Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 511 Deal

"Uh huh… you will not speak of this to my wives when we return. Understand?"

"Sure~" She responded, but just judging from her tone, I could tell she was going to be a little shit and inform everybody as to what occurred in there.

"Fine, what do you want? Candy or something? A castle? Handsome men? Beautiful women? I can give you anything you want… well, within my capabilities."

"Give me somebody I can trust," She responded, and as she looked at me with a pretty serious expression, I couldn't help but feel my heart ache.

"As you wish, little princess."

As the two idiots over there were arguing, I couldn't help but hug my granddaughter even tighter as she was just so goddamn pitiful.

"Hey! Stop moving, and let me beat you up!" The devil shouted, but the woman managed to squirm her way out from beneath the devil and stand up, almost trying to bare a pair of fangs as she hissed at the devil.

"Stay away, asshole!" She shouted, trying to cover up just how much she missed the devil as they had been separated for what seemed to be centuries, just judging by the stories I'd heard.

"Tch… anyway, Arpious, I can't give you what you want. That many planes would be insulting to the spirits, and they would be on my ass within a week. I'm pretty sure they might even harass your family… but I can offer you something in equivalent exchange… a position within hell that will give you so much power you can come down from any plane, and you would already be god,"

"That's a sweet offer… but how would the inhabitants down there think of us? Plus, we can't just leave this place unattended. It's currently on the brink of war,"

"Well, that's not my problem, is it? You're the ones who made it this way, so you should be the ones to solve it?"

"Then give me assistance. Some troops from hell to quell the raging armies that are beginning to stir across my plane,"

"No need. You and your wives will be granted the title of 'Demon Lord'. From there, you can summon your own armies of demons and pull upon my own men. Don't worry… I have millions of soldiers for you to tap into,"

"And then… your end of the deal is to marry you, right? Do you have any other spouse that I have to worry about?" I asked, and the devil suddenly turned to the woman taking a defensive stance across the black void. "Huh… that's right…" I chuckled just a bit.

"That's right. Marry me, but that doesn't mean you'll be above the Kings of Hell. Also, let me take this pest from your soul… there is something I want to do with her… after all, it's been so long since I've seen her… I want to have a little chat,"

"Is it really that easy? You can just rip her out of my soul?"

"Well, not so much, but I can attempt. Not now, though… we'll do all of this in a bit as I have to set up the ceremony and shit. Can't just deem you all demon lords without hyping up the crowd a bit," She lightly chuckled.

Just as I was about to cut in and ask her another question, she snapped her fingers, causing us to appear in the rickety old house with the demon within my soul being sucked back into me.

The devil was nowhere to be seen, and I was confused as to when she would return, but it was not like I could even do anything about it.

"Grandmother… what the fuck just happened?"

"*sigh*... I don't even want to know,"

(Devil POV)

"Your highness, you can't just leave hell like that!" my assistant shouted as I returned to the dark and hellish palace from which I resided in. "You're lucky the kings didn't make a move!"

"Like I care if the kings make a move. I'll crush them anyway, whether they like it or not," I shrugged, tearing the bright and cheery tone off my face and returning to my calm and cold expression.

"Geez…" My assistant groaned as the stress of me leaving for so long had been clearly getting to her.

"Don't worry, the plan succeeded. We'll proceed with tearing my asshole husband- er, I guess wife out and then splitting her into a new draconic frame. I'm sure she wants her previous body back, but I want to make sure she really won't leave again," I lightly chuckled, causing my assistant to visibly shiver before walking right up next to me.

"And what about the woman? Arpious, was that her name?"

"Don't worry; she's the main course. Marrying her will help me suppress the kings completely, as granting somebody as powerful as her the title of demon lord would put her at the equivalent of a king of hell,"

"What happened to the wives? And the granddaughter? Will you just drop them from your plan?"

"Eh, we'll see how things go. They're not valuable for me in the slightest, but if I want to win over this fucking siren… then I'll entertain her women for just a bit,"

"And the-"

"Yes, yes, I know… the granddaughter. Well, I'll just leave her with Arpious' status as a sign that I am all-powerful and she cannot go against me. But, eventually, I'll take her under my wing… as her rage is quite useful,"

As I finally arrived at my office, I began to fill out new forms to get the ceremony ready but made sure only my trustworthy assistant was aware of this, as I knew there were a few moles within my palace.

I couldn't detect them since they were one of the king's personal sets of spies… but if they learn about it, so be it.

"I'll fucking demolish them anyway," I sadistically smiled before signing away the papers and preparing the final step in my rise to an absolute god. "Now, Arpious… you better not ruin this for me,"

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