Archwizard K’s Journey In The Cultivation World

Case 62: Lovers’ quarrel.

Case 62: Lovers’ quarrel.

In the past, Kierra and August were practically inseparable.

As lovers, they would travel together, eat together, and sleep together. This was natural. However, because they never fought against one another, people had no idea which one was stronger.

Was it the Sword Empress whose talents dwarfed those of the best swordsman in history by many folds? Or was it the Crimson Archwizard who shook the world with her sheer genius, reaching the tenth circle at the tender age of thirty?

Even after the two separated, this debate continued on. They weren't sure who would emerge victoriously, yet they knew for a fact that if they fought, even the planet they were on would face the risk of being decimated.

Their power was simply too enormous.

Both Kierra and August knew this. As such, when arranging this duel, they unanimously agreed on certain restrictions for both sides. They wouldn't want to kill this planet for nothing. 

Following the agreement, Kierra would only use spells under ten stars; her summons were prohibited, and Cosmos was also banned. As for August, she would refrain from using techniques capable of inflicting permanent damage on the fabric of reality and limit her mana output by a percentage.



Under the starry sky, the two stood some distance from each other. Clutching the brim of her hat, Kierra gently narrowed her eyes.

''...Be prepared.'' She said.

At this, August unsheathed her sword, smiling.

''I'm always prepared for you, darling.''

''Still has the composure to flirt, hah...''

With a slightly annoyed expression, Kierra lightly tapped her heel onto the ground, and at that instance, an intense burst of aura surged out like a tsunami, quickly claiming space for itself. Not losing to the archwizard, August also exploded her golden mana, radiating heat and light akin to the sun.


This was a term that referred to a master's sphere of presence, in which they gained a significant advantage over their enemies. Whoever seized this first advancement would surely be the one standing at the end... if they weren't these two, that was.

As both Kierra's and August's territories clashed with one another, a massive wave of distorted mana was discharged to the surroundings, immediately flattening the ground to near perfection.

No one won.

Yet, keeping their territories up was a must. So, the two began to engage in the fight fully. Kierra quickly took off to the sky and began to chant around a dozen spells, trailing a cluster of rainbow formations following her figure.

Meanwhile, August's sword began to glow a tranquil golden. When she lightly took a step forward—


As soon as the sound of her heel rang, she disappeared entirely from the spot and emerged right in front of Kierra. Her slender sword twitched, and the next moment, it had already made a wide cut across the archwizard's torso. 


However, August felt instinctive—she didn't cut anything.

The mirage quickly faded away, leaving only a barrage of potent magic bombs behind. Even masters would struggle to survive against this much firepower, yet the Sword Empress lightly raised her mana shield and confidently faced the attack.

Just like that, a deafening explosion took place in the sky, shaking the ground as if an earthquake was running rampant.

When August eventually emerged unscathed, she instantly made a wide slash upward, subsequently slicing the meteor coming her way into halves. 

Her gaze was always on Kierra, who floated high in the sky.

The next moment, the meteorites rammed themselves into the ground with immense momentum, melting away the rocks and causing a devastating eruption. The whole area was lit up, and amidst the blinding light, August, once again, lightly stepped forward in the air.


Sensing the Sword Empress's presence behind her, Kierra turned around and unleashed her spell.

⌈Ice Prison—7★⌋

A sturdy cage of ice manifested in a matter of milliseconds. Inside, multiple chains tied August's limbs, fixing them in place. One of the first strategies Kierra realized when preparing for the duel was to restrain the Sword Empress.

Even though it might look as though August knew teleportation, she was just moving too fast. So, seizing her mobility was crucial.

Nevertheless, August's face was calm.

''When did you become this lukewarm?'' She smirked at Kierra.

''This much is enough.'' Kierra coldly snorted.

''Hahah...! Even though you say that, aren't you just becoming mellow while hanging out with those weaklings?'' August shook her head mockingly. ''It's just like when we began dating.''

In reality, Kierra, in her later years, was ruthless. It was a combination of boredom and laziness that prompted her to finish her opponents quickly. However, Kierra, in her twenties, was an absolute sweetheart as far as August was concerned. She was kind, sympathetic, bashful, and adorable.

''Really... you're making it harder and harder for me to give up.''

A dangerous glint flashed in August's golden pupils, sending a shiver to Kierra. Before the archwizard knew it, August had vanished within the ice cage.


Impossible. She didn't feel anything, even with her absolute mana perception!

''I didn't just play around, you know?''

Suddenly, Kierra felt warmth behind her back. From nowhere, a pair of arms ran above her shoulders and hugged her neck. Assaulted by the nostalgic yet alluring scent from her former lover, and while feeling her body heat enveloping her skin, Kierra felt as though strength was escaping from deep within her.

At this moment, not even her proud ten circles of mana could work properly. 


Against this Kierra, August easily cupped Kierra's pretty chin and turned the archwizard's face toward hers. 


Kierra widened her eyes as her lips were swiftly stolen. The softness, the warmth, the obsessiveness within that kiss—it was the same as she remembered. For a moment, her brain nearly melted.

A long silence hung in the place as the two connected. Only after a long while did August finally retreat, licking her lips deliciously.

''I lost. Let's stop this meaningless fight.'' August softly said. ''It's been a long time. I want us to enjoy our time together.''


Kierra was deep in thought. For one, contrary to August's kind words, her hand was already creeping into Kierra's robe, grazing her tender skin on the bountiful mountains.

It was painfully clear that August had other intentions.

Yet, Kierra found herself wanting to compromise. She didn't feel repulsed at August's actions when she was supposed to—no, she yearned for it, almost instinctively.

Wryly, Kierra opened her mouth—


And nothing came out. She suddenly remembered the promise she made to herself a while ago: to once and for all put an end to this centuries-long fate. Whether she would tie the knot with August or cut the tie with her, she was determined to figure it out while fighting.

At that moment, Kierra felt her mind clearer than ever. Her heart thumped fast and loudly as if encouraging her, and finally, Kierra closed her eyes.

''I see.'' She muttered.

Mistaking this as a sign of submission, August boldly pushed her hand further inside, and that was when she felt Kierra's heartbeats... and her mana circulation.


Releasing herself from the archwizard, the Sword Empress retreated to the side, barely dodging the plasma beam coming from Kierra's back.

With a rare smile, Kierra turned around.

''Let's have a good time, shall we?''

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