa?" The king asked.

"Far away from here, I came here with the inttion of bettering people's lives, but now I have to do other things as well, things I didn't plan on doing, this world we live in can be cruel at times," She responded.

"I agree with you there kid, it could be, a few months ago I heard a lot of things have be changing and I'm not ev sure if it's for the better or for the worse," He said.

"I can tell you more about the changes, I saw a few happing," She replied as he looked at her.

"Really?" He asked, and she nodded, and he sighed, relieved.

"Thank you, no one tells me about these things, I'm the king and I can't ev see my won kingdom, I might die with a lot of regrets," He said and she smiled.

"Don't worry about it all, there is still time, try to relax and think positive for now, I will tell you that a nation with monsters is currtly building," She replied as he stared at her.

"Are you serious?" He asked.

"Yeah, is that a good thing or a bad thing to you?" She asked.

"Well, I think that would be a good thing, but it depds on who is ruling that nation; you can't just judge things like that; you have to see for yourself and th judge, but I personally think that might be a good thing," He responded, and she smiled.

"That's good to hear coming from you, your highness," She said and he glanced at her.

"Do you think it's a good idea, Nessa?" He asked.

"Yes, I do, monsters deserve to live in peace as well, not all of them are bad, like humans, am I wrong?" She asked and he chuckled.

"No, you're not wrong, kid, you're right on point, some monsters are not that differt from humans, to be honest, I think some are ev better than us," He responded and she smiled.

"I'm glad you agree with me; now please finish your meal and take your medications, th get some rest, it's getting late and I was warned not to stay in here too long," She said, his eyes narrowing.

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